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S2E01: The 48

Ai laik Okteivia kom Skaikru en ai gaf gouthru klin.
Ai laik Okteivia kom Skaikru en ai gaf gouthru klin.
I like Octavia come Sky-crew and I gotta-have go-through clean
1SG be Octavia from Sky-people and I want suicide SAT
I am Octavia of the Sky People and I wish to commit suicide.
...gouthru klir.
...gouthru klir.
go-through clear
passage safe
...safe passage.

S2E02: Inclement Weather

Sen yu swis daun, gada.
Sen yu swis daun, gada.
send you Swiss down gatherer
set-down 2SG knife SAT girl
Put your knife down, girl.
Teik em gonot raun o osir na trig yu op.
Teik em gonot raun o osir na trig yu op.
take him gone-out around or us-here gonna trigger you up
let 3SG leave SAT or 1PL.EXCL FUT shoot 2SG SAT
Let him go or we shoot.
Nou sen yu fut daun nowe.
Nou sen yu fut daun nowe.
no send you foot down no-way
NEG put-down 2SG foot SAT never
Don't take another step.
Hod yo trigplei op.
Hod yo trigplei op.
hold you-all trigger-play up
stop 2PL fire SAT
Hold your fire.
Ai laik Okteivia kom Skaikru...
Ai laik Okteivia kom Skaikru...
I like Octavia come Sky-crew
1SG be Octavia from Sky-people
I am Octavia of the Sky People...
Ai laik Indra kom Trigeda. Chit yu gaf?
Ai laik Indra kom Trigeda. Chit yu gaf?
I like Indra come Tree-gather ? you gotta-have
1SG be Indra from Woods-Clan what 2SG want
I am Indra of the Woods Clan. What do you want?
Hod op.
Hod op.
hold up
wait SAT

S2E03: Reapercussions

Den lus ai au.
Den lus ai au.
then loose I out
then untie 1SG SAT
Then untie me.
Trig of!
Trig of!
trigger off
fire SAT
Oso fous laik sou strik. Tomak don ge led op. Artigas nou laik gona kom nau.
Oso fous laik sou strik. Tomak don ge led op. Artigas nou laik gona kom nau.
us-all force like so streak Tomac don get laid up Artigas no like gunner come now
1PL.INCL force be EMPH small Tomac PAST PASS injure SAT Artigas NEG be warrior from now
Our numbers are too small. Tomac has been wounded. Artigas is not yet a warrior.
Chil au.
Chil au.
chill out
calm SAT
Stay calm.
Emo na gon raun mou badas.
Emo na gon raun mou badas.
them-all gonna gun around more badass
3PL FUT fight SAT more wonderful
They can fight harder.
Hod op. Den, oso na zog raun kom trikova. Yo tu: kamp raun emo tri. Artigas, yumi na ste stelt kom taim Ripa ge pul we kom emo honon. Den, oso na breik oso kru au.
Hod op. Den, oso na zog raun kom trikova. Yo tu: kamp raun emo tri. Artigas, yumi na ste stelt kom taim Ripa ge pul we kom emo honon. Den, oso na breik oso kru au.
hold up then us-all gonna Zerg around come tree-cover you-all two camp around them-all tree Artigas you-me gonna stay stealth come time Reaper get pull away come them-all hunt-one then us-all gonna break us-all crew out
stop SAT then 1PL.INCL FUT strike SAT from shadow 2PL two be.LOC SAT 3PL tree Artigas 1PL FUT be hidden until time Reaper PASS draw-away SAT from 3PL prisoner then 1PL.INCL FUT free 1PL.INCL people SAT
Stop. Then, we strike from the shadows. You two: take the trees. Artigas, you and I will remain hidden until the Reapers are drawn away from their prisoners. Then, we free our people.
Ba ha oso na pul emo we?
Ba ha oso na pul emo we?
but how us-all gonna pull them-all away
but how 1PL.INC FUT draw-away 3PL SAT
But how will we draw them out?
Ge ron 'i. Ma fig'ison sta kig'ron.
Ge ron 'i. Ma fig'ison sta kig'ron.
Come here. I think this one's alive.
Beja, sis osir au.
Beja, sis osir au.
beg-you assist us-here out
please help 1PL.EXCL SAT
Please help us.
Teik osir gonot kom hir.
Teik osir gonot kom hir.
take us-here gone-out come here
get 1PL.EXCL leave from here
Get us out of here.
Teik emo hod op.
Teik emo hod op.
take them-all hold up
make 3PL stop SAT
Make them stop.
Chomouda emo ste dula dison op?
Chomouda emo ste dula dison op?
? them-all stay do-like this-one up
why 3PL PROG do this SAT
Why are they doing this?
Du ste torch ai op.
Du ste torch ai op.
dude stay torture I up
3 PROG torture 1SG SAT
They are torturing me.
Du-de laik daun. Frag em op!
Du-de laik daun. Frag em op!
dude-there like that-one frag them up
3-EMPH be that kill 3SG SAT
She's the one. Kill her!
Em-de laik baga.
Em-de laik baga.
them-there like bad-guy
3SG-EMPH be enemy
She's the enemy.
Em ste torch osir op.
Em ste torch osir op.
them stay torture us-here up
She's torturing us.
Frag emo fisa op!
Frag emo fisa op!
frag them-all fixer up
kill 3PL healer SAT
Kill their healer!
Sis osir au...
Sis osir au...
assist us-here out
Help us...
Em laik won kom emo?
Em laik won kom emo?
them like one come them-all
3SG be one from 3PL
Is she one of them?
Teik ai, teik ai...
Teik ai, teik ai...
take I take I
take 1SG take 1SG
Take me, take me...
Lus ain au nes.
Lus ain au nes.
loose I-one out next
open 1SG.POSS SAT next
Open mine next.
Teik osir gonot.
Teik osir gonot.
take us-here gone-out
let 1PL.INCL leave
Let us out.
No, em-de laik fotowon!
No, em-de laik fotowon!
no them-there like ?-one
NEG 3SG-EMPH be bad-one
No, she's the bad one!
Chomouda yu ste dula dison op gon osir?
Chomouda yu ste dula dison op gon osir?
? you stay do-like this-one up gone us-here
why 2SG PROG do this SAT to 1PL.EXCL
Why are you doing this to us?
Ai na frag yu op.
Ai na frag yu op.
I gonna frag you up
1SG FUT kill 2SG SAT
I will kill you.
Sis au...
Sis au...
assist out
help SAT
Hod op, no--
Hod op, no--
hold up no
wait SAT NEG
Wait, no--
Komba hir--
Komba hir--
come-back here
return here
Come back--
Teik osir, beja!
Teik osir, beja!
take us-here beg-you
take 1PL.EXCL please
Take us, please!
Nou ban osir au! Nou ban osir au!
Nou ban osir au! Nou ban osir au!
no abandon us-here out no abandon us-here out
Don't leave us! Don't leave us!
Tobem of.
Tobem of.
top-them off
fill SAT
Fill it up.
Te'em'on ga odon.
Te'em'on ga odon.
take-them-one gone other-one
get-some for others
Grab some for the others.
Wab'lak y'odop? Zir la hongri.
Wab'lak y'odop? Zir la hongri.
What took you so long? We're hungry.
Zo'n te'z'on fos.
Zo'n te'z'on fos.
We'll take this one first.
A'ts stov'en, giba'zon.
A'ts stov'en, giba'zon.
I'm starving, give me some.
Wer'n ya go'ner, yu say'en?
Wer'n ya go'ner, yu say'en?
Where do you think you're going?
Dizon'ts os.
Dizon'ts os.
This one looks good.
Em l'an.
Em l'an.
She's mine.
Em la pros!
Em la pros!
It's a trap!
Hurry up!
Ma gou!
Ma gou!
My turn!
This way.
Ma gav Red.
Ma gav Red.
I need Red.
Ma'ts hongri.
Ma'ts hongri.
I'm hungry.
Te'emo ga Moblan.
Te'emo ga Moblan.
Save them for the Mountain Men.
Emo komb'ir!
Emo komb'ir!
They're coming!
Dizon'ts nonon.
Dizon'ts nonon.
This one looks tasty.
Go'm dan!
Go'm dan!
Zo sta go'ma'mba.
Zo sta go'ma'mba.
We're getting closer.
Tam'ma gatru sodwe zo na teg'ma we na ge hod op fou'ma hon da sobwe-de op.
Tam'ma gatru sodwe zo na teg'ma we na ge hod op fou'ma hon da sobwe-de op.
If they took the southern pass we should be able to head them off before they get to the tunnel.
Taim yu drag raun, taim yu ge ban au.
Taim yu drag raun, taim yu ge ban au.
time you drag around time you get behind out
COND 2SG lag SAT COND 2SG PASS leave-behind SAT
If you fall behind, you get left behind.
Oso souda lok em veida tro op fou bilaik emo hon emo sobwe-de op.
Oso souda lok em veida tro op fou bilaik emo hon emo sobwe-de op.
us-all should-a look them invader patrol up before be-like them-all hunt them-all subway-there up
1PL.INCL must find 3SG enemy patrol SAT before COND 3PL find 3PL subway-EMPH SAT
We must locate the raiding party before they reach the tunnels.
Pas daun, em bilaik--
Pas daun, em bilaik--
pass that-one them be-like
after that-one 3SG COP
After that, it is...
Yu gonplei ste odon.
Yu gonplei ste odon.
you gun-play stay all-done
2SG fight be finished
Your fight is over.
Shof op. Tri-de ste set yu op.
Shof op. Tri-de ste set yu op.
shut up tree-the stay set you up
quiet SAT tree-EMPH PROG listen 2SG SAT
Be quiet. The trees are listening.
Sobwe dou kamp raun hir. Oso na zog emo daun hir.
Sobwe dou kamp raun hir. Oso na zog emo daun hir.
subway door camp around here us-all gonna Zerg him-all around here
tunnel entrance be.LOC SAT here 1PL.INCL FUT strike 3PL SAT here
The entrance to the tunnels is here. We will ambush them here.
Dison laik yu strat? Tomak ge led op. Artigas laik skat nou mou--
Dison laik yu strat? Tomak ge led op. Artigas laik skat nou mou--
this-one like you strategy Tomac get laid up Artigas like ? no more
this be 2SG plan Tomac PASS wound SAT Artigas be boy no more
This is your plan? Tomac is wounded. Artigas is just a boy--
Emo don hon ai nontu daun. Ai na gon raun.
Emo don hon ai nontu daun. Ai na gon raun.
him-all done hunt I number-two down I gonna gun around
3PL PAST take 1SG father SAT 1SG FUT fight SAT
They took my father. I can fight.
Yu na gon raun ona ripa op?
Yu na gon raun ona ripa op?
you gonna gun around one-a reaper up
2SG FUT fight SAT ? Reaper ?
Can you fight a Reaper?

S2E04: Many happy returns

Drein daun. Drein daun.
Drein daun. Drein daun.
drain down drain down
drink SAT drink SAT
Drink. Drink.
Ai na tag yu laik Thilou.
Ai na tag yu laik Thilou.
I gonna tag you like Theelo
1SG FUT name 2SG be Theelo
I'll call you Theelo.
Chon yu bilaik? Hakom yu kamp raun hir?
Chon yu bilaik? Hakom yu kamp raun hir?
which-one you be-like how-come you camp around here
who 2SG be why 2SG be SAT here
Who are you? Why are you here?
Nomon, nontu, hod op! Ai don hon em op! Em slip daun kom skai!
Nomon, nontu, hod op! Ai don hon em op! Em slip daun kom skai!
number-one number-two hold up i done hunt him up him slip down come sky
mother father wait SAT 1SG PAST find 3SG SAT 3SG fall SAT from sky
Mother, father, wait! I found him! He came from the sky!
Ai don hon mou dina op!
Ai don hon mou dina op!
i done hunt more dinner up
1SG PAST find more food SAT
I found more food!
Hod yu rein daun.
Hod yu rein daun.
hold you rank down
mind 2SG rank SAT
Mind your place.

S2E05: Human Trials

No. Set daun.
No. Set daun.
no sit down
no stay SAT
No. Stay down.
Dula chit du biyo!
Dula chit du biyo!
do-like ? dude be-all
do what 3 say
Do what he says!
No! Set raun weron yu ste kamp!
No! Set raun weron yu ste kamp!
no sit around where-on you stay camp
no stay SAT where 2SG PROG be
No! Stay where you are!

S2E06: Fog of War

Konge osir taim bilaik odon.
Konge osir taim bilaik odon.
come-get us-here time be-like all-done
summon 1PL.EXCL when SUBORD finish
Fetch us when it's done.
Em don sad klin.
Em don sad klin.
them done said clean
3SG PAST choose SAT
He made his choice.
No... Dison laik ain.
No... Dison laik ain.
no this-one like I-one
NEG this-one be 1SG.POSS
No... This one's mine.
Ai don sen in chit bilaik ai gaf sen in.
Ai don sen in chit bilaik ai gaf sen in.
I done send in ? be-like I gotta-have send in
1SG PAST hear SAT what SUBORD I want hear SAT
I've heard what I need to hear.
Sha, Heda.
Sha, Heda.
sure header
yes commander
Yes, Commander.
Breik em au.
Breik em au.
break them out
free 3SG SAT
Free him.

S2E07: Long Into An Abyss

Yu gonplei ste odon.
Yu gonplei ste odon.
you gun-play stay all-done
2SG fight be over
Your fight is over.
you you fragger
2SG 2SG murderer
Beja...? Beja...? Beja...?
Beja...? Beja...? Beja...?
beg-you beg-you beg-you
please please please
Please...? Please...? Please...?
Nou wich em op.
Nou wich em op.
no ? them up
NEG believe 3SG SAT
Don't trust her.
Disha sontaim nou na ge wich in, Heda. Frag em op en dison laik odon.
Disha sontaim nou na ge wich in, Heda. Frag em op en dison laik odon.
this ? no gonna get ? in header frag them up and this-one like all-done
this story NEG FUT PASS believe SAT commander kill 3SG SAT and this be done
This story cannot be believe, Commander. Kill her and be done with it.
Dison laik son swima op ona rein.
Dison laik son swima op ona rein.
this-one like sun swimmer up on-the rain
this be dry fish SAT in rain
This is a waste of time.
Heda gaf get em in taim bilaik em seiso laik ridiyo.
Heda gaf get em in taim bilaik em seiso laik ridiyo.
header gotta-have them in time be-like them say-so like real-deal
Commander want know 3SG SAT if that 3SG claim be true
The Commander wants to see if her claims are true.
Oso ge ouyon klin kom baman, en oso nou na hon em in taim oso ste gon we raun brolgeda.
Oso ge ouyon klin kom baman, en oso nou na hon em in taim oso ste gon we raun brolgeda.
us-all get owe-one clean come ? and us-all no gonna hunt them in time us-all stay going away around brawl-gather
1PL.INCL PASS owe SAT from vengeance and 1PL.INCL NEG FUT get 3SG SAT if 1PL.INCL be go away from battlefield
We're owed vengeance, and we won't get it walking away from the battlefield.
Ai gaf jok yu joken swela au.
Ai gaf jok yu joken swela au.
I gotta-have jerk you jerking ? out
1SG want rip 2SG fucking throat SAT
I want to rip your fucking throat out.
Ai na rip of steiks-de kom yu joken klaka.
Ai na rip of steiks-de kom yu joken klaka.
I gonna rip off steaks-the come you jerking clacker
1SG FUT rip SAT meat-EMPH from 2SG fucking bones
I will tear the meat off your fucking bones.
Yu tombom dula laud. Em na hod op taim ai sponj em au en drein yu song daun.
Yu tombom dula laud. Em na hod op taim ai sponj em au en drein yu song daun.
you heart do-like loud them gonna hold up time I sponge them out and drain you song down
2SG heart do laud 3SG FUT stop SAT when 1SG drain 3SG SAT and drink 2SG blood SAT
Your heart beats loud. It will stop when I drain it and drink your blood.
Sen bilaik leda. Reya.
Sen bilaik leda. Reya.
seem be-like leather ?
smell be.FIG flesh raw
Smells like flesh. Raw.
Mou... gaf mou...
Mou... gaf mou...
more gotta-have more
more need more
More... Need more...
Maunon... Ste komba...
Maunon... Ste komba...
mountain-one stay come-back
Mountain-men PROG return
Mountain Men... Coming...
Jok of.
Jok of.
jerk off
fuck SAT
Fuck you.
Teik ai frag em op en dison laik odon.
Teik ai frag em op en dison laik odon.
take I frag them up and this-one like all-done
let 1SG kill 3SG SAT and this be done
Let me kill her and get this over with.
Shof op, Indra.
Shof op, Indra.
shut up indra
quiet SAT Indra
Be quiet, Indra.
Heda, ai ste beja yu daun teik ai frag em op!
Heda, ai ste beja yu daun teik ai frag em op!
header I stay beg-you you down take I frag them up
leader 1SG PROG beg 2SG SAT let 1SG kill 3SG SAT
Commander, I beg you, let me kill her.
Em pleni!
Em pleni!
them plenty
3SG enough

S2E08: Spacewalker

Kof ste ogud na teik em gona kamp raun emo hodgeda raun klinrona-de.
Kof ste ogud na teik em gona kamp raun emo hodgeda raun klinrona-de.
Koff stay all-good gonna take them gunner camp around them-all hold-gather around clean-runner-the
Koff be ready FUT make 3SG warrior go-to SAT 3PL position at river-EMPH
Koff is ready to move his warriors into position at the river.
Skaikru don ron emo seiso op. Du bilaik yo ste kwelen. Teik ai tich emo kaina uf yo gada in.
Skaikru don ron emo seiso op. Du bilaik yo ste kwelen. Teik ai tich emo kaina uf yo gada in.
sky-crew done run them-all say-so up dude be-like you-all stay qualiing take I teach them-all kind-of oof you-all gather in
Sky-people PAST give 3SG answer SAT 3 think 2PL be weak let 1SG teach them-all what-kind-of strength 2PL have SAT
The Sky People have given their answer. They think you are weak. Let me show them how strong you are.
Jus drein jus daun.
Jus drein jus daun.
juice drain juice down
blook drink blood SAT
Blood must have blood.
Teik yo gona kamp raun emo hodgeda.
Teik yo gona kamp raun emo hodgeda.
take you-all gunner camp around them-all hold-gather
make 2PL warrior go-to SAT 3PL position
Move your warriors into place.
Skaikru en Trikru ogeda.
Skaikru en Trikru ogeda.
sky-crew and tree-crew all-gather
Sky-people and Tree-people together
Sky People and Tree People.
Jus drein jus daun.
Jus drein jus daun.
juice drain juice down
blook drink blood SAT
Blood must have blood.
Ai laik Abi... Heda kom Skaikru...
Ai laik Abi... Heda kom Skaikru...
I like Abby header come Sky-crew
1SG be Abby leader from Sky-people
I am Abby... leader of the Sky People...
...en ai gaf... ...en ai gaf chich...
...en ai gaf... ...en ai gaf chich...
and I gotta-have and I gotta-have chit-chat
and 1SG want and 1SG want talk
...and I seek... ...and I seek to talk...
...en ai gaf chich op Gona Indra, em-de ste hed daun.
...en ai gaf chich op Gona Indra, em-de ste hed daun.
and I gotta-have chit-chat up gunner Indra them-the stay head down
and 1SG want talk SAT warrior Indra 3SG-EMPH be grieve SAT
...and I ask to talk to the Warrior Indra, the one who grieves.
Ste kamp raun Gonasleng.
Ste kamp raun Gonasleng.
stay camp around gunner-slang
PROG be.LOC SAT English
Stick to English.

S2E09: Remember Me

Chit yu gaf, Gostos?
Chit yu gaf, Gostos?
? you gotta-have Gustus
what 2SG want Gustus
What is it, Gustus?
Disha hukop ste get ai daun.
Disha hukop ste get ai daun.
this hook-up stay get I down
this alliance PROG worry 1SG SAT
I'm concerned about this alliance.
Ai get em in. Em hakom ai teik yu set raun.
Ai get em in. Em hakom ai teik yu set raun.
I get them in them how-come I take you set around
1SG know 3SG SAT 3SG why 1SG have 2SG stay SAT
I know. That's why I have you.
Veida! Ripa! Nou ogonzaun!
Veida! Ripa! Nou ogonzaun!
invader reaper no all-guns-down
invader murderer NEG truce
Invaders! Murderers! No truce!
Nou ogonzaun hir! Gon hou we, Skaikru!
Nou ogonzaun hir! Gon hou we, Skaikru!
no all-guns-down here gone home way sky-crew
NEG truce here go home SAT Sky-people
No truce here! Go home, Sky People!
Yu don ge ouyon klin kom sonraun kom disha hef gon em fotones. Kom wamplei, osir kof em op gon yu.
Yu don ge ouyon klin kom sonraun kom disha hef gon em fotones. Kom wamplei, osir kof em op gon yu.
you done get owe-one clean come sun-around come this hefter gone them ?-ness come wind-play us-here cough them up gone you
2SG PAST PASS owe SAT from life from this man for 3SG wickedness from death 1PL.EXCL give 3SG SAT to 2SG
You were owed this man's life as payment for his crimes. In death we offer him to you.
Yu gonplei ste odon.
Yu gonplei ste odon.
you gun-play stay all-done
2SG fight be done
Your fight is over.
En's ku.
En's ku.
them-stay cool
3SG-be cool
It's fine.
Heda. Hod op.
Heda. Hod op.
header hold up
commander wait SAT
Commander. Wait.
Thank you.
Ai na dula ai na du.
Ai na dula ai na du.
I gonna do-like I gonna do
1SG FUT do 1SG FUT do
I'll do all I can.
Heda, oso beda gon we kom nau. Ai na goch yu op.
Heda, oso beda gon we kom nau. Ai na goch yu op.
header us-all better gone away come now I gonna gotcha you up
commander 1PL.INCL should go SAT from now 1SG FUT escort 2SG SAT
Commander, we should leave at once. I'll escort you.
Emo don trana teik yu sonraun au. Nou ste klir na set raun hir.
Emo don trana teik yu sonraun au. Nou ste klir na set raun hir.
them-all done trying-to take you sun-around out no stay clear gonna set around here
3PL PAST try end 2SG life SAT NEG be safe FUT stay SAT here
An attempt was made on your life. It isn't safe to remain here.
Ai don biyo nou. Pad emo daun. Nau.
Ai don biyo nou. Pad emo daun. Nau.
I done ? no pat them-all down now
1SG PAST say NEG search them-all SAT now
I said no. Search them all. Now.
Hakom yu don bilaik daun?
Hakom yu don bilaik daun?
how-come you done be-like that-one
why 2SG PAST act-like that
How could you?
Ron emo taim op.
Ron emo taim op.
run them-all time up
give 3PL time SAT
Give them time.
Teik ai chich op klir?
Teik ai chich op klir?
take I chit-chat up clear
let 1SG speak SAT free
Permission to speak freely?
Ripa nou ge teik in hir.
Ripa nou ge teik in hir.
reaper no get take in here
murderer NEG PASS accept SAT here
Murderers are not welcome here.
Skaikru ste gouthru ona ai bana nau. Du bilaik trana kot daun daun na kof em sonraun op.
Skaikru ste gouthru ona ai bana nau. Du bilaik trana kot daun daun na kof em sonraun op.
sky-crew stay go-through on I banner now dude be-like trying-to cut that-one down gonna cough them sun-around up
Sky-people PROG going under 1SG banner now 3 SUBORD try undermine that SAT FUT pay-with 3SG life SAT
The Sky People march with us now. Anyone else who tries to undermine that will pay with their life.
Nou get yu daun, Gostos. Ogeda hukop ste ifi. Bilaik yu don tel ai op otaim, oso nou dula ogonzaun op gon oso lukot.
Nou get yu daun, Gostos. Ogeda hukop ste ifi. Bilaik yu don tel ai op otaim, oso nou dula ogonzaun op gon oso lukot.
no get you down Gustus all-gather hook-up stay iffy be-like you done tell I up all-time us-all no do-like all-guns-down up gone us-all look-out
NEG worry 2SG SAT Gustus all alliance be risky as 2SG PAST tell 1SG SAT always 1PL.INCL NEG do peace SAT with 1PL.INCL friend
Stop worrying, Gustus. All alliances are risky. Like you've always told me, we don't make peace with our friends.
Kom Trikru.
Kom Trikru.
come tree-crew
from Tree-People
Of the Tree People.
Gostos! Shuda daun! Nau!
Gostos! Shuda daun! Nau!
Gustus shooter down now
Gustus weapon down now
Gustus! Weapon down! Now!
Disha hukop na frag yu op, Heda. Ai nou don na teik em kom au.
Disha hukop na frag yu op, Heda. Ai nou don na teik em kom au.
this hook-up gonna frag you up header I no done gonna take them come out
this alliance FUT kill 2SG SAT commander 1SG NEG PAST FUT let 3SG happen SAT
This alliance will cost you your life, Commander. I couldn't let that happen.
Kom natronanes gon yu Heda en yu kru, yu nau na teik in Wamplei kom Thauz Kodon.
Kom natronanes gon yu Heda en yu kru, yu nau na teik in Wamplei kom Thauz Kodon.
come night-runner-ness gone you header and you crew you now gonna take in wind-play come thousand cut-one
from treason against 2SG Commander and 2SG people 2SG now FUT accept SAT death from thousand cut
For treason against your Commander and your people, you will now suffer Death by a Thousand Cuts.
En's ku. Ai keryon na komba raun na shil yu op.
En's ku. Ai keryon na komba raun na shil yu op.
them-stay cool I carry-on gonna come-back around gonna shell you up
3SG-be okay 1SG soul FUT return SAT FUT protect 2SG SAT
It's okay. My soul will return to protect you.
Nou get yu daun, Gostos. Bilaik yu don tel ai op otaim, ogeda hukop ste ifi.
Nou get yu daun, Gostos. Bilaik yu don tel ai op otaim, ogeda hukop ste ifi.
no get you down gustus be-like you done tell I up all-time all-gather hook-up stay iffy
NEG worry 2SG SAT Gustus as 2SG PAST tell 1SG SAT always all alliance be risky
Stop worrying, Gustus. Like you've always told me, all alliances are risky.
Dison nou ste seim taim oso teik twel kru-de gon ogeda.
Dison nou ste seim taim oso teik twel kru-de gon ogeda.
this-one no stay same time us-all take twelve crew-the gone all-gather
this NEG be same-as when 1PL.INCL make twelve clan-EMPH come together
This is not the same as uniting the twelve clans.
Disha Skaikru ste noseim. Mou bilaik Maunon kom oso.
Disha Skaikru ste noseim. Mou bilaik Maunon kom oso.
this-a sky-crew stay no-same more be-like mountain-one come us-all
this Sky-people be different more as Mountain-men than 1PL.INCL
These Sky People are different, they're more like the Mountain Men than us.
Em mebi na teik oso kongeda au.
Em mebi na teik oso kongeda au.
them maybe gonna take us-all come-gather out
3SG maybe FUT destroy 1PL.INCL coalition SAT
It could kill our coalition.
Oso kongeda ou ai?
Oso kongeda ou ai?
us-all come-gather or I
1PL.INCL coalition or 1SG
Our coalition, or me?
Yu sou laik kongeda-de, Heda.
Yu sou laik kongeda-de, Heda.
you so like come-gather-the header
2SG EMPH be coalition commander
You are the coalition, Commander.
Den dula yu du na shil ai op.
Den dula yu du na shil ai op.
then do-like you do and shell I up
then do 2SG duty and protect 1SG SAT
Then do your job and protect me.
Heda! Em klir.
Heda! Em klir.
header them clear
commander 3SG clear
Commander! All clear!
Heda! Heda! Monin hou!
Heda! Heda! Monin hou!
header header morning home
commander commander welcome home
Commander! Commander! Welcome back!
Skaikru don jak ething op kom ai: ai houmon, ai yongon--
Skaikru don jak ething op kom ai: ai houmon, ai yongon--
Sky-crew done jack everything up come I I home-one I young-one
Sky-people PAST take everything SAT from 1SG 1SG spouse 1SG child
Sky People took everything from me: my wife, my child-
Step of.
Step of.
step off
move SAT
Move aside.
Teik em kik raun.
Teik em kik raun.
take them kick around
let 3SG live SAT
Let him live.
Kru kom Tondisi... Raun faya, oso woda klin laudnes-de kom foutaim.
Kru kom Tondisi... Raun faya, oso woda klin laudnes-de kom foutaim.
crew come TonDC around fire us-all water clean loudness-the come before-time
people from TonDC in fire 1PL.INCL wash SAT pain-EMPH from past
People of Tondc... In fire, we cleanse the pain of the past.
Sou nou teik em wan op.
Sou nou teik em wan op.
so no take them wind up
EMPH NEG let 3SG die SAT
Don't let him die.
Gon yo we!
Gon yo we!
gone you-all away
go 2PL SAT
Everybody out!
Pad emo daun.
Pad emo daun.
pat them-all down
search 3PL SAT
Search them.
Heda. Dison don kamp raun em oukou.
Heda. Dison don kamp raun em oukou.
header this-one done camp around them overcoat
commander this PAST be-in SAT 3SG coat
Commander. This was in her coat.
Indra, hod op! Teik ai chich op kom emo.
Indra, hod op! Teik ai chich op kom emo.
Indra hold up take I chit-chat up come them-all
Indra wait SAT let 1SG speak SAT for 3PL
Indra, wait. Let me speak for them.
Yu sou laik emo.
Yu sou laik emo.
you so like them-all
You ARE them.
Teik em we.
Teik em we.
take him away
take 3SG SAT
Take her away.
Dison feikau, Heda.
Dison feikau, Heda.
this-one fake-out header
this trick commander
A trick, Commander.
Nou ge ponk klin.
Nou ge ponk klin.
no get punk clean
Don't be fooled.
Yu don ge finga au, Gostos. Ron ai ridiyo op.
Yu don ge finga au, Gostos. Ron ai ridiyo op.
you done get finger out gustus run I real-deal up
2SG PAST PASS accuse SAT Gustus give 1SG truth SAT
You have been accused, Gustus. Speak true.
Teik em set raun ona tri.
Teik em set raun ona tri.
take him set around on-the tree
make 3SG stay SAT on tree
Put him on the tree.
Ste yuj.
Ste yuj.
stay huge
be strong
Be strong.
Yu gonplei ste odon.
Yu gonplei ste odon.
you gun-play stay all-done
2SG fight be over
Your fight is over.

S2E10: Survival of the Fittest

Emo tag dison laik dina?
Emo tag dison laik dina?
them-all tag this-one like dinner
3PL call this be food
They call this food?
Shof op, Fiyou.
Shof op, Fiyou.
shut up Fio
quiet SAT Fio
Quiet, Fio.
Yu get klin mou beda.
Yu get klin mou beda.
you get clean more better
2SG know SAT more better
You know better.
No. A sta sed ran ko'moun.
No. A sta sed ran ko'moun.
No. I'm waiting for others.
Teik dison bilaik odon.
Teik dison bilaik odon.
take this-one be-like all-done
make this be finished
End this.
Em fali get in weron em kamp raun.
Em fali get in weron em kamp raun.
them finally get in where-on them camp around
3SG finally know SAT where 3SG sit SAT
She finally knows her place.
Chit nou frag ai op... na teik ai gon mou yuj.
Chit nou frag ai op... na teik ai gon mou yuj.
? no frag I up gonna take I gone more huge
what NEG kill 1SG SAT FUT make 1SG get more strong
What doesn't kill me... Makes me stronger.
Oso gonplei ste odon.
Oso gonplei ste odon.
us-all gun-play stay all-done
1PL.INCL fight be done
Our fight is over.
Hod op 'ya. Gon wo.
Hod op 'ya. Gon wo.
Stop here. Against the wall.
A sta gon endi.
A sta gon endi.
I'm getting hungry.
Watch them.
Zo sta gon we. Hoz op, hoz op!
Zo sta gon we. Hoz op, hoz op!
We're moving out. Let's go, let's go!
Pen, yu tag daun laik ponch?
Pen, yu tag daun laik ponch?
Penn you tag that-one like punch
Penn 2SG call that be punch
Penn, you call that a punch?
Gon em daun.
Gon em daun.
gun them down
fight 3SG SAT
Ste kamp daun.
Ste kamp daun.
stay camp down
PROG keep-down SAT
Stay down.
Melon op. Blinka au.
Melon op. Blinka au.
melon up blinker out
head up eye out
Heads up. Eyes open.
Mema oso du bilaik hed op thauz gona kamp raun trigeda.
Mema oso du bilaik hed op thauz gona kamp raun trigeda.
remember us-all ? be-like head up thousand gunner camp around tree-gather
remember 1PL.INCL ? be lead SAT thousand warrior be.LOC SAT forest
Remember, we're the ones with a thousand warriors in the trees.
Ogeda. Skaikru en Trikru.
Ogeda. Skaikru en Trikru.
all-gather sky-crew and tree-crew
together Sky-people and Tree-people
Together. Sky people and Tree people.
Yu sou don set raun der en ai em op taim ai stegeda don ge flosh klin.
Yu sou don set raun der en ai em op taim ai stegeda don ge flosh klin.
you so done sit around there and eye them up time I stay-gather done get flush clean
2SG EMPH PAST stand SAT there and watch 3SG SAT when 1SG village PAST PASS massacre SAT
You stood there watching while my village was massacred.
Ai nou na hon hukop in kom disha kru.
Ai nou na hon hukop in kom disha kru.
I no gonna hunt hook-up in come this crew
1SG NEG FUT get alliance SAT with this people
I can't be in an alliance with these people.
Os, Fiyou. Chon yu nes?
Os, Fiyou. Chon yu nes?
awesome Fio which-one you next
good Fio who 2SG next
Good, Fio. Who's next?
Yu. Jomp em op!
Yu. Jomp em op!
you jump him up
2SG attack 3SG SAT
You. Attack!
Pen! Chil yu daun!
Pen! Chil yu daun!
Penn chill you down
Penn stand-down 2SG SAT
Penn! Stand down!
Jomp em op en yu jomp ai op.
Jomp em op en yu jomp ai op.
jump them up and you jump I up
attack 3SG SAT and 2SG attack 1SG SAT
Attack her and you attack me.
Em ste spichen.
Em ste spichen.
them stay speeching
3SG be lying
She lies.
Ai gonplei kamp raun em en nou moun.
Ai gonplei kamp raun em en nou moun.
I gunplay camp around them and no more-one
1SG fight be.LOC SAT 3SG and no other-one
My fight is only with her.
Yu gonplei ste odon.
Yu gonplei ste odon.
you gunplay stay all-done
2SG fight be done
Your fight is over.
Noumou. Yo beda don kep bida ufnes na ron op gon homplei. Ai ge tel op bilaik nou dina kamp raun oso luson.
Noumou. Yo beda don kep bida ufnes na ron op gon homplei. Ai ge tel op bilaik nou dina kamp raun oso luson.
no-more you-all better done kept bit-of oof-ness gonna run up gone hunt-play I get tell up be-like no dinner kamp around us-all ?
enough 2PL should save some energy FUT give SAT toward hunt 1SG PASS tell SAT SUBORD NEG food be.LOC SAT 1PL.INCL host
That's enough. I hope you've saved some energy for the hunt. I'm told our hosts have no food.
Chon laik nes?
Chon laik nes?
which-one like next
who be next
Who's next?
Noumou. Branwoda seintaim get in taim na set yu daun.
Noumou. Branwoda seintaim get in taim na set yu daun.
no-more brown-water same-time get in time gonna sit you down
enough fool even know SAT when FUT stand-down 2SG SAT
Enough. Even a fool knows when to surrender.
Dizon da tran won of. Em an.
Dizon da tran won of. Em an.
This one tried to wander off. He's mine.
Teig em kam ran tribou-de.
Teig em kam ran tribou-de.
Put him on the log.
Hoz op! Zo hon Red-de dan, den zo'n choj op!
Hoz op! Zo hon Red-de dan, den zo'n choj op!
Hurry up! We get the Red, then we eat!

S2E11: Coup de Grace

Yu gonplei ste odon.
Yu gonplei ste odon.
you gun-play stay all-don
2SG fight be done
Your fight is over.
Sen op oso mou snap hosa gon Tondisi. Nau!
Sen op oso mou snap hosa gon Tondisi. Nau!
send up us-all more snap horser gone Tondc now
send SAT 1PL.INCL COMP fast rider toward Tondc now
Send our fastest riders to Tondc. Now!
Shof op. Emo hon daun mou yujon.
Shof op. Emo hon daun mou yujon.
shut up them-all hunt down more huge-one
quiet SAT 3SG take SAT more strong-one
Be quiet. They take the strongest.

S2E12: Rubicon

Shuda daun o en na wan op.
Shuda daun o en na wan op.
shooter down or everyone gonna wind up
gun down or everyone FUT die SAT
Guns down or everyone dies.
Chit ste drag em daun?
Chit ste drag em daun?
? stay drag them down
what be delay 3SG SAT
What's taking so long?
Taim na bants.
Taim na bants.
time gonna bounce
time FUT leave
Let's go.
'Sir souda ban 'ir au.
'Sir souda ban 'ir au.
us-here so-done abandon here out
1PL.EXCL must leave here SAT
We gotta get out of here.
Kom nau.
Kom nau.
come now
from now
Right now.
Emo gada enti in na ron op gon Soncha?
Emo gada enti in na ron op gon Soncha?
them-all gather anything in gonna run up gone sunshine
3PL got anything SAT FUT give SAT to Light
Do they have anything of use for Light?
Nou tel ai op ha ai na teik ai hana ogud!
Nou tel ai op ha ai na teik ai hana ogud!
no tell I up how I gonna take I ? all-good
NEG tell 1SG SAT how 1SG FUT make 1SG job done
Don't tell me how to do my job!
Bak yu op o ai na frag yu op!
Bak yu op o ai na frag yu op!
back you up or I gonna ? you up
back 2SG SAT or 1SG FUT kill 2SG SAT
Stay back or I'll kill you!
Ice Nation.
Nou kom au nou mou!
Nou kom au nou mou!
no come out no more
NEG come SAT NEG more
That's far enough!
Emo gada eni tek in?
Emo gada eni tek in?
them-all got-a any tech in
3PL have any technology SAT
Do they have any technology?
Osir na dig em au.
Osir na dig em au.
us-here gonna dig them out
1PL.EXCL FUT discover 3SG SAT
We'll find out.
Emori, hos op!
Emori, hos op!
Emori hustle up
Emori hurry SAT
Emori, hurry up!
Ge smak daun, gyon op nodotaim
Ge smak daun, gyon op nodotaim
get smack down get-on up another-time
PASS knock-down SAT get-up SAT again
Get knocked down, get back up!

S2E13: Resurrection

Du nou laik osir kru. Chomouda osir na hon hedon in kom em?
Du nou laik osir kru. Chomouda osir na hon hedon in kom em?
dude no like us-here crew ? us-here gonna hunt head-one in come them
3 NEG be 1PL.EXCL people why 1PL.EXCL FUT take order SAT from 3SG
She's not one of us. Why should we take orders from her?
Lagen. Ste kefa.
Lagen. Ste kefa.
lagging stay careful
slow be careful
Slowly. Be careful.
Sen ai daun, Ripa--
Sen ai daun, Ripa--
send I down reaper
put-down 1SG SAT Reaper
Put me down, Reaper--
Chit yu dula?! Sen ai daun!
Chit yu dula?! Sen ai daun!
? you do-like send I down
what 2SG do set-down 1SG SAT
What are you doing?! Put me down!
Ge smak daun, gyon op nodotaim.
Ge smak daun, gyon op nodotaim.
get smack down get-on up another-time
PASS knock SAT rise SAT again
Get knocked down, get back up.

S2E14: Bodyguard of Lies

The signal!
Frag em op.
Frag em op.
frag them up
kill 3SG SAT
Kill her.
Teik em laud, tromon-de.
Teik em laud, tromon-de.
take them loud trumpet-one-the
make 3SG sound horn-EMPH
Sound the horn.
Kom wor!
Kom wor!
come war
to war
To war!

S2E15: Blood Must Have Blood: Part 1

Taim na jomp em op laik nau.
Taim na jomp em op laik nau.
time gonna jump them up like now
time FUT attack 3SG SAT be now
The time to strike back is now.
Frag emo op! Maun-de na slip daun!
Frag emo op! Maun-de na slip daun!
frag them-all up mountain-the gonna slip down
kill 3PL SAT mountain-EMPH FUT fall SAT
Kill them all! The Mountain will fall!
Mafta ai op! Oso na doba em op en swap emo Maunon op!
Mafta ai op! Oso na doba em op en swap emo Maunon op!
come-after I up us-all gonna double-back them up and swap them-all mountain-one up
follow 1SG SAT 1PL.INCL FUT double-back-to 3SG SAT and flank 3PL Mountain-Men SAT
Follow me! We double back and flank the Mountain Men!
Ogud en... Pul klin! Pul klin!
Ogud en... Pul klin! Pul klin!
all-good and pull clean pull clean
ready and pull SAT pull SAT
Ready and... Pull! Pull!
Fous Tu, Thri en Fou. Oso gon we ogeda!
Fous Tu, Thri en Fou. Oso gon we ogeda!
force two three and four us-all gone away all-gather
squad two three and four 1PL.INCL go SAT together
Squad Two, Three, and Four. We all go together!
Nou jomp em op!
Nou jomp em op!
no jump them up
NEG attack 3SG SAT
Do not attack!
Klir ai of! Klir ai of! No!
Klir ai of! Klir ai of! No!
clear I off clear I off no
let-go 1SG SAT let-go 1SG SAT NEG
Let me go! Let me go! No!
Yu gonplei ste odon.
Yu gonplei ste odon.
you gun-play stay all-done
2SG fight be done
Your fight is over.
Hakom em nou stedaun?
Hakom em nou stedaun?
how-come them no stay-down
why 3SG NEG dead
Why is he not dead?
Ai gada imfou gon yu.
Ai gada imfou gon yu.
I gather info gone you
1SG have message for 2SG
I have a message for you.
Bak yo op!
Bak yo op!
back you-all up
back 2PL SAT
Fall back!
Hod op!
Hod op!
hold up
hold SAT
Teik dou-de au!
Teik dou-de au!
take door-the out
take door-EMPH SAT
Take the door!
Tu tayon! Ge yo ogud na pul klin!
Tu tayon! Ge yo ogud na pul klin!
two tie-one get you-all all-good gonna pull clean
two line PASS 2PL ready FUT pull SAT
Two lines! Get ready to pull!
Teik em gon dou!
Teik em gon dou!
take them gone door
take 3SG toward door
Take him to the door!
En's ogud. Osir na wich em in.
En's ogud. Osir na wich em in.
them's all-good us-here gonna ? them in
3SG good 1PL.EXCL FUT believe 3SG SAT
It's okay. We can trust him.
Taim yu gaf ge breik au, taim yu shof op!
Taim yu gaf ge breik au, taim yu shof op!
time you gotta-have get break out time you shut up
if 2PL want PASS free SAT then 2PL quiet SAT
If you want to be free, be quiet!
Jus drein jus daun.
Jus drein jus daun.
juice drain juice down
blood drink blood SAT
Blood must have blood.
Ge yo ogud!
Ge yo ogud!
get you-all all-good
PASS 2PL ready
Be ready!
Swap emo triga op! Gyon au!
Swap emo triga op! Gyon au!
swap them-all trigger up get-on out
flank 3PL shooter SAT go SAT
Flank the shooters! Go!
Bloka wo! Nau!
Bloka wo! Nau!
blocker wall now
shield wall now
Shield wall! Now!
Gyon au!
Gyon au!
get-on out
go SAT
...kom Trigedakru.
...kom Trigedakru.
come tree-gather-crew
from Tree-people
... of the Tree People.
Mafta ai op!
Mafta ai op!
come-after I up
follow 1SG SAT
Follow me!
Chil yo daun!
Chil yo daun!
chill you-all down
stand-down 2PL SAT
Stand down!
Teik oso rowenes laud.
Teik oso rowenes laud.
take us-all run-away-ness loud
let 1PL.INCL retreat sound
Sound the retreat.
Sis em op.
Sis em op.
assist them up
take 3SG SAT
Take him.

S2E16: Blood Must Have Blood: Part 2

Ai na goch yu setnes op. Ron yu op bida riden.
Ai na goch yu setnes op. Ron yu op bida riden.
I gonna gotcha you sit-ness up run you up bit-of ?
1SG FUT take 2SG watch SAT give 2SG SAT some sleep
I'll watch the prisoner. Get some sleep.

S3E01: Wanheda: Part 1

Ai biyo laik weron Wanheda kamp raun?
Ai biyo laik weron Wanheda kamp raun?
I be-all like where-on Wanheda camp around
1SG say be where Wanheda be.LOC SAT
I said where's Wanheda?!
Oso na sis choda au, nami?
Oso na sis choda au, nami?
us-all gonna assist each-other out know-mean
1PL.INCL FUT help each-other SAT you-know
We can help each other.
Dison fleim au moubeda. Sad noda som op kos yu ste set raun. Gada bilaik em don sis yu op de. Ai na huk yu op kom bida rapon, you.
Dison fleim au moubeda. Sad noda som op kos yu ste set raun. Gada bilaik em don sis yu op de. Ai na huk yu op kom bida rapon, you.
this-one flame out more-better said another something up because you stay set around gather be-like them done assist you up there I gonna hook you up come bit-of wrap-one yo
this be-worth SAT more choose another thing SAT while 2SG PROG stay SAT seem SUBORD 3SG PAST caught 2SG SAT there 1SG FUT get 2SG SAT from some bandage EMPH
This is worth more. Pick out something else while you wait. Looks like she caught you there. I'll throw in some bandages.
Ai ouyon yu klin kom mou kom dison.
Ai ouyon yu klin kom mou kom dison.
I owe-one you clean come more come this-one
1SG owe 2SG SAT from more than this-one
I owe you more than this.
Mebi. Dison laik kofgeda, you. Hanch en's fleim yu au?
Mebi. Dison laik kofgeda, you. Hanch en's fleim yu au?
maybe this-one like cough-gather yo how-much them-stay flame you out
maybe this be trading-post EMPH how-much 3SG-be be-worth 2SG SAT
Maybe. This is a trading post. What's it worth to you?
Hashta oyo sonraun?
Hashta oyo sonraun?
hashtag all-you-all sun-around
about PL-2PL life
How about your lives?
Os kofon.
Os kofon.
awesome cough-one
good trade
Good trade.
Em don kof raun gon biskova en swison.
Em don kof raun gon biskova en swison.
them done cough around gone beast-cover and swiss-one
3SG PAST trade SAT for fur and blade
She traded for fur and a blade.
Hod op! Osir ste kom Heda!
Hod op! Osir ste kom Heda!
hold up us-here stay come header
wait SAT 1PL.EXCL be with commander
Stop! We're with the Commander!
Ai get in chit yu ste fig raun.
Ai get in chit yu ste fig raun.
I get in ? you stay figure around
1SG know SAT what 2SG PROG think SAT
I know what you're thinking.
Sha, ba'm eintheing gon yu.
Sha, ba'm eintheing gon yu.
yeah but-them ain't-thing gone you
yes but-3SG anything to 2SG
Yeah, but you don't care.
Chon yu bilaik?
Chon yu bilaik?
which-one you be-like
who 2SG be
Who are you?
Skaikru. Ste lufa osir kru au.
Skaikru. Ste lufa osir kru au.
sky-crew stay look-for us-here crew out
Sky-people PROG search 1PL.EXCL people SAT
Skaikru. Looking for our people.
Ste lufa Wanheda au.
Ste lufa Wanheda au.
stay look-for wind-header out
PROG search Wanheda SAT
Looking for Wanheda.
Osir gouba ogonzaun kom Heda in.
Osir gouba ogonzaun kom Heda in.
us-here go-by all-guns-down come header in
1PL.EXCL observe truce of Commander SAT
We observe the Commander's truce.
Weron Wanheda kamp raun?
Weron Wanheda kamp raun?
where-on wind-header camp around
where Wanheda be.LOC SAT
Where's Wanheda?
Breik em au!
Breik em au!
break them out
free 3SG SAT
Let him go!
Nou! Osir nou get in chon daunde bilaik! Beja.
Nou! Osir nou get in chon daunde bilaik! Beja.
no us-here no get in which-one that-one-there be-like beg-you
no 1PL.EXCL NEG know SAT who that-yonder be please
No! We don't know who that is! Please.
Yo vout in dison ste leyos?
Yo vout in dison ste leyos?
you-all vote in this-one stay hilarious
2PL think SAT this be funny
You think this is funny?
Os fragon.
Os fragon.
awesome frag-one
good kill
Good kill.
Mochof. Jos otaim prepon.
Mochof. Jos otaim prepon.
? just all-time prep-one
thanks just always supply
Thanks. The usual supplies.
Otaim yu kom op jos pas taim ai nontu gonot. Os manaplei
Otaim yu kom op jos pas taim ai nontu gonot. Os manaplei
all-time you come up just pass time I number-two gone-out awesome manner-play
always 2SG arrive SAT just after time 1SG father leave good timing
You always come right after my father leaves. Good timing.
Ai ste hos raun, you.
Ai ste hos raun, you.
I stay hustle around yo
I'm in a hurry.
Ait. Kom otaim.
Ait. Kom otaim.
alright come all-time
right as always
Right. As always.
Steiks-de kom yu las fragon.
Steiks-de kom yu las fragon.
steaks-the come you last ?-one
meat-EMPH from 2SG last kill
The meat from your last kill.
Ge fleiva op en ge son op. Thau osir.
Ge fleiva op en ge son op. Thau osir.
get flavor up and get sun up without us-here
PASS salt SAT and PASS dry SAT without 1PL.EXCL
Salted and dried. Minus ours.
Chit daun bilaik?
Chit daun bilaik?
? that-one be-like
what that be
What's that?
Souda. Kos yu na ste set raun.
Souda. Kos yu na ste set raun.
soda because you gonna stay sit around
drink because 2SG FUT PROG wait SAT
A drink. For while you wait.
Ai na hos op hashta ostof.
Ai na hos op hashta ostof.
I gonna hustle up hashtag all-stuff
1SG FUT hurry SAT about remainder
I'll be quick with the rest.
Os oukou.
Os oukou.
awesome overcoat
good jacket
Nice jacket.
Den chit yu don sad in?
Den chit yu don sad in?
then ? you done said in
so what 2SG PAST choose SAT
So what did you decide?
Ai don tel yu op. Sad som in.
Ai don tel yu op. Sad som in.
I done tell you up said something in
1SG PAST tell 2SG SAT choose something SAT
I told you. Pick something.
Biyo laik em na hos of gon nout, ste mafta trei kom Idon op.
Biyo laik em na hos of gon nout, ste mafta trei kom Idon op.
be-all like them gonna hustle off gone north stay come-after trail come Eden up
say be 3SG FUT go SAT toward north PROG follow path from Eden SAT
Said she was going north, following Eden's path.
Tel ai op hashta dison.
Tel ai op hashta dison.
tell I up hashtag this-one
tell 1SG SAT about this
Tell me about this.
Yu gada som in na kof op?
Yu gada som in na kof op?
you got-a something in gonna cough up
2SG have something SAT FUT trade SAT
You have something to trade?
Ai don as yu prom op.
Ai don as yu prom op.
I done ask you problem up
1SG PAST ask 2SG question SAT
I asked you a question.
Yu don sin disha plan in?
Yu don sin disha plan in?
you done seen this planner in
2SG PAST see this woman SAT
Have you seen this woman?
Dei feisnes nou ste krei os.
Dei feisnes nou ste krei os.
there faceness no stay crazy awesome
that likeness NEG be very good
That's not a very good likeness.
Den yu sou don sin em in?
Den yu sou don sin em in?
then you so done seen them in
then 2SG EMPH PAST see 3SG SAT
Then you have seen her?
Em don kamp raun hir tu sintaim kom gon.
Em don kamp raun hir tu sintaim kom gon.
them done camp around here two seeing-time come gone
3SG PAST be.LOC SAT here two day ago -
She was here two days ago.
Daun bilaik ha ai don hon dison in.
Daun bilaik ha ai don hon dison in.
that-one be-like how i done hunt this-one in
that be how 1SG PAST get this SAT
That's how I got this.
Azgeda. Osir souda hos op.
Azgeda. Osir souda hos op.
ice-gather us-here should-a hustle up
Ice-nation 1PL.EXCL must hurry SAT
Ice Nation. We have to hurry.
Mochof. Yu don's mou sisfou kom yu na vout in.
Mochof. Yu don's mou sisfou kom yu na vout in.
? you done-stay more assist-for come you gonna vote in
thanks 2SG PAST-be more helpful from 2SG FUT vote in
Thank you. You've been more helpful than you can imagine.
Hanch taim yu don get em klin?
Hanch taim yu don get em klin?
how-much time you done get them clean
how-much time 2SG PAST know 3SG SAT
How long have you known?
Hanch taim yu don's komba raun hir?
Hanch taim yu don's komba raun hir?
how-much time you done-stay come-by around here
how-much time 2SG PAST-PROG come SAT here
How long you been coming in here?
Hei, Helios. Ha ste oso gada?
Hei, Helios. Ha ste oso gada?
hey Helios how stay us-all gatherer
hey Helios how be 1PL.INCL girl
Hey, Helios. How's our girl doing?
Lis yu ste mema sleng-de in.
Lis yu ste mema sleng-de in.
least you stay remember slang-the in
least 2SG PROG remember language-EMPH SAT
At least you still speak the language.
Yu na pudon emo oukou op, ba yu nou na bilaik won kom emo nowe.
Yu na pudon emo oukou op, ba yu nou na bilaik won kom emo nowe.
you gonna put-on them-all overcoat up but you no gonna be-like one come them-all no-way
2SG FUT wear 3PL jacket SAT but 2SG NEG FUT be one from 3PL never
You can wear their jacket, but you'll never be one of them.
Sen ai op. Trikru kamp raun hir. Nou ouder.
Sen ai op. Trikru kamp raun hir. Nou ouder.
? I up tree-crew camp around here no over-there
listen 2SG SAT Trikru be.LOC SAT here NEG there-yonder
Listen to me. Trikru is in here. Not out there.

S3E02: Wanheda: Part 2

Naikou! Chil yu au!
Naikou! Chil yu au!
Nyko chill you out
Nyko calm 2SG SAT
Nyko! Calm down!
Yu nontu don biyo laik yu na sis--
Yu nontu don biyo laik yu na sis--
you number-two done be-all like you gonna assist
2SG father PAST say that 2SG FUT help
You father said you could help--
Ai gada yu in.
Ai gada yu in.
I got-a you in
1SG have 2SG SAT
I got you.
Chon dula dison?
Chon dula dison?
which-one do-like this-one
who do this
Who did this?
Ai get klin bilaik dei Azgeda nomajoka komba raun gon em.
Ai get klin bilaik dei Azgeda nomajoka komba raun gon em.
I get clean be-like there ice-gather number-one-jerker come-back around come them
1SG know SAT that that-near Ice-nation mother-fucker return SAT for 3SG
I know that Ice Nation motherfucker came back for her.
Ai na as nodotaim noumou... Weron. Kamp. Raun. Wanheda.
Ai na as nodotaim noumou... Weron. Kamp. Raun. Wanheda.
I gonna ask another-time no-more where-on camp around Wanheda
1SG FUT ask again once where be.LOC SAT Wanheda
I'm only asking once more... Where. Is. Wanheda.
Yu hon yu in osir sisplei.
Yu hon yu in osir sisplei.
you hunt you in us-here assist-play
2SG take 2SG SAT 1PL.EXCL help
We're here to help.
Osir ste lufa Wanheda au.
Osir ste lufa Wanheda au.
us-here stay look-for Wanheda out
1PL.EXCL be search Wanheda SAT
We're looking for Wanheda.
Chil, you. Ai nou lufa sich au.
Chil, you. Ai nou lufa sich au.
chill yo I no look-for sitch out
easy INT 1SG NEG search trouble SAT
Easy. I don't want trouble.
Em kom Azgeda.
Em kom Azgeda.
them come ice-gather
3SG from Ice-nation
He's Azgeda.
Chon dison bilaik?
Chon dison bilaik?
which-one this-one be-like
who this be
Who's this?
Honon gon Haiplana.
Honon gon Haiplana.
hunt-one gone high-planner
prisoner for queen
A prisoner for the Queen.
Ai don tel yo op, ai nou lufa sich au.
Ai don tel yo op, ai nou lufa sich au.
I done tell you-all up I no look-for sitch out
1SG PAST tell 2PL SAT 1SG NEG search trouble SAT
I told you I don't want trouble.
Oso na bilaik klir skai, klin woda. Sis em op.
Oso na bilaik klir skai, klin woda. Sis em op.
us-here gonna be-like clear sky clean water assist them up
1PL.EXCL FUT be clear sky clean water take 3SG SAT
We'll be set for life. Take her.
Ai nou na teik yo dula daun.
Ai nou na teik yo dula daun.
I no gonna take you-all do-like that-one
1SG NEG FUT let 2PL do that
I can't let you do that.
Sis gada op! Osir na hon em daun!
Sis gada op! Osir na hon em daun!
assist gatherer up us-here gonna hunt them down
take girl SAT 1PL.EXCL FUT get 3SG SAT
Get the girl! We've got him!
Monin, bro.
Monin, bro.
morning bro
welcome brother
Welcome back, brother.
The mountain?
Wonwe noumou na kep yu klin.
Wonwe noumou na kep yu klin.
one-way no-more gonna keep you clean
way only FUT save 2SG SAT
Only way to save you.
Wanheda, kom ai don swega klin.
Wanheda, kom ai don swega klin.
Wanheda come I done swear-to-god clean
Wanheda as 1SG PAST promise SAT
Wanheda, as promised.
Sis em au na gyon op.
Sis em au na gyon op.
assist them out gonna get-on up
help 3SG SAT FUT get-up SAT
Help her up.

S3E03: Ye Who Enter Here

Ste yuj. Oso souda set raun ogeda taim oso na teik Heda daun.
Ste yuj. Oso souda set raun ogeda taim oso na teik Heda daun.
Stay strong. We must stand together if we hope to overthrow Heda.
Em na frag oso op taim em dig em au.
Em na frag oso op taim em dig em au.
She will kill us all if she finds out.
Daunde jos laik gonakru tesa.
Daunde jos laik gonakru tesa.
that-one-there just like gunner-crew tester
those just be army practice
Those are just military exercises.
Fop don ge fis op snap, yo sou get em in.
Fop don ge fis op snap, yo sou get em in.
faux-pas done get fix up snap you-all so get them in
mistake PAST PASS fix SAT quick 2PL EMPH know 3SG SAT
A mistake that was quickly rectified, as you well know.
Meizen. Chit ste kriken gon brana nodotaim.
Meizen. Chit ste kriken gon brana nodotaim.
amazing ? stay creaking gone brand-new another-time
beautiful what be old become new again
Beautiful. What's old becomes new again.
Chit hodon bilaik?
Chit hodon bilaik?
? hold-one be-like
what delay be
What's the delay?
Ai gaf gonot strat in.
Ai gaf gonot strat in.
I gotta-have gone-out strategy in
1SG need leave strategy SAT
I need an exit strategy.
Nou get yu daun. Yu nomon gada strat in.
Nou get yu daun. Yu nomon gada strat in.
no get you down you number-one got-a strategy in
NEG worry 2SG SAT 2SG mother have plan SAT
Don't worry. Your mother has a plan.
Yu nou na sad daun klin nowe! Azplana nou na bak em op.
Yu nou na sad daun klin nowe! Azplana nou na bak em op.
you no gonna said that-one clean no-way ice-planner no gonna back them up
2SG NEG FUT decide that-one SAT never Ice-queen NEG FUT back 3SG SAT
You can't just make that decision! The Ice Queen won't stand for it.
Hashta Klark?
Hashta Klark?
hashtag Clarke
regarding Clarke
What about Clarke?
Tel osir op.
Tel osir op.
tell us-here up
Tell us.
Gon sad kom Heda, bilaik otaim. Yu nomfa laik honon.
Gon sad kom Heda, bilaik otaim. Yu nomfa laik honon.
gone side come header be-like all-time you number-four like hunt-one
by side with Commander as always 2SG son be prisoner
By the Commander's side, as predicted. Your son is a prisoner.
Nou feva. Dena em na ge breik au. En Leksa na wan op.
Nou feva. Dena em na ge breik au. En Leksa na wan op.
no forever then them gonna get break out and Lexa gonna wind up
NEG forever soon 3SG FUT PASS free SAT and Lexa FUT die SAT
Not for long. Soon he'll be free. And Lexa will be dead.
Gyon op gon Heda.
Gyon op gon Heda.
get-on up gone heda
rise SAT for Commander
Rise for your Commander.
Azgeda na spek yo daun gon yo Heda.
Azgeda na spek yo daun gon yo Heda.
Ice-gather gonna respect you-all down gone you header
Azgeda FUT bow 2PL SAT for 2PL Commander
Azgeda will bow before your commander.
Heda-de beda spek em daun gon Azgeda, you. Osir get in ha osir nou na fis op nou ginteik gon osir baga.
Heda-de beda spek em daun gon Azgeda, you. Osir get in ha osir nou na fis op nou ginteik gon osir baga.
Header-the better respect them down gone Ice-gather yo us-here get in how us-here no gonna fix up no give-and-take gone us-here bad-guy
Commander-EMPH should bow 3SG SAT for Azgeda EMPH 1PL.EXCL know SAT how 1PL.EXCL NEG FUT make SAT NEG treaty with 1PL.EXCL enemy
The Commander should bow before Azgeda. We know not to make treaties with our enemies.
Heda nou spek em daun gon non nowe.
Heda nou spek em daun gon non nowe.
header no respect them down gone no-one no-way
Commander NEG bow 3SG SAT for nobody never
The Commander bows before no one.
Seintaim em seimbeda sleng kom baga.
Seintaim em seimbeda sleng kom baga.
same-time them same-better slang come bad-guy
even 3SG prefer language from enemy
She even prefers the enemy's language.
Teik em in.
Teik em in.
take them in
take it SAT
Take it.
Ai sou na sad won op, mochof.
Ai sou na sad won op, mochof.
I so gonna said one up ?
1SG EMPH FUT like one SAT thank-you
I'd love some, thank you.
Beja. Em laik memon kom osir hou.
Beja. Em laik memon kom osir hou.
beg-you them like remember-one come us-here home
please 3SG be symbol from 1PL.EXCL home
Please. It's a symbol of our home.
You, Natblida. Gouba tu raun en kigon yo granplei.
You, Natblida. Gouba tu raun en kigon yo granplei.
yo night-bleeder go-by two around and keep-going you-all grand-play
EMPH Nightbloods go-as two SAT and continue 2PL training
Nightbloods. Pair up and continue training.
Jok yu.
Jok yu.
jerk you
fuck 2SG
Screw you.
Gon ai nontu. Gon ai nomon. Gon ai bro. Gon ai seingeda.
Gon ai nontu. Gon ai nomon. Gon ai bro. Gon ai seingeda.
gone I number-two gone I number-one gone I bro gone I same-gather
for 1SG father for 1SG mother for 1SG brother for 1SG family
For my father. For my mother. For my brother. For my kin.
Bandrona. Step of. Ai gada imfou in gon Haiplana.
Bandrona. Step of. Ai gada imfou in gon Haiplana.
band-runner step off I got-a info in gone high-planner
ambassador step-aside SAT 1SG have message SAT for queen
Ambassadors. Make way. I have a message for the Queen.
Ai Haiplana.
Ai Haiplana.
I high-planner
1SG queen
My Queen.
Yu gada yu wor in. Hashta las Maunon.
Yu gada yu wor in. Hashta las Maunon.
you got-a you war in hashtag last Mountain-one
2SG get 2SG war SAT regarding last Mountain-man
You got your war. Thanks to the last Mountain Man.

S3E04: Watch The Throne

Teik emo gon nila seintaim!
Teik emo gon nila seintaim!
take them-all gone kneeler same-time
put 3PL on knee also
Put them on their knees, too!
Heda, beja, put emo natrona daun fou bilaik dison na--
Heda, beja, put emo natrona daun fou bilaik dison na--
header beg-you put them-all night-runn down before be-like this-one gonna
Heda please execute 3PL traitor SAT before SUBORD this FUT
Heda, please, execute the traitors before this can--
Teik em step em au.
Teik em step em au.
take them step them out
let 3SG make-move 3SG SAT
Let her make her move.
Yu hedplei ste odon... Leksa kom Trikru
Yu hedplei ste odon... Leksa kom Trikru
you head-play stay all-done Lexa come Tree-crew
2SG rule be done Lexa from Trikru
Your rule is done... Lexa kom Trikru.
Yu kik raun kom kongeda, yu wan op kom kongeda.
Yu kik raun kom kongeda, yu wan op kom kongeda.
you kick around come come-gather you wind up come come-gather
2SG live SAT with coalition 2SG die SAT with coalition
Live by the coalition, die by the coalition.
Yeson, thotinon kru-de don teik fleimstika in. Sadon hashta nou wichnes slip thru.
Yeson, thotinon kru-de don teik fleimstika in. Sadon hashta nou wichnes slip thru.
yesterday-one thirteen-one crew-the done take flame-sticker in said-one hashtag no ?-ness slip through
yesterday thirteenth clan-EMPH PAST take brand SAT vote about NEG confidence fail SAT
Yesterday, the thirteenth clan took the brand. The vote of no confidence fails.
Emo geimbreika strada na hon seim zodon op kom Azplana
Emo geimbreika strada na hon seim zodon op kom Azplana
them-all game-breaker strategy-er gonna hunt same ? up come ice-planner
3PL coup plotter FUT take same fate SAT with Ice-queen
The coup plotters will suffer the same fate as the Ice Queen.
Kei, en's ogud. Yu gada throudon in.
Kei, en's ogud. Yu gada throudon in.
okay them-stay all-good you got-a throw-done in
okay it's good you have challenge SAT
Very well. You are challenged.
En ai teik yu throudon in.
En ai teik yu throudon in.
and I take you throw-done in
and 1SG take 2SG challenge SAT
And I accept your challenge.
Teik hangada-de au.
Teik hangada-de au.
take hand-gatherer-the out
kill handmaiden-EMPH SAT
Kill the handmaiden.
Yu nou na dula daun.
Yu nou na dula daun.
you no gonna ? that-one
2SG NEG FUT do that
You can't.
Ai ai op.
Ai ai op.
eye I up
watch 1SG SAT
Watch me.
Dison laik raitnes!
Dison laik raitnes!
this-one like rightness
this be justice
This is justice!
Min yu op.
Min yu op.
come-in you up
enter 2SG SAT
Lid fingadon in.
Lid fingadon in.
lead fingered-one in
bring accused-one SAT
Bring in the accused.
Azgeda nou badan disha gada op nowe.
Azgeda nou badan disha gada op nowe.
ice-gather no bow-down this gatherer up no-way
Azgeda NEG obey this girl SAT never
Azgeda does not answer to this girl.
Shof yu op!
Shof yu op!
shut you up
quiet 2SG SAT
Slou yu rou daun.
Slou yu rou daun.
slow you roll down
slow 2SG ? SAT
Not so fast.
Nou Heda noumou.
Nou Heda noumou.
no header no-more
NEG Commander NEG
Commander no longer.
Hod op.
Hod op.
hold up
wait SAT
Soulou gonplei.
Soulou gonplei.
solo gun-play
alone fight
Single combat.
Ai laik Heda. Non na throu daun gon ai.
Ai laik Heda. Non na throu daun gon ai.
I like header none gonna throw down gone I
1SG be Heda none FUT fight SAT for 1SG
I'm the Commander. No one fights for me.
Chit bilaik thri bakon gon Heda?
Chit bilaik thri bakon gon Heda?
? be-like three back-one gone header
what be three pillar of Commander
What are the three pillars of being a Commander?
Noun, fiyanes, en uf.
Noun, fiyanes, en uf.
knowing feel-ya-ness and oof
wisdom compassion and strength
Wisdom, compassion, and strength.
Lev yo op meija en mema yo in: Yo gada yo rein in kom yo Sheidjus.
Lev yo op meija en mema yo in: Yo gada yo rein in kom yo Sheidjus.
? you-all up major and remember you-all in you-all got-a you-all worth in come you-all shade-juice
train 2PL SAT hard and remember 2PL SAT 2PL have 2PL worth SAT with 2PL Nightblood
Train hard and remember: You are each worthy of your Nightblood.
Oso tai choda op kom jus.
Oso tai choda op kom jus.
us-all tie each-other up come juice
1PL.INCL bind each-other SAT with blood
We bind ourselves in blood.
Oso tai choda op kom jus.
Oso tai choda op kom jus.
us-all tie each-other up come juice
1PL.INCL bind each-other SAT with blood
We bind ourselves in blood.
Hod op!
Hod op!
hold up
wait SAT
Heda. Taim don kom op.
Heda. Taim don kom op.
header time done come up
Heda time PAST arrive SAT
Heda. It's time.
Hashta soulou gonplei, bilaik won hedon noumou: du souda wan op deyon!
Hashta soulou gonplei, bilaik won hedon noumou: du souda wan op deyon!
hashtag solo gun-play be-like one head-one no-more ? shoulda wind up day-one
about alone fight be one rule only 3SG must die SAT today
In single combat, there is but one rule: Someone must die today!
Yo na jomp in.
Yo na jomp in.
you-all gonna jump in
2PL FUT begin SAT
You may begin.
Gyon op! Taim yu wan op, taim yu nou na wan op kom hainofa! Yu wan op kom bushhada.
Gyon op! Taim yu wan op, taim yu nou na wan op kom hainofa! Yu wan op kom bushhada.
get-on up time you wind up time you no gonna wind up come high-number-four you wind up kom bush-hider
rise SAT if 2SG die SAT then 2SG NEG FUT die SAT as prince 2SG die SAT as coward
Get up! If you die, you don't die a prince! You die a coward!
Jus drein jus daun.
Jus drein jus daun.
juice drain juice down
blood drink blood SAT
Blood must have blood.
Reshop, Heda.
Reshop, Heda.
rest-up header
good-night Commander
Goodnight, Commander.

S3E05: Hakeldama

Bida gonplei ste kik raun ona yu, Indra. Jus drein jus daun.
Bida gonplei ste kik raun ona yu, Indra. Jus drein jus daun.
bit-of gun-play stay kick around on you Indra juice drain juice down
some fight PROG live SAT in 2SG Indra blood drink blood SAT
There's fight in you still, Indra. Blood must have blood.
Heda! Miya snap!
Heda! Miya snap!
header come-here snap
Commander come quickly
Heda! Come quick.
Indra, teik em sis au.
Indra, teik em sis au.
Indra take them assist out
Indra let 3SG help SAT
Indra, let her help.
Sha, Heda. Maun op!
Sha, Heda. Maun op!
sure header mount up
yes Commander mount-up SAT
Yes, Heda. Mount up!
Hod em op!
Hod em op!
hold them up
stop 3SG SAT
Stop her!
Hei. Yu-de!
Hei. Yu-de!
hey you-there
hey 2SG-EMPH
Hey. You!
Ai laik dulasei hef, you, ba taim yu strechplei ste odon, taim ai na gada yu stepa in.
Ai laik dulasei hef, you, ba taim yu strechplei ste odon, taim ai na gada yu stepa in.
I like do-like-say hefter yo but time you stretch-play stay all-done time I gonna got-a you stepper in
2SG be honest man EMPH but if 2SG walking be done then 1SG FUT have 2SG shoe SAT
I'm an honest man, but if you're done walking I'll have your shoes.
Ai lukot na kep em stepa in, mochof. Ba taim yu nou kok au, [taim osir] na teik yu kep yun in.
Ai lukot na kep em stepa in, mochof. Ba taim yu nou kok au, [taim osir] na teik yu kep yun in.
I lookout gonna keep them stepper in ? but time you no ? out time us-here gonna take you keep you-one in
1SG friend FUT keep 3SG shoe SAT thank-you but if 2SG NEG resist SAT then 1PL.EXCL FUT let 2SG keep 2SG.POSS SAT
My friend will keep his shoes, thank you. But if you don't resist we'll allow you to keep yours.
Hofli oyo niron ge choj op kom pakstoka ona yo blinka.
Hofli oyo niron ge choj op kom pakstoka ona yo blinka.
hopefully all-you-all near-one get charge up come pack-stalker on-a you-all blinker
may 2PL.POSS loved-one PASS eat SAT by wolf near 2PL eye
May those you love be eaten by wolves before your eyes.
Osir don ste lufa yu au kom sintaim feva.
Osir don ste lufa yu au kom sintaim feva.
us-here done stay look-for you out come seeing-time forever
1PL.EXCL PAST PROG search 2SG SAT for day many
We've been looking for you for days.
Hod op!
Hod op!
hold up
wait SAT
Presh memon-de.
Presh memon-de.
precious remember-one-the
sacred symbol-EMPH
The sacred symbol.
Ai nou get in taim oso na teik emo fayogon daun.
Ai nou get in taim oso na teik emo fayogon daun.
I no get in time us-all gonna take them-all fire-gun down
1SG NEG know SAT if 1PL.INCL FUT beat 3PL gun SAT
I don't know if we can beat their guns.
Sef bilaik oso [na] lan emo op.
Sef bilaik oso [na] lan emo op.
except-for be-like us-all gonna ? them-all up
except if 1PL.INCL FUT use 3PL SAT
Not unless we use them ourselves.
Heda, em komba raun.
Heda, em komba raun.
header them come-back around
Heda 3SG return SAT
Heda, she's back.

S3E06: Bitter Harvest

Ai don biyo nou!
Ai don biyo nou!
I done be-like no
1SG PAST say no
I said "no"!
Semet! Miya snap!
Semet! Miya snap!
Semet come-here snap
Semet come quickly
Semet! Come quickly!
Yo souda bants kom disha geda. Teik au chit bilaik yo na gada in en gonot. O yo na wan op kom seim fayogon don frag oyo bro en sis op.
Yo souda bants kom disha geda. Teik au chit bilaik yo na gada in en gonot. O yo na wan op kom seim fayogon don frag oyo bro en sis op.
you-all so-done bounce come this gather take out ? be-like you-all gonna gather in and gone-out or you-all gonna wind up come same fire-gun done frag all-you-all bro and sis up
2PL must leave from this place take SAT what SUBORD 2PL FUT carry SAT and leave or 2PL FUT die SAT from same gun PAST kill PL-2PL brother and sister SAT
You all must leave this place. Take what you can carry and go. Or you'll die by the same guns that killed your brothers and sisters.
Heda. Ai as klin kom ai taida gon wamplei-de kom disha hef.
Heda. Ai as klin kom ai taida gon wamplei-de kom disha hef.
header I ask clean come I title gone wind-play-the come this hefter
Commander 1SG demand SAT from 1SG right to death-EMPH from this man
Commander. I demand my right to this man's death.
Gada yu baman in, Wanheda.
Gada yu baman in, Wanheda.
gather you ? in wind-header
take 2SG vengeance SAT Wanheda
Take your vengeance, Wanheda.
Gon brana houd.
Gon brana houd.
gone brand-new whole-world
for new world
For a new world.
Daun laik hakom ai don fis klin bilaik oso edei na swich op.
Daun laik hakom ai don fis klin bilaik oso edei na swich op.
that-one like how-come I done fix clean be-like us-all every-day gonna switch up
that be why 1SG PAST decree SAT SUBORD 1PL.INCL way FUT change SAT
That is why I decreed that our ways will change.
Ai laik Heda kom Jus!
Ai laik Heda kom Jus!
I like header come juice
1SG be Commander from blood
I am Commander of the Blood!
Ai nou na bash yo op.
Ai nou na bash yo op.
I no gonna bash you-all up
I mean you no harm.
Du laik Skaikru.
Du laik Skaikru.
dude like sky-crew
3 be Skaikru
She is Skaikru.
Ai's trana sis au!
Ai's trana sis au!
I-stay trying-to assist out
1SG-PROG try-to help SAT
I'm trying to help!
Ha osir na wich yu in?
Ha osir na wich yu in?
how us-here gonna ? you in
how 1PL.EXCL FUT believe 2SG SAT
Why should we believe you?
Kos em don sis ai au.
Kos em don sis ai au.
because them done assist I out
because 3SG PAST help 1SG SAT
Because she helped me.
So it's agreed.
I'll tell the others, you handle the girl.
Gon gada yu leron op.
Gon gada yu leron op.
go-and gather you ? up
go gather 2SG belonging SAT
Go pack your things.
The trap is set. As soon as it's done, we leave for Polis.
Osir jos beda frag em op.
Osir jos beda frag em op.
us-here just better frag them up
1PL.EXCL just should kill 3SG SAT
We should just kill her.
Ouder! Emo komba raun.
Ouder! Emo komba raun.
over-there them-all come-back around
there 3PL come SAT
There! They come.
Nou. Heda gaf sen in hashta dison kom Skaikru noumou.
Nou. Heda gaf sen in hashta dison kom Skaikru noumou.
no header gotta-have ? in hashtag this-one come Sky-crew no-more
NEG Commander need hear SAT about this-one from Skaikru only
No. The Commander needs to hear about this from the Sky People themselves.
Hod em op!
Hod em op!
hold them up
stop 3SG SAT
Stop her!
Light 'em up! Wait till they're in position.
Teik yo ogud!
Teik yo ogud!
take you-all all-good
get 2PL ready
Get ready!
Oso hit choda op nat, kom tona gou fou nau, hashta ai op hef na wan op.
Oso hit choda op nat, kom tona gou fou nau, hashta ai op hef na wan op.
us-all hit each-other up night come ton-of go before now hashtag eye up hefter gonna wind up
1PL.INCL meet each-other SAT tonight come many time before now about watch SAT man FUT die SAT
We come together tonight, as we have countless times before, to watch a man die.
Ai ron disha hef em sonraun op.
Ai ron disha hef em sonraun op.
I run this hefter them sun-around up
1SG give this man 3SG life SAT
I give this man his life.
Jus nou drein jus daun.
Jus nou drein jus daun.
juice no drain juice down
blood NEG drink blood SAT
Blood must not have blood.
Hosh op! Emo kripon kom Maun nou na ge gada in kom won hef.
Hosh op! Emo kripon kom Maun nou na ge gada in kom won hef.
hush up them-all creep-one come mountain no gonna get got-a in come one hefter
be-silent SAT 3PL crime of Mountain NEG FUT PASS answer SAT by one man
Silence! The crimes of the Mountain cannot be answered by one man.

S3E07: Thirteen

Oso don hod op feva. Stot au.
Oso don hod op feva. Stot au.
us-all done hold up forever start out
1PL.INCL PAST wait SAT long-time begin SAT
We've waited long enough. Begin.
Hofli keryon kom Heda na fleim au ona oso ogeda.
Hofli keryon kom Heda na fleim au ona oso ogeda.
hopefully carry-on come header gonna flame out on-a us-all all-gather
may spirit from Commander FUT burn SAT in 1PL.INCL all
May the spirit of the Commander burn within us all.
Bosh moba, Heda. Deyon oso gid em op gon keryon kom Heda hashta mema in gyonplei kom Leksa kom Trikru.
Bosh moba, Heda. Deyon oso gid em op gon keryon kom Heda hashta mema in gyonplei kom Leksa kom Trikru.
bunch my-bad header day-one us-all ? them up gone carry-on come header hashtag remember in go-on-play come Lexa come Tree-crew
PL apology Commander today 1PL.INCL celebrate 3SG SAT for spirit from Commander about remember SAT ascension of Lexa from Trikru
Apologies, Heda. Today we celebrate the spirit of the Commander by remembering the Ascension of Lexa of Trikru.
Jus drein jus daun! Wamplei gon Skaikru!
Jus drein jus daun! Wamplei gon Skaikru!
juice drain juice down wind-play gone sky-crew
Blood drink blood SAT death to Sky-People
Blood must have blood! Death to the Sky People!
Ai don tel yu op bilaik em nou na ge get daun.
Ai don tel yu op bilaik em nou na ge get daun.
I done tell you up be-like them no gonna get get down
1SG PAST tell 2SG SAT that 3SG NEG FUT PASS disturb SAT
I told you, she was not to be disturbed.
Ai fleimkidon! Hon em op nau!
Ai fleimkidon! Hon em op nau!
I flame-kit-one hunt them up now
1SG flame-kit get 3SG SAT now
My flame kit! Get it now!
Ai gonplei ste odon.
Ai gonplei ste odon.
I gun-play stay all-done
1SG fight be done
My fight is over.
Hofli em na teik yu in gon hou.
Hofli em na teik yu in gon hou.
hopefully them gonna take you in gone home
may 3SG FUT accept 2SG SAT to home
May she welcome you home.
Hod em op! Hod em op gon Heda! Hod op!
Hod em op! Hod em op gon Heda! Hod op!
hold them up hold them up gone header hold up
stop 3SG SAT stop 3SG SAT for Commander stop SAT
Stop him! Stop him for the Commander! Stop!
Fleimkepa don swega klin bilaik osir na ge sen in!
Fleimkepa don swega klin bilaik osir na ge sen in!
flame-keeper done swear-god clean be-like us-here gonna get ? in
Flamekeeper PAST swear SAT that 1PL.EXCL FUT PASS hear SAT
The Flamekeeper promised we would be heard!
Wigod ai op hashta min klin ona disha presh sintaim, Heda.
Wigod ai op hashta min klin ona disha presh sintaim, Heda.
we-good I up hashtag come-in clean on-a this-a precious seeing-time header
forgive 1SG SAT about intrude SAT on this sacred day Heda
Forgive me for intruding on this holy day, Heda.
Ai laik Semet kom Trikru. Wocha kom Rendon, en ai kom op hashta raitnes.
Ai laik Semet kom Trikru. Wocha kom Rendon, en ai kom op hashta raitnes.
I like Semet come Tree-crew Watcher come Rendon and I come up hashtag rightness
1SG be Semet from Trikru chieftain from Rendon and 1SG come SAT about justice
I am Semet kom Trikru chieftain of Rendon and I come seeking justice.
Gouva yu klin. Chomouda yu don sis op Okteivia kom Skaikru gon honon?
Gouva yu klin. Chomouda yu don sis op Okteivia kom Skaikru gon honon?
go-over you clean ? you done ? up Octavia come Sky-crew gone hunt-one
explain 2SG SAT why 2SG PAST take SAT Octavia from Skaikru for prisoner
Explain yourself. Why do you hold Octavia kom Skaikru prisoner?
Em laik honon kom wor, Heda, don ge lid hir na sin in kripon-de kom omon kru.
Em laik honon kom wor, Heda, don ge lid hir na sin in kripon-de kom omon kru.
them like hunt-one come war header done get lead here gonna seen in creep-one-the come all-them-one crew
3SG be prisoner from war Heda PAST PASS bring here FUT see SAT crime-EMPH of 3SG.POSS.PL people
She is a prisoner of war, Heda, brought here to bear witness to the crimes of her people.
Beja, Heda. Ai beja yu daun. Goch osir klin.
Beja, Heda. Ai beja yu daun. Goch osir klin.
beg-you header I beg-you you down gotcha us-here clean
please Heda 1SG beg 2SG SAT avenge 1PL.EXCL SAT
Please, Heda. I beg you. Avenge us.
Yu na spek daun ona disha wogeda!
Yu na spek daun ona disha wogeda!
you gonna respect down on-a this-a war-gather
2SG FUT respect SAT in this chamber
You will show respect in this chamber!
Ai don kom op hir na koma yu op.
Ai don kom op hir na koma yu op.
I done come up here gonna ? you up
I PAST come SAT here FUT honor 2SG SAT
I came to honor you.
Nou bilaik koma hir.
Nou bilaik koma hir.
no be-like ? here
NEG be honor here
There's no honor here.
Ai gaf yu seiso in, Amin Indra.
Ai gaf yu seiso in, Amin Indra.
I gotta-have you say-so in admin Indra
1SG need 2SG counsel SAT master Indra
I need your counsel, Master Indra.
Yu nou trana bash op Klark nodotaim nowe. Swega em klin.
Yu nou trana bash op Klark nodotaim nowe. Swega em klin.
you no trying-to bash up Clarke another-time no-way swear-god them clean
2SG NEG try harm SAT Clarke again never swear 3SG SAT
You will never again attempt to harm Clarke. Swear it.
Ai swega em klin.
Ai swega em klin.
I swear-god them clean
1SG swear 3SG SAT
I swear it.
Den dula yu job op. Badan neson-de op kom we yu don badan ai op, Fleimkepa.
Den dula yu job op. Badan neson-de op kom we yu don badan ai op, Fleimkepa.
then do-like you job up bow-down next-one-the up come way you done bow-down I up Flame-keeper
then do 2SG job SAT serve next-EMPH SAT of way 2SG PAST serve 1SG SAT Flamekeeper
Then do your job. Serve the next as you have served me, Fleimkepa.
Yu gonplei ste odon, Leksa kom Trikru Gonplei kom Heda kigon feva.
Yu gonplei ste odon, Leksa kom Trikru Gonplei kom Heda kigon feva.
you gun-play stay all-done Lexa come Tree-crew gun-play come header keep-go-on forever
2SG fight be over Lexa from Trikru fight of Commander continue forever
Your fight is over, Lexa kom Trikru The Commanders fight goes on.
Teik Sadgeda stot au. Heda stedaun.
Teik Sadgeda stot au. Heda stedaun.
take said-gather start out header stay-down
let Conclave begin SAT Commander dead
Let the Conclave begin. The Commander is dead.

S3E08: Terms And Conditions

Kom nau!
Kom nau!
come now
from now

S3E09: Stealing Fire

Moka na strik swolnes-de daun mebi.
Moka na strik swolnes-de daun mebi.
mucker gonna streak swellness-the down maybe
mud FUT reduce swelling-EMPH SAT maybe
Mud may reduce the swelling.
En's pudon ledon-de op kom somines.
En's pudon ledon-de op kom somines.
them-stay put-on laid-one-the up come ?
3SG-be wear injury-EMPH SAT with pride
He wears the wound with pride.
Min yo op.
Min yo op.
come-in you-all up
enter 2PL SAT
Ste yuj.
Ste yuj.
stay huge
be strong
Stay strong.
Os. Okteivia na fig strat au na breik yu au. Ai swega yu klin.
Os. Okteivia na fig strat au na breik yu au. Ai swega yu klin.
awesome Octavia gonna figure strategy out gonna break you out I swear-to-god you clean
good Octavia FUT find plan SAT FUT free 2SG SAT 1SG swear 2SG SAT
Good. Octavia will find a way to get you out of here. I promise.
Ai hod yu in.
Ai hod yu in.
I hold you in
1SG love 2SG SAT
I love you.
Hofli Keryon kom Heda na sad ai op.
Hofli Keryon kom Heda na sad ai op.
hopefully carry-on come header gonna said I up
may spirit of Commander FUT choose 1SG SAT
May the Spirit of the Commander choose me.
Naikou don tich yu op os, you.
Naikou don tich yu op os, you.
Nyko done teach you up awesome yo
Nyko PAST teach 2SG SAT good INT
Nyko taught you well.
Naikou don gonot fou gonen.
Naikou don gonot fou gonen.
Nyko done gone-out before gunning
Nyko PAST leave before trouble
Nyko got out just in time.
Yu na gonot seintaim.
Yu na gonot seintaim.
you gonna gone-out same-time
2SG FUT leave as-well
You'll get out, too.
Chit en's tel yu op?
Chit en's tel yu op?
? them-stay tell you up
what 3SG-be tell 2SG SAT
What's he saying?
Nou trip raun, you.
Nou trip raun, you.
no trip around yo
Don't worry.
Chon teik wimplei tromon laud?!
Chon teik wimplei tromon laud?!
which-one take win-play trumpet-one loud
who make victory horn sound
Who sounds the victory horn?!
Emo komba hir na ban ai we kom nau. Yu nou souda kok au.
Emo komba hir na ban ai we kom nau. Yu nou souda kok au.
them-all come-back here gonna abandon I away come now you no so-done ? out
3PL come here FUT take 1SG SAT for now 2SG NEG must resist SAT
They're here to take me away now. You must not resist.
Ai sou nou na shil emo op thau yu.
Ai sou nou na shil emo op thau yu.
I so no gonna shell them-all up without you
1SG EMPH NEG FUT protect 3PL SAT without 2SG
I can't protect them without you.
Sen ai op. Yu laik gona. Ste yuj.
Sen ai op. Yu laik gona. Ste yuj.
? I up you like gunner stay huge
listen 1SG SAT 2SG be warrior be strong
Listen to me. You are a warrior. Stay strong.
Hod yu chichplei op, mokskwoma!
Hod yu chichplei op, mokskwoma!
hold you chit-chat-play up mucksquirmer
stop 2SG talking SAT worm
Stop talking, worm!
Oso throu daun ogeda.
Oso throu daun ogeda.
us-all throw down all-gather
1PL.INCL fight SAT together
We fight together.
Won tika.
Won tika.
one ticker
one moment
One moment.

S3E10: Fallen

Heda, ai laik Uzak, Bandrona kom Yujleda.
Heda, ai laik Uzak, Bandrona kom Yujleda.
header I like Uzac band-runner come huge-leather
Commander 1SG be Uzac ambassador from Broadleaf
Heda, I am Uzac, Ambassador of Broadleaf.
Osir ste ogud hashta Tagspiden.
Osir ste ogud hashta Tagspiden.
us-here stay all-good hashtag tag-speak-ing
1PL.EXCL be ready regarding speaking-of-the-names
We're ready for the speaking of the names.
Speken yu daun, Ontori... Bilaik bida sich hashta yu gyonplei?
Speken yu daun, Ontori... Bilaik bida sich hashta yu gyonplei?
respecting you down Ontari be-like bit-of situation hashtag you get-on-play
respect 2SG SAT Ontari be.PEJ small problem regarding 2SG ascension
Respectfully, Ontari... Is there a problem with your ascension?
Chon na mes ai heimbri op?
Chon na mes ai heimbri op?
which-one gonna mess I ? up
who FUT interrupt 1SG prayer SAT
Who dares interrupt my prayers?
Osir lid yo in Chansla Paik kom Skaikru.
Osir lid yo in Chansla Paik kom Skaikru.
us-here lead you-all in Chancellor Pike come Sky-crew
1PL.EXCL bring 2PL SAT Chancellor Pike of Skaikru
We bring you Chancellor Pike of the Sky People.
Teik em in, ban disha treibloka we!
Teik em in, ban disha treibloka we!
take them in ban this-a trade-blocker away
take 3SG SAT remove this blockade SAT
Take him, lift this blockade!

S3E11: Nevermore

Hashta bakkova-de.
Hashta bakkova-de.
For the clothes.

S3E12: Demons

Hon in yong deyon, kapa.
Hon in yong deyon, kapa.
hunt in young day-one ?
catch SAT fresh today sir
Fresh caught today, sir.
Chon bilaik disha jimi bandrona?
Chon bilaik disha jimi bandrona?
which-one be-like this did-you-mean band-runner
who be this so-called ambassador
Who is this so-called emissary?
Em nou don tel ai op em tagon, Heda... Ba em gada presh memon-de in.
Em nou don tel ai op em tagon, Heda... Ba em gada presh memon-de in.
them no done tell I up them tag-one header but them got-a precious remember-one-the in
3SG NEG PAST tell 1SG SAT 3SG name Commander but 3SG have sacred symbol-EMPH SAT
He would not give his name, Heda... But he bears the sacred symbol.
Teik wogeda-de klir.
Teik wogeda-de klir.
take war-gather-the clear
make room-EMPH empty
Clear the room.
Cheka! Sis ai 'shouna' op. Sen em op gon taingeda.
Cheka! Sis ai 'shouna' op. Sen em op gon taingeda.
checker ? I showing-er up ? them up gone tying-gather
sentry take 1SG advisor SAT send 3SG SAT to jail
Sentries! Arrest my 'advisor'. Send him to jail.
Ai hod yu in. Leidon.
Ai hod yu in. Leidon.
I hold you in later-one
1SG love 2SG SAT goodbye
I love you. Goodbye.
Nou ste stelt. Chit yu gaf?
Nou ste stelt. Chit yu gaf?
no stay stealth ? you gotta-have
NEG be secretive what 2SG want
Spit it out. What do you want?
Sis disha neindropa op.
Sis disha neindropa op.
? this name-dropper up
take this impostor SAT
Arrest this impostor.

S3E13: Join or Die

Lus em au.
Lus em au.
loose them out
untie 3SG SAT
Untie him.
Nau teik yu spika slak en teik Klika-de in.
Nau teik yu spika slak en teik Klika-de in.
now take you speaker slack and take clicker-the in
now make 2SG mouth open and accept key-EMPH SAT
Now open your mouth and accept the Key.
Ai laik Okteivia kom Skaikru en ai gaf gouthru klir.
Ai laik Okteivia kom Skaikru en ai gaf gouthru klir.
I am Octavia of the Sky people and I want to pass.
Teik emo gon nila, ban emo gaga we, en lus 'mo meika au.
Teik emo gon nila, ban emo gaga we, en lus 'mo meika au.
take them-all gone kneeler abandon them-all gagger away and loose them-all maker out
make 3PL to knee remove 3PL gag SAT and free 3PL hand SAT
Put them on their knees, remove their gags, and free their hands.
Flag floudon-de daun.
Flag floudon-de daun.
flag float-one-the down
signal boat-EMPH SAT
Signal the boat.
Yu gonplei ste odon.
Yu gonplei ste odon.
you gun-play stay all-done
2SG fight be done
Your fight is over.
Indra, hod op.
Indra, hod op.
Indra hold up
Indra wait SAT
Indra, wait.
Chon yu bilaik? Hakom yu don flag raun?
Chon yu bilaik? Hakom yu don flag raun?
which-one you be-like how-come you done flag around
who 2SG be why 2SG PAST signal SAT
Who are you? Why did you signal?

S3E14: Red Sky at Morning

Raun dei trei-de. Gonot kom stergeda ona lesad. Hosh, you.
Raun dei trei-de. Gonot kom stergeda ona lesad. Hosh, you.
around there trail-the gone-out come stair-gather on left-side hush yo
near that path-EMPH leave from stairs on left quietly EMPH
Down that way. Take the stairs on your left. Quietly.
Kom woda 'so gyon op, gon woda 'so kom daun.
Kom woda 'so gyon op, gon woda 'so kom daun.
come water us-all go-on up gone water us-all come down
from water 1PL.INCL rise SAT to water 1PL.INCL return SAT
From water we are born, to water we return.
Em nou flou thru, Indra. Skaikru strat ste os, you.
Em nou flou thru, Indra. Skaikru strat ste os, you.
them no flow through Indra sky-crew strategy stay awesome yo
3SG NEG flow SAT Indra Skaikru plan be good EMPH
It's no use, Indra. The Skaikru plan is good.
Bants. Nau. Shoun emo op gon klirnes.
Bants. Nau. Shoun emo op gon klirnes.
bounce now showing them-all up gone clear-ness
go now show 3PL SAT to safety
Go. Now. Lead them to safety.
Skaigada na hon won telon op.
Skaigada na hon won telon op.
sky-? gonna hunt one tell-one up
Sky-girl FUT get one word SAT
The Sky Girl would like a word.
Em laik fousen gougeda, you.
Em laik fousen gougeda, you.
them like for-? go-getter yo
3SG be true persistent-person EMPH
She's persistent, I'll give her that.
Oso ste odon kom deyon. Gyon op na sis Derik au hashta moksoka seifas.
Oso ste odon kom deyon. Gyon op na sis Derik au hashta moksoka seifas.
us-all stay all-done come day-one go-on up gonna assist Derrick out hashtag muck-soaker ?
1PL.INCL be done from today go SAT FUT help Derrick SAT regarding lamprey trap
We're done for today. Go help Derrick with the lamprey traps.
Kefa yu nou pul yu-de op. Oso nou fish raun gon yongon.
Kefa yu nou pul yu-de op. Oso nou fish raun gon yongon.
careful you no pull you-the up us-all no fish around gone young-one
careful you NEG pull you-EMPH SAT 1PL.INCL NEG fish SAT for child
Careful not to catch yourself. We don't fish for children.
Em ste meija bilaik oso flou thru seintaim.
Em ste meija bilaik oso flou thru seintaim.
them stay major be-like us-all flow through same-time
3SG be best that 1PL.INCL work SAT together
It's important that we all work together.
Indra, yu nou souda breik ai au.
Indra, yu nou souda breik ai au.
Indra you no so-done break I out
Indra 2SG NEG must free 1SG SAT
Indra, you don't have to free me.
Shoun emo we.
Shoun emo we.
showing them-all away
lead 3PL SAT
Lead them away.

S3E15: Perverse Instantiation: Part 1

Ai laik Roun, Haihefa kom Azgeda, en ai gada in chit Heda gaf in.
Ai laik Roun, Haihefa kom Azgeda, en ai gada in chit Heda gaf in.
I like Roan high-hefter come ice-gather and I gather ? header gotta-have in
1SG be Roan king from Ice-Nation and 1SG have what Commander want SAT
I am Roan, King of Azgeda, and I have what the Commander seeks!
Yu hou kamp raun hir.
Yu hou kamp raun hir.
you home camp around here
2SG home be.LOC SAT here
Your home is here.
Kom hir. Emo kamp raun tona-de.
Kom hir. Emo kamp raun tona-de.
come here them-all camp around turner-the
from here 3PL be.LOC SAT wheel-EMPH
Over here. They're at the wheel.
Kep yo hodgeda in. Taim veida-de wan daun, taim oso frag 'mo op.
Kep yo hodgeda in. Taim veida-de wan daun, taim oso frag 'mo op.
keep you-all hold-gather in time elevator-the wind down time us-all ? them-all up
keep 2PL position SAT when elevator-EMPH stop SAT then 1PL.INCL kill 3PL SAT
Get in position. As soon as the elevator stops, we take them out.
Weron 'mo don gon we? Kamp raun hir.
Weron 'mo don gon we? Kamp raun hir.
where-one them-all done gone away camp around here
where 3PL PAST go SAT stay SAT here
Where'd they go? Stay here.

S3E16: Perverse Instantiation: Part 2

S4E01: Echoes

En's kiken! Osir gaf fisa in!
En's kiken! Osir gaf fisa in!
them-stay kicking us-here gotta-have fixer in
3SG-be alive 1PL.EXCL need healer SAT
He's alive! We need a healer!
Lid haihefa-de gon bangeda seintaim kom ostof kom oso stedaun. Dula'm op nau.
Lid haihefa-de gon bangeda seintaim kom ostof kom oso stedaun. Dula'm op nau.
lead high-hefter-the gone banner-gather same-time come all-stuff come us-all stay-down do-like-them up now
bring king-EMPH toward embassy also with rest of 1PL.INCL dead do-3SG SAT now
Take the king to the embassy with the rest of our dead. Do it now.
Chek yu raun, you! Skaikru don dul'so daun! Ona'mo, Ontori, yo fousen Heda, stedaun! Neindropa-de don jak em Fleimon op!
Chek yu raun, you! Skaikru don dul'so daun! Ona'mo, Ontori, yo fousen Heda, stedaun! Neindropa-de don jak em Fleimon op!
check you around yo sky-crew done do-like-us-all that-one on-them-all Ontari you-all ? header stay-down name-dropper-the done jack flame-one up
look-around 2SG SAT EMPH Sky-People PAST do 1PL.INCL that on 3PL Ontari 2PL true Commander dead imposter-EMPH PAST steal 3SG Flame SAT
Look around you! Skaikru did this to us! Because of them, Ontari, your rightful Commander, is dead! The imposter stole her Flame!
No. Wanheda don kep oso klin. Oso ogeda. Kyongedon en Skaikru.
No. Wanheda don kep oso klin. Oso ogeda. Kyongedon en Skaikru.
no wind-header done keep us-all clean us-all all-gather keep-on-get-on and sky-crew
NEG Wanheda PAST save 1PL.INCL SAT 1PL.INCL all Grounder and Sky-People
No. Wanheda saved us. All of us. Grounder and Skaikru.
Ona tagon kom Haihefa Roun, kos'ir bilaik fousen opkepa kom haisidon kom Heda, Polis nau ste ona Azgeda hedplei.
Ona tagon kom Haihefa Roun, kos'ir bilaik fousen opkepa kom haisidon kom Heda, Polis nau ste ona Azgeda hedplei.
on tag-one come high-hefter Roan because-us-here be-like ? up-keeper come high-sit-on come header Polis now stay on ice-gather head-play
in name from king Roan because-1PL.EXCL be true caretaker of throne of Commander Polis now be in Ice-nation rule
In the name of King Roan, as rightful caretakers of the throne of the Commanders, Polis is now under Azgeda rule.
Kom skafa, you. Weron kamp raun yu wormana, gada?
Kom skafa, you. Weron kamp raun yu wormana, gada?
come ? yo where-on camp around you war-manner gatherer
of ? EMPH where be.LOC 2SG war-chief girl
Like hell it is. Where's your war chief, girl?
Osir wormana stedaun... Bandrona. Kos'a bilaik niron kom Haiplana Shilkru, hedplei gon fous-de laik ain kom taim Haihefa na stomba raun.
Osir wormana stedaun... Bandrona. Kos'a bilaik niron kom Haiplana Shilkru, hedplei gon fous-de laik ain kom taim Haihefa na stomba raun.
us-here war-manner stay-down banner-? because-I be-like near-one come high-planner shell-crew head-play gone force-the like I-one come time high-hefter gonna stomp around
1PL.EXCL war-chief dead ambassador as-1SG be member of Queen Guard rule toward army-EMPH be 1SG.POS come time king FUT wake SAT
Our war chief is dead... Ambassador. As a member of the Queen's Guard, command of the army is mine until the King awakens.
Kom taim em na stomba raun... Kom taim brana Heda na gyon op, Polis na ge hed op kom emo Bandrona kom Kongeda. Taim Azgeda mana teik em op, taim Azgeda mana teik em daun.
Kom taim em na stomba raun... Kom taim brana Heda na gyon op, Polis na ge hed op kom emo Bandrona kom Kongeda. Taim Azgeda mana teik em op, taim Azgeda mana teik em daun.
come time them gonna stomp around come time brand-new header gonna get-on up Polis gonna get head up come them-all banner-? come come-gather time ice-gather mean-to take them up time ice-gather mean-to take them down
come time 3SG FUT wake SAT come time new commander FUT ascend SAT Polis FUT PASS lead SAT of 3PL ambassador of coalition if Ice-Nation intend take 3SG SAT then Ice-Nation intend capture 3SG SAT
If he awakens... Until a new Commander can ascend, Polis is to be ruled by the Ambassadors of the Coalition. If Azgeda intends to take it, then they must take it by force.
gone ice-gather
for ice-nation
Testa kom Skaikru.
Testa kom Skaikru.
tester come sky-crew
messenger of Sky-People
Messenger from Skaikru.
Hod op! Fis klin yu diyo!
Hod op! Fis klin yu diyo!
hold up fix clean you deal
stop SAT decree SAT 2SG thing
Hold! State your business!
Lid em gon bangeda.
Lid em gon bangeda.
lead them gone banner-gather
bring 3SG toward embassy
Take her to the embassy.
En tich em op ha Azgeda na skwed hana op gon Klikalida.
En tich em op ha Azgeda na skwed hana op gon Klikalida.
and teach them up how ice-gather gonna squared ? up gone clicker-leader
and teach 3SG SAT how Ice-nation FUT repay favor SAT toward Key-Bringer
And show him how Azgeda repays a favor to the bringer of the Key.
Teik em gon moun-de.
Teik em gon moun-de.
take them gone more-one-the
put 3SG toward other-one-EMPH
Put her with the others.
Ha em lin?
Ha em lin?
how them living
how 3SG living
How is he?
Skaikru ste set daun.
Skaikru ste set daun.
sky-crew stay set down
Sky-People PROG surrender SAT
Skaikru is surrendering.
Shil Haihefa-de op. Ostof, ona ai. En lid em in seintaim.
Shil Haihefa-de op. Ostof, ona ai. En lid em in seintaim.
shell high-hefter-the up all-stuff on I and lead them in same-time
protect king-EMPH SAT rest on 1SG and bring 3SG SAT also
Guard the King. The rest, on me. And bring him too.
hold up
stop SAT
Emo don's trana slip Haihefa daun! Chek em au!
Emo don's trana slip Haihefa daun! Chek em au!
them-all done-stay trying-to slip high-hefter down check them out
3PL PAST-PROG try slay king SAT check 3SG SAT
They were trying to kill the King! Check him!
Gon ai Haiplana.
Gon ai Haiplana.
gone I high-planner
for 1SG queen
For my Queen.
Hod op!
Hod op!
hold up
stop SAT
Ai Haihefa.
Ai Haihefa.
I high-?
1SG king
My King.
Roun, yu kru ste thosti kom yu na hed emo op. Dula'm op nau bilaik yu nomon na don. Teik Wanheda au. Sis em uf op. En hed yu op ona ething.
Roun, yu kru ste thosti kom yu na hed emo op. Dula'm op nau bilaik yu nomon na don. Teik Wanheda au. Sis em uf op. En hed yu op ona ething.
Roan you crew stay thirsty come you gonna head them-all up do-like-them up now be-like you number-one gonna done take wind-header out assist them oof up and head you up on everything
Roan 2SG people be needing for 2SG FUT lead 3PL SAT do-3SG SAT now as 2SG mother FUT PAST kill Wanheda SAT take 3SG power SAT and lead 2SG SAT on everything
Roan, your people are hungry for you to lead them. Do so now as your mother would have. Kill Wanheda. Take her power. And rule over everything.
Wanheda, kom yu seiso, ai haihefa. Ai na konge'mo wormana?
Wanheda, kom yu seiso, ai haihefa. Ai na konge'mo wormana?
wind-header come you say-so I high-hefter I gonna come-get-them-all war-manner
Wanheda of 2SG request 1SG king 1SG FUT summon-3PL war-chiefs
Wanheda, as requested, my king. Shall I summon the war chiefs?
juice drain juice down
blood drink blood SAT
Kaina bandragen dison bilaik?!
Kaina bandragen dison bilaik?!
kind-of banner-dragging this-one be-like
what-kind blasphemy this be
What blasphemy is this?!
Nou bandragen. Reinseden!
Nou bandragen. Reinseden!
no banner-dragging ?-setting
NEG blasphemy order
Not blasphemy. Order!
Yu laik haihefa, nou ouspika.
Yu laik haihefa, nou ouspika.
you like high-hefter no over-speaker
2SG be king NEG priest
You're a king, not a priest!

S4E02: Heavy Lies the Crown

Haihefa shil op Skaikru. Chomouda?
Haihefa shil op Skaikru. Chomouda?
high-hefter shell up sky-crew ?
king protect SAT Sky-People why
The King protects Skaikru. Why?
Kos em laik emo stringboba, Ilion. Rattop, seim bilaik Skaikru Bliden Hayon don rak oso op. Ai don frag op oso Bandrona. Don slash em swela klin. Em don bilaik ai lukot. En du na shil op kru-de don dula dison daun ste hedsweden ogeda kom emo, nami?
Kos em laik emo stringboba, Ilion. Rattop, seim bilaik Skaikru Bliden Hayon don rak oso op. Ai don frag op oso Bandrona. Don slash em swela klin. Em don bilaik ai lukot. En du na shil op kru-de don dula dison daun ste hedsweden ogeda kom emo, nami?
because them like them-all string-bobber Ilian racked-up same be-like sky-crew bleeding high-one done rack us-all up I done frag up us-all banner-? done slash them ? clean them done be-like I look-out and dude gonna shell up crew-the done do-like this-one down stay head-sweating all-gather come them-all know-what-I-mean
because 3SG be 3PL puppet Ilian controlled same as Sky-People Red Goddess PAST control 1PL.INCL SAT 1SG PAST kill SAT 1PL.INCL ambassador PAST cut 3SG throat SAT 3SG PAST be 1SG friend and someone FUT protect SAT people-EMPH PAST do this SAT be guilty together with 3PL got-it
Because he is their puppet, Ilian. Controlled, just as Skaikru's Red Goddess controlled us all. I killed our Ambassador. Cut her throat. She was my friend. And anyone who protects the people who did this are as guilty as they are.
Wich ai in, oyo. Roun kom Azgeda na sen ai in.
Wich ai in, oyo. Roun kom Azgeda na sen ai in.
? I in all-you-all Roan come ice-gather gonna ? I in
believe 1SG SAT PL-2PL Roan from Ice-Nation FUT hear 1SG SAT
Trust me, all of you. Roan kom Azgeda will hear me.
Kos ai bilaik yu brana Bandrona, ai ste kom taida na kol em au. Soulou gonplei. Roun nou na chants na gada in bilaik en's kwelen. Em nou na bak daun.
Kos ai bilaik yu brana Bandrona, ai ste kom taida na kol em au. Soulou gonplei. Roun nou na chants na gada in bilaik en's kwelen. Em nou na bak daun.
because I be-like you brand-new banner-? I stay come title gonna call them out solo gunplay Roan no gonna chance gonna gotta in be-like them-stay quailing them no gonna back down
because 1SG be 2SG new ambassador 1SG be of right FUT challenge 3SG SAT solo fight Roan NEG FUT chance FUT have SAT as 3SG-be weak 3SG NEG FUT refuse SAT
As your new Ambassador, I have the right to challenge him. Soulou gonplei. Roan can't afford to look weak. He won't refuse.
Rafel, ai gada in raitnes, nou loda jusdreinen.
Rafel, ai gada in raitnes, nou loda jusdreinen.
Rafel I gotta in rightness no lotta juice-draining
Rafel 1SG want SAT justice NEG more bloodshed
Rafel, I want justice, not more bloodshed.
Dison sou laik Polis raitnes, skat. Chit yu wich in na kom au? Jus drein jus daun.
Dison sou laik Polis raitnes, skat. Chit yu wich in na kom au? Jus drein jus daun.
this-one so like Polis rightness ? ? you ? in gonna come out juice drain juice down
this EMPH be Polis justice boy what 2SG believe SAT FUT happen SAT blood drink blood SAT
This is Polis justice, boy. What did you think would happen? Blood must have blood.
Yu gada in baman hashta yu seingeda o no?
Yu gada in baman hashta yu seingeda o no?
you gotta in ? hashtag you same-gather or no
2SG want SAT revenge about 2SG family or NEG
Do you want revenge for your family, or not?
Radon. Den taim Trishanakru rak Polis op, taim yu na hon em in.
Radon. Den taim Trishanakru rak Polis op, taim yu na hon em in.
right-on then time tree-shiner-crew rack Polis up time you gonna hunt them in
good then when Trishanakru control Polis SAT then 2SG FUT find 3SG SAT
Good. Then when Trishanakru controls Polis, you will have it.
Oyo na hon em in. Ai swega yo klin'taim Haihefa melon slip daun, taim Skaikru slip daun ogeda kom em.
Oyo na hon em in. Ai swega yo klin'taim Haihefa melon slip daun, taim Skaikru slip daun ogeda kom em.
all-you-all gonna hunt them in I swear-god you-all clean time high-hefter melon slip down time sky-crew slip down all-gather come them
PL-2PL FUT find 3SG SAT 1SG swear 2PL SAT when king head fall SAT then Sky-People fall SAT together with 3SG
All of you will. I promise when the King's head falls, Skaikru falls with it.
Chon ona skafa daun?
Chon ona skafa daun?
which-one on ? that-one
what in hell that
What the hell is that?
Haihefa Roun kom Azgeda don sen osir.
Haihefa Roun kom Azgeda don sen osir.
high-hefter Roan come ice-gather done send us-here
king Roan from Ice-Nation PAST send 1PL.EXCL
King Roan of Azgeda sent us.
Yu's lottau ai nou don bos yu chopa op.
Yu's lottau ai nou don bos yu chopa op.
you-stay lucked-out I no done bust you chopper up
2SG-be lucky 1SG NEG PAST break 2SG teeth SAT
You're lucky I didn't break your teeth.
Hod op!
Hod op!
hold up
wait SAT
"Haihefa" Roun nou don komba raun Azgeda hashta thri yiron, you. Hakom osir na gifa in em pichu Skaikru? Banau Hainofa-de nou laik ai Haihefa.
"Haihefa" Roun nou don komba raun Azgeda hashta thri yiron, you. Hakom osir na gifa in em pichu Skaikru? Banau Hainofa-de nou laik ai Haihefa.
high-hefter Roan no done come-back around ice-gather hashtag three year-one yo how-come us-here gonna give-a-fuck in them pikachu sky-crew ban-out high-number-four-the no like I high-hefter
king Roan NEG PAST return SAT Ice-Nation about three year EMPH why 1PL.EXCL FUT care SAT 3SG pet Sky-People banished prince-EMPH NEG be 1SG king
"King" Roan hasn't returned to Azgeda in three years. Why should we care about his pet Skaikru? The banished Prince is not my King.
Oso nou gaf nou gonen in. Won telon kom Roun na flosh klin ething oso don gran op hir.
Oso nou gaf nou gonen in. Won telon kom Roun na flosh klin ething oso don gran op hir.
us-all no gotta-have no gunning in one tell-one come Roan gonna flush clean everything us-all done grind up here
1PL.INCL NEG need NEG trouble SAT one word from Roan FUT destroy SAT everything 1PL.INCL PAST work SAT here
We don't need any trouble. One word from Roan could destroy everything we've worked for here.
Oso frag emo op, Taib, Haihefa-de nou na get em in nowe...
Oso frag emo op, Taib, Haihefa-de nou na get em in nowe...
us-all frag them-all up Tybe high-hefter-the no gonna get them in no-way
1PL.INCL kill 3PL Tybe king-EMPH NEG FUT know 3SG SAT never
If we kill them, Tybe, the King will never know...
Tsa jos dula'm klin, Dakiva. Breik emo au!
Tsa jos dula'm klin, Dakiva. Breik emo au!
? just do-like-them clean Dakiva break them-all out
let-1PL.INCL just do-3SG SAT Dakiva free 3PL SAT
Let's just get this over with, Dakiva. Release them!
Damn it!
Chomouda yu na teik disha throudon in idowe? Yu laik Haihefa. Fis klin oyu bakon noumou, nami?
Chomouda yu na teik disha throudon in idowe? Yu laik Haihefa. Fis klin oyu bakon noumou, nami?
? you gonna take this throw-down in anyway you like high-hefter fix clean all-you back-one no-more know-what-I-mean
why 2SG FUT take this challenge SAT anyway 2SG be king decree SAT PL-2SG rule no-other yeah
Why accept this challenge at all? You're King, make your own rules.
Ai don tel yu op. Ai nou na gon kaina Haihefa kom daun.
Ai don tel yu op. Ai nou na gon kaina Haihefa kom daun.
I done tell you up I no gonna gone kind-of high-hefter come that-one
1SG PAST tell 2SG SAT 1SG NEG FUT as kind king that
I told you. I won't be that kind of King.
...taim ai don finga Roun au hashta kripon gon oso kru hashta shil op Skaikru, taim e'na gaf stein klin. Ilion na gon ai fos vaucha.
...taim ai don finga Roun au hashta kripon gon oso kru hashta shil op Skaikru, taim e'na gaf stein klin. Ilion na gon ai fos vaucha.
time I done finger Roan out hashtag creep-one gone us-all crew hashtag shell up sky-crew time them-gonna gotta-have stain clean Ilian gonna gone I first voucher
when 1SG PAST accuse Roan SAT about crime against 1PL.INCL people about protect SAT Sky-People then 3SG-FUT need prove SAT Ilian FUT as 1SG first witness
...once I have accused Roan of crimes against our people for protecting Skaikru, he'll demand proof. Ilian will be my first witness.
Bants. Ilion, set raun.
Bants. Ilion, set raun.
bounce Ilian sit around
leave Ilian stay SAT
Leave us. Ilian, stay.
Kom Raili.
Kom Raili.
come Riley
from Riley
From Riley.
Frag emo op!
Frag emo op!
frag them-all up
kill 3PL SAT
Kill them!
Lid in Bandrona-de!
Lid in Bandrona-de!
lead in banner-?-the
bring SAT ambassador-EMPH
Bring in the Ambassadors!
Bandrona-de don ge lok op stedaun disha sonop. Em tombom don wan daun.
Bandrona-de don ge lok op stedaun disha sonop. Em tombom don wan daun.
banner-?-the done get look up stay-down this sun-up them thump-bump done wind down
ambassador-EMPH PAST PASS find SAT dead this morning 3SG heart PAST stop SAT
The Ambassador was found dead this morning. His heart stopped.
Hofli Keryon kom Heda na shoun em hou klir.
Hofli Keryon kom Heda na shoun em hou klir.
hopefully carry-on come header gonna shown them home clear
may spirit of commander FUT guide 3SG home safe
May the Spirits of the Commanders guide him home safely.
...kos ai bilaik yu Haihefa, ai job gon Thotin Krugeda bilaik na shil yo op en na sen yo in. Step op en hola au.
...kos ai bilaik yu Haihefa, ai job gon Thotin Krugeda bilaik na shil yo op en na sen yo in. Step op en hola au.
because I be-like you high-hefter I job gone thirteen crew-gather be-like gonna shell you-all up and gonna ? you-all in step up and holler out
because 1SG be 2SG king 1SG job to thirteen clan be FUT protect 2PL SAT and FUT hear 2PL SAT step SAT and speak SAT
...as your King, my duty to the Thirteen Clans is both to protect and hear you. Step forward and speak.
Fiya hashta yu seingeda.
Fiya hashta yu seingeda.
feel-ya hashtag you same-gather
sorry about 2SG family
I'm sorry about your family.
Teik em in, Nomon. Beja. Shof laudnes-de op. Nou sof yu daun noumou nowe.
Teik em in, Nomon. Beja. Shof laudnes-de op. Nou sof yu daun noumou nowe.
take them in number-one beg-you shut-off loudness-the up no suffer you down no-more no-way
take 3SG SAT mother please quiet pain-EMPH SAT NEG suffer 2SG SAT more never
Take it, Mother. Please. Stop the pain. Never suffer again.
Kripa Weron ai nomfa kamp raun?
Kripa Weron ai nomfa kamp raun?
creeper where-on I number-four camp around
demon where 1SG son be.LOC SAT
Demon... Where's my son?
No... beja... hod op!
No... beja... hod op!
no beg-you hold up
NEG please stop SAT
No... please... stop!
Taim yu teik Klika-de in taim ai na hod op.
Taim yu teik Klika-de in taim ai na hod op.
time you take clicker-the in time I gonna hold up
if 2SG take key-EMPH SAT then 1SG FUT stop SAT
I'll stop if you take the Key.
En's ku, you. Ai don tel yu op. En's kamp raun nontu ona Sonchgeda. Yu na hod em in ouder, ai swega yu klin. Nau teik yu spika slak.
En's ku, you. Ai don tel yu op. En's kamp raun nontu ona Sonchgeda. Yu na hod em in ouder, ai swega yu klin. Nau teik yu spika slak.
them-stay cool yo I done tell you up them-stay camp around number-two on sunshine-gather you gonna hold them in over-there I swear-god you clean now take you speaker slack
3SG-be okay EMPH 1SG PAST tell 2SG SAT 3SG-be be.LOC SAT father in City-of-Light 2SG FUT love 3SG SAT there 1SG swear 2SG SAT now allow 2SG mouth open
It's all right. I told you. He's with father in the City of Light. I promise you'll love it there. Now open your mouth.
Teik ridou in, nomon. Bilaik won diyo yu na du, en em bilaik teiken ridou-de in, nomon.
Teik ridou in, nomon. Bilaik won diyo yu na du, en em bilaik teiken ridou-de in, nomon.
take Dorito in number-one be-like one deal you gonna do and them be-like taking Dorito-the in number-one
take chip SAT mother be one thing 2SG FUT do and 3SG be taking chip-EMPH SAT mother
Take the chip, mother. All you have to do is take the chip, mother.
Nou yu bro, beja!
Nou yu bro, beja!
no you brother beg-you
NEG 2SG brother please
Not your brother, please!
Nomon... no... ste gonen...
Nomon... no... ste gonen...
number-one no stay gunning
mother NEG be fighting
Mom... no... hold on...
assisting I gotta-have assisting in
help 1SG need help SAT
Sha. En's ai. Ai's hir.
Sha. En's ai. Ai's hir.
sure them-stay I I-stay here
yes 3SG-be 1SG 1SG-be here
Yes. It's me. I'm here.
Du na komba raun. E'na lid sisen in. Jos ste kamp raun ai.
Du na komba raun. E'na lid sisen in. Jos ste kamp raun ai.
dude gonna come-back around them-gonna lead assisting in just stay camp around I
3SG FUT come SAT 3SG-FUT bring help SAT just be be.LOC SAT 1SG
Someone will come. They'll bring help. Just stay with me.
Tona laudnes, you...
Tona laudnes, you...
ton-of loudness yo
much pain EMPH
Too much pain...
Ai gaf in raitnes. Skaikru'on dula dison daun, nou Haihefa-de.
Ai gaf in raitnes. Skaikru'on dula dison daun, nou Haihefa-de.
I gotta-have in rightness sky-crew-done do-like this-one down no high-hefter-the
1SG need SAT justice Sky-People-PAST do this SAT NEG king-EMPH
I want justice. Skaikru did this, not the King.
Set raun.
Set raun.
sit around
stay SAT
Ban emo shuda we en tsa shoun emo of gon Wormana.
Ban emo shuda we en tsa shoun emo of gon Wormana.
ban them-all shooter away and ? shown them-all off gone war-manner
ban 3PL weapon SAT and let's show 3PL SAT to war-chief
Take their weapons and let's introduce them to the General.
Chit's gon daun?
Chit's gon daun?
?-stay gone down
what-be happen SAT
What's going on? (What's going wrong?)
Chit yo diyo bilaik?
Chit yo diyo bilaik?
? you deal be-like
what 2PL thing be
What are you doing?
Ai don biyo lok ai op mou sawajus.
Ai don biyo lok ai op mou sawajus.
I done be-all look I up more sour-juice
1SG PAST say find 1SG SAT more wine
I said get me more wine.
Fali, nami? Slad em au!
Fali, nami? Slad em au!
finally know-what-I-mean slide them out
finally EMPH pour 3SG SAT
It's about time. Pour!
Amin, oyu wichen Bandrona.
Amin, oyu wichen Bandrona.
admin all-you ?-ing banner-runner
highness PL-2SG loyal ambassador
Your Highness, your loyal Ambassadors.
Kampa, blinka daun!
Kampa, blinka daun!
camper blinker down
slave eye down
Slaves, eyes down!
'Mo nou na sis yo au!
'Mo nou na sis yo au!
them-all no gonna assist you-all out
They won't help you!
Nou chek emo au.
Nou chek emo au.
no check them-all out
NEG look 3PL SAT
Don't look at them.
Yo don sen em in: Kigon yo granen!
Yo don sen em in: Kigon yo granen!
you-all done ? them in keep-going you-all grinding
2PL PAST hear 3SG SAT continue 2PL work
You heard him: Back to work!

S4E03: The Four Horsemen

Weron yu's gon, Skai Gada?
Weron yu's gon, Skai Gada?
where-on you-stay going sky gatherer
where 2SG-be going sky girl
Where you going, Sky Girl?
Ste briyon en bak of.
Ste briyon en bak of.
stay brilliant and back off
be smart and back SAT
Be smart and back off.
No. Osir don kom op gon tek-de. Noumou.
No. Osir don kom op gon tek-de. Noumou.
no us-here done come up gone tech-the no-more
No. We're here for the tech. That's all.
Mafta em op, ai op weron em hos of.
Mafta em op, ai op weron em hos of.
come-after them up eye up where-on them hustle off
follow 3SG SAT watch SAT where 3SG go SAT
Follow her, see where she goes.
Teik 'sir min op!
Teik 'sir min op!
take us-here come-in up
let 1PL.EXCL enter SAT
Let us in!
Wamplei gon tek!
Wamplei gon tek!
wind-play gone tech
death for tech
Death to tech!
Gon ai nomon.
Gon ai nomon.
gone I number-one
for 1SG mother
For my mother.
Spin yu raun ona krasha-de, ai snogon. Yu na sen em in? Ste poda sof ona yumi, ste hosh yumi daun, ste shil yumi op. Yumi na kamp raun 'mo krasha snap, you. E'na ste meizen. Krei meizen.
Spin yu raun ona krasha-de, ai snogon. Yu na sen em in? Ste poda sof ona yumi, ste hosh yumi daun, ste shil yumi op. Yumi na kamp raun 'mo krasha snap, you. E'na ste meizen. Krei meizen.
spin you around on crasher-the I snog-one you gonna ? them in stay ? soft on you-me stay hush you-me down stay shell you-me up you-me gonna camp around them-all crasher snap yo them-gonna stay amazing crazy amazing
think 2SG SAT on wave-EMPH 1SG loved-one 2SG FUT hear 3SG SAT PROG padding softly under 1PL PROG quiet 1PL SAT PROG protect 1PL 1PL FUT be.LOC SAT 3PL wave quick EMPH 3SG-FUT be beautiful very beautiful
Think about the waves, my love. Can you hear them? Lapping gently beneath us, lulling us to sleep, protecting us... We'll be with the waves soon. It'll be beautiful. So beautiful.
Kom woda yu gyon op, gon woda yu kom daun.
Kom woda yu gyon op, gon woda yu kom daun.
come water you get-on up gone water you come down
from water 2SG rise SAT to water 2SG return SAT
From water you were born. To water you return.
Gon ai nontu!
Gon ai nontu!
gone I number-two
for 1SG father
For my father!
Gon en ALI don ban we kom oso!
Gon en ALI don ban we kom oso!
gone everyone ALIE done ban away come us-all
for everyone ALIE PAST take SAT from 1PL.INCL
For everyone ALIE took from us!
Nou nodotaim nowe! Gon ai bro!
Nou nodotaim nowe! Gon ai bro!
no another-time no-way gone I brother
NEG again never for 1SG brother
Never again! For my brother!
Omo tek souda bants!
Omo tek souda bants!
all-them-all tech so-done bounce
PL-3PL tech must leave
All tech must go!
Teik tek-de au! Kep oso aftaim in!
Teik tek-de au! Kep oso aftaim in!
take tech-the out keep us-all after-time in
kill tech-EMPH SAT save1PL.INCL future SAT
Kill the tech! Save our future!

S4E04: A Lie Guarded

Yu's dula'm op radon, you.
Yu's dula'm op radon, you.
you-stay do-like-them up right-one yo
2SG-PROG do-3SG SAT right EMPH
You're doing the right thing.
'Mo nou don ron ai sadon op.
'Mo nou don ron ai sadon op.
them-all no done run I said-one up
3PL NEG PAST give 1SG choice SAT
They didn't give me a choice.
Dison laik stanop kru, Luna. Ai wich em in. En yu na wich ai in, you.
Dison laik stanop kru, Luna. Ai wich em in. En yu na wich ai in, you.
this-one like stand-up crew Luna I ? them in and you gonna ? I in yo
this be good people Luna 1SG trust 3SG SAT and 2SG FUT trust 1SG SAT EMPH
These are good people, Luna. I trust them. And you can trust me.
'Mo vout in bilaik ai jus na kep emo klin, Naikou.
'Mo vout in bilaik ai jus na kep emo klin, Naikou.
them-all vote in be-like I juice gonna keep them-all clean Nyko
3PL think SAT that 1SG blood FUT save 3PL SAT Nyko
They think my blood will save them, Nyko.
Kep oso klin.
Kep oso klin.
keep us-all clean
Save us all.
Chit yu vout in na kom au taim ai biyo 'mo nou na gada em in?
Chit yu vout in na kom au taim ai biyo 'mo nou na gada em in?
? you vote in gonna come out time I be-all them-all no gonna gather them in
what 2SG think SAT FUT happen SAT if 1SG say 3PL NEG FUT have 3SG SAT
What do you think would happen if I said they couldn't have it?
Luna, wochas!
Luna, wochas!
Luna watch-ass
Luna look-out
Luna, look out!
Hashta emo, Amin?
Hashta emo, Amin?
hashtag them-all admin
about 3PL master
What about them, Sire?
Kepon. Hon Indra en Okteivia daun. Teik enes au.
Kepon. Hon Indra en Okteivia daun. Teik enes au.
keep-one hunt Indra and Octavia down take everyone-else out
hostage find Indra and Octavia SAT kill everyone-else SAT
Hostages. Find Indra and Octavia. Kill everyone else.
Chit don kom au?
Chit don kom au?
? done come out
what PAST happen SAT
What happened?
Azgeda ste jomp op Trikru en Skaikru. Emo fous step klin gon yo trap nat.
Azgeda ste jomp op Trikru en Skaikru. Emo fous step klin gon yo trap nat.
ice-gather stay jump up tree-crew and sky-crew them-all force step clean gone you-all trap night
Azgeda PROG attack SAT Trikru and Skaikru 3PL army march SAT toward 2PL camp tonight
Ice Nation is attacking Trikru and Skaikru. Their army marches on your camp tonight.
Weron Indra kamp raun?
Weron Indra kamp raun?
where-on Indra camp around
where Indra be.LOC SAT
Where's Indra?
Ste lom osir kru op. Hukop-de ste odon. Em laik wor.
Ste lom osir kru op. Hukop-de ste odon. Em laik wor.
stay alarm us-here crew up hookup-the stay all-done them like war
PROG warn 1PL.EXCL people SAT alliance-EMPH be over 3SG be war
Warning our people. The alliance is broken. It's war.
Emo don lok em au dise.
Emo don lok em au dise.
them-all done look them all out this-way
3PL PAST see 3SG SAT this-way
They spotted her this way.
Yu gonplei ste odon, Okteivia kom Skaikru.
Yu gonplei ste odon, Okteivia kom Skaikru.
you gunplay stay all-done Octavia come sky-crew
2SG fight be over Octavia of Skaikru
Your fight is over, Octavia of the Sky people.
Lid honon-de in.
Lid honon-de in.
lead hunt-one-the in
bring prisoner-EMPH SAT
Bring the prisoners.

S4E05: The Tinder Box

Ha yun, ai lukot.
Ha yun, ai lukot.
how you-one I look-out
how 2SG.POS 1SG friend
Hello, my friend.
'Mo don get in bilaik oso don's kom op. 'Mo don ge lom op.
'Mo don get in bilaik oso don's kom op. 'Mo don ge lom op.
them-all done get in be-like us-all done-ste come-up them-all done get alarm up
They knew we were coming. They were warned.
Nowe bilaik Okteivia don kik thru ai swison. O dei slipen-de.
Nowe bilaik Okteivia don kik thru ai swison. O dei slipen-de.
no-way be-like Octavia done kick through I swiss-one or there slipping-the
NEG that Octavia PAST survive SAT 1SG knife or that fall-EMPH
There's no way Octavia survived my blade. Or that fall.
ranger lock wind-header in
archer target Wanheda SAT
Ai haihefa...
Ai haihefa...
I high-hefter
1SG king
My king...
Lid honon-de in!
Lid honon-de in!
lead hunt-one-the in
bring prisoner-EMPH SAT
Bring the prisoners!
Yu en yu, ogeda kom ai. Tsa bants.
Yu en yu, ogeda kom ai. Tsa bants.
you and you all-gather come I let's-a bounce
2SG and 2SG together with 1SG let-us go
You and you, with me. Let's go.
Kot em bonij of.
Kot em bonij of.
cut them bondage off
remove 3SG chain SAT
Take off his chain.
Oso tai choda op kom jus.
Oso tai choda op kom jus.
us-all tie each-other up come juice
1PL.INCL bind each-other SAT with blood
We bind ourselves in blood.
Oso tai choda op kom jus.
Oso tai choda op kom jus.
us-all tie each-other up come juice
1PL.INCL bind each-other SAT with blood
We bind ourselves in blood.
Gon ai bro. Gon ai nontu. Gon ai nomon.
Gon ai bro. Gon ai nontu. Gon ai nomon.
gone i brother gone i number-two gone i number-one
for 1SG brother for 1SG father for 1SG mother
For my brother. For my father. For my mother.
Ai haihefa.
Ai haihefa.
I high-hefter
1SG king
My king.

S4E06: We Will Rise

No. Osir job bilaik na shil na badan yu op, ai Haihefa.
No. Osir job bilaik na shil na badan yu op, ai Haihefa.
no us-here job be-like gonna shell gonna serve you up I high-hefter
NEG 1PL.EXCL duty be FUT protect FUT serve 2SG SAT 1SG king
No. Our duty is to protect and serve you, my King.
Ai giv ai op... Gon nemiyon... Kom lanik-de...
Ai giv ai op... Gon nemiyon... Kom lanik-de...
I give I up gone ?-one come Atlantic-the
1SG give 1SG sat to miracle from sea-EMPH
I give myself... to the miracle... of the sea...
Sisen! Raun hir, sis ai au!
Sisen! Raun hir, sis ai au!
assisting around here assist I out
help LOC here help 1SG SAT
Help! Over here, help!
Chil yu daun. Daun laik hedon.
Chil yu daun. Daun laik hedon.
chill you down that-one like head-one
stand-down 2SG SAT that be order
Stand down. That's an order.
Amin, emo don slip oso kru daun.
Amin, emo don slip oso kru daun.
admin them-all done slip us-all crew down
sire 3PL PAST kill 1PL.INCL people SAT
Sire, they killed our people.
En oso don slip emon daun. Chil yu daun.
En oso don slip emon daun. Chil yu daun.
and us-all done slip them-all-one down chill you down
and 1PL.INCL PAST kill theirs SAT stand-down 2SG SAT
And we killed theirs. Stand down.
Doryen, miya.
Doryen, miya.
Durian come-here
Durian come-here
Durian, come here.
Breik em au!
Breik em au!
break them out
release 3SG SAT
Release him!
Step of o em wan op!
Step of o em wan op!
step off or them wind up
back SAT or 3SG die SAT
Back off or he dies!
Sen em klir!
Sen em klir!
send them clear
release 3SG SAT
Let him go!
Hez osir op.
Hez osir op.
? us-here up
watch 1PL.INCL SAT
Watch our backs.
Ai Haihefa, osir beda goch yu op.
Ai Haihefa, osir beda goch yu op.
I high-hefter us-here better gotcha you up
1SG king 1PL.INCL should escort 2SG SAT
My king, we should go with you.
Non bilaik mou meija kom disha shimon. Teik em klir.
Non bilaik mou meija kom disha shimon. Teik em klir.
none be-like more major come this ?-one take them clear
nothing be more important than this cargo keep 3SG safe
Nothing is more important than this cargo. Keep it safe.
Ai skiv ai op... Gon nemiyon kom... Manik deya.
Ai skiv ai op... Gon nemiyon kom... Manik deya.
I skeeve I up gone ?-one come manic ?
1SG creep 1SG SAT for miracle of horny mistake
I creep on myself... For the miracle of... A horny mistake.
Wichen gon nemiyon...
Wichen gon nemiyon...
?-ing gone ?-one
devoted to miracle
Devoted to the miracle...
Gon wamplei, hofli yu na lok op chit bilaik yu nou don lok up gon yu sonraun. Teik dison sheid yu klin kom friznes.
Gon wamplei, hofli yu na lok op chit bilaik yu nou don lok up gon yu sonraun. Teik dison sheid yu klin kom friznes.
gone wind-play hopefully you gonna look up ? be-like you no done look up gone you sun-around take this-one shade you clean come freeze-ness
in death may 2SG FUT find SAT what that 2SG NEG PAST find SAT in 2SG life let this shelter 2SG SAT from cold
In death, may you find what you couldn't in life. Let this shelter you from the cold.
'Mo don lok oso op!
'Mo don lok oso op!
them-all done look us-all up
They've found us!
Kigon, you!
Kigon, you!
keep-going yo
keep-going EMPH
Keep going!
Gyon au mou snap!
Gyon au mou snap!
go-on out more snap
go SAT more fast
Go faster!

S4E07: Gimme Shelter

Nou step au.
Nou step au.
no step out
NEG move SAT
Don't move.
Tripi rein...
Tripi rein...
trippy rain
strange rain
Strange rain...

S4E08: God Complex

them-stay sting in them-stay sting in
Hofli graun en folau na gon won. Medo en keryon, kriken sonraun en branon.
Hofli graun en folau na gon won. Medo en keryon, kriken sonraun en branon.
hopefully ground and fall-out gonna gone one ? and carry-on creaking sun-around and brand-new-one
may earth and ash FUT to one body and spirit old life and new-one
May the Earth and ash become one. Body and spirit, old life and new.
Kom graun, oso na groun op... Kom folau, oso na gyon op.
Kom graun, oso na groun op... Kom folau, oso na gyon op.
come ground us-all gonna grown up come fall-out us-all gonna go-on up
from earth 1PL.INCL FUT grow SAT from ash 1PL.INCL FUT rise SAT
From the Earth, we will grow... From the ashes, we will rise.
Skaikru! Shuda op!
Skaikru! Shuda op!
sky-crew shooter up
Skaikru weapon up
Skaikru! Weapons ready!
Ai gada in preshon kom yo haihefa.
Ai gada in preshon kom yo haihefa.
I got in precious-one come you-all high-hefter
1SG have SAT seal from 2PL king
I carry the seal of your king.
Teik emo gouthru klir.
Teik emo gouthru klir.
take them-all go-through clear
let 3PL pass safe
Let them pass.
Nou step au.
Nou step au.
no step out
NEG move SAT
Don't move out.
Kepplei kamp raun tiya-de.
Kepplei kamp raun tiya-de.
keep-play camp around interior-the
salvation be.LOC SAT inside-EMPH
Salvation lies within.
Hofli Keryon kom Heda na shoun 'so op en shil 'so klin. Hofli oso na mafta op sampada kom Beka Pramheda na lok op oso fousen geda ona graun. Kom graun, oso na groun op. Kom folau, oso na gyon op.
Hofli Keryon kom Heda na shoun 'so op en shil 'so klin. Hofli oso na mafta op sampada kom Beka Pramheda na lok op oso fousen geda ona graun. Kom graun, oso na groun op. Kom folau, oso na gyon op.
hopefully carry-on come header gonna shown us-all up and shell us-all clean hopefully us-all gonna come-after up sand-padder come Bekka Pramheda gonna look up us-all ? gather on ground come ground us-all gonna grown up come fallout us-all gonna go-on up
may spirit from Commander FUT guide 1PL.INCL SAT and protect 1PL.INCL SAT may 1PL.INCL FUT follow SAT footstep from Bekka Pramheda FUT find SAT 1PL.INCL rightful place on earth from earth 1PL.INCL FUT grow SAT from ash 1PL.INCL FUT rise SAT
May the Spirit of the Commanders guide and protect us. May we follow in the footsteps of Bekka Pramheda to find our rightful place on this Earth. From the Earth, we will grow. From the Ashes, we will rise.

S4E09: DNR

Onkora. Chomouda yu komba raun?
Onkora. Chomouda yu komba raun?
Ankara what's-your-motive you come-back around
Ankara why 2SG return SAT
Ankara. What brings you here?
Wor. Trikru ste as klin omo bakon na sis au na ban Azgeda we kom Polis.
Wor. Trikru ste as klin omo bakon na sis au na ban Azgeda we kom Polis.
war tree-crew stay ask clean all-them-all back-one gonna assist out gonna ban ice-gather away come Polis
war Trikru PROG ask SAT PL-3PL ally FUT help SAT FUT remove Azgeda SAT from Polis
War. Trikru is calling on their allies for help pushing Azgeda out of Polis.
Ai nomon's sen op oso mou beda gona gon Polis.
Ai nomon's sen op oso mou beda gona gon Polis.
I number-one-stay send up us-all more better gunner gone Polis
1SG mother-PROG send SAT 1PL.INCL most better warrior to Polis
My mother's sending our best warriors to Polis.
Ai bilaik woda op, floudon daun raun hir. Yu nomon na get em in.
Ai bilaik woda op, floudon daun raun hir. Yu nomon na get em in.
I be-like water up float-one down around here you number-one gonna get them in
1SG be water up boat down around here 2SG mother FUT understand 3SG SAT
I've got my hands full here. Your mother will understand.
Yu kru gaf yu in, Ilion. Yu brana lukot hir na ai op ponis-de.
Yu kru gaf yu in, Ilion. Yu brana lukot hir na ai op ponis-de.
you crew gotta-have you in Ilian you brand-new friend here gonna eye up hydroponics-the
2SG clan need 2SG SAT Ilian 2SG new friend here FUT watch SAT farm-EMPH
Your clan needs you, Ilian. Your new friend here can mind the farm.
Pas taim yu don tich em ha na twis graun-de op.
Pas taim yu don tich em ha na twis graun-de op.
past time you done teach them how gonna twist ground-the up
after time 2SG PAST teach 3SG how FUT turn earth-EMPH SAT
After you've taught her how to turn the earth.
Yu gada ai seiso in.
Yu gada ai seiso in.
you got I say-so in
2SG have 1SG answer SAT
You've got my answer.
Yu nomon don gaf in bilaik yu na throu daun, nami?
Yu nomon don gaf in bilaik yu na throu daun, nami?
you number-one done gotta-have in be-like you gonna throw down know-what-i-mean
2SG mother PAST want SAT that 2SG FUT fight SAT right
Your mother would want you to fight.
Ban au kom ai tof, Onkora.
Ban au kom ai tof, Onkora.
ban out come I turf Ankara
leave SAT from 1SG land Ankara
Get off my land, Ankara.
Kei. So's klir. Gouva yu klin.
Kei. So's klir. Gouva yu klin.
okay us-all-ste clear go-over you clean
okay 3PL-be safe explain 2SG SAT
Okay. We're safe. Explain.
Lok emo honon daun. Ten hef ona dou-de.
Lok emo honon daun. Ten hef ona dou-de.
lock them-all hunt-one down ten hefter on door-the
cage 3PL prisoner SAT ten man on door-EMPH
Cage the prisoners. Ten men on the door.
Lid ai in Wanheda.
Lid ai in Wanheda.
lead I in wind-header
bring 1SG SAT Wanheda
Bring Wanheda to me.
Nou fir wamplei in; em bilaik stoda kom nes soujon noumou.
Nou fir wamplei in; em bilaik stoda kom nes soujon noumou.
no fear wind-play in them be-like starter come next sojourn no-more
NEG fear death SAT 3SG be start of next journey only
Do not fear death, for it is only the beginning of the next journey.
Non na teik ai mou shanen.
Non na teik ai mou shanen.
none gonna take I more shining
nothing FUT make 1SG more happy
Nothing would make me happier.
Weron Ilion?
Weron Ilion?
where-on Ilian
where Ilian
Where's Ilian?
Mebi em nou na hola au.
Mebi em nou na hola au.
maybe them no gonna holler out
maybe 3SG NEG FUT talk SAT
Maybe she can't talk.
Mebi em nou gaf osir sen in em tongkola.
Mebi em nou gaf osir sen in em tongkola.
maybe them no gotta-have us-here listen in them tongue-color
maybe 3SG NEG want 1PL.EXCL hear SAT 3SG accent
Maybe she doesn't want us to hear her accent.
Yu's mis ai op gon...
Yu's mis ai op gon...
you-stay miss I up gone
2SG-PROG mistake 1SG SAT for
You're mistaking me for
Teik em au.
Teik em au.
take them out
kill 3SG SAT
Kill her.
Auda riskines, Fleimon-de kigon. Medo gyon klin, ba Keryon ste yuj.
Auda riskines, Fleimon-de kigon. Medo gyon klin, ba Keryon ste yuj.
out-of risky-ness flame-one-the keep-going ? go-on clean but carry-on stay huge
from darkness flame-EMPH continue body pass-on SAT but spirit be strong
Through the dark, the Flame lives on. The body passes, but the Spirit is strong.
Kom graun, oso na groun op. Kom folau, oso na gyon op.
Kom graun, oso na groun op. Kom folau, oso na gyon op.
come ground us-all gonna grown up come fallout us-all gonna go-on up
from earth 1PL.INCL FUT grow SAT from ash 1PL.INCL FUT rise SAT
From the earth, we will grow. From the ashes, we will rise.
Keryon kom Heda don sad in.
Keryon kom Heda don sad in.
carry-on come header done said in
spirit from Commander PAST choose SAT
The Spirit of the Commanders has chosen.
Lid in natblida-de.
Lid in natblida-de.
lead in night-bleeder-the
bring SAT Nightblood-EMPH
Bring in the Nightblood.
Hofli keryon na sad in briyon.
Hofli keryon na sad in briyon.
hopefully carry-on gonna said in brilliant
may spirit FUT choose SAT wise
May the spirit choose wisely.
Keryon sou don sad in. Teik Heda na gyon op.
Keryon sou don sad in. Teik Heda na gyon op.
carry-on so done said in take header gonna go-on up
spirit EMPH PAST choose SAT let Commander FUT rise SAT
The Spirit has chosen. Let the Commander ascend.
Jus kom Heda laik yu jus.
Jus kom Heda laik yu jus.
juice come header like you juice
blood of commander be 2SG blood
The blood of the Commanders is your blood.
Hofli Keryon kom Heda na shoun ai op.
Hofli Keryon kom Heda na shoun ai op.
hopefully carry-on come header gonna shown I up
may spirit of commander FUT guide 1SG SAT
May the Spirit of the Commanders guide me.
Gon wina gon maneit.
Gon wina gon maneit.
gone winner gone ?
to winner going spoils
To the victor go the spoils.

S4E10: Die all, Die Merrily

Osir koma op daun bilaik slip daun kom bleirona, ba mafta op Won bilaik hef em op mou beda.
Osir koma op daun bilaik slip daun kom bleirona, ba mafta op Won bilaik hef em op mou beda.
us-here ? up that-one be-like slip down come blade-runner but come-after up one be-like heft them up more better
1PL.EXCL honor SAT that-one who fall SAT from sword but follow SAT one who wield 3SG SAT more good
We honor those who fall by the sword, but follow the One who wields it best.
Daun bilaik ai.
Daun bilaik ai.
that-one be-like I
that be 1SG
That would be me.
Nou fir raun. Sintaim na set klin gon Azgeda.
Nou fir raun. Sintaim na set klin gon Azgeda.
no fear around seeing-time gonna set clean gone ice-gather
NEG fear SAT day FUT belong SAT to Azgeda
Have no fear. The day will belong to Azgeda.
Yu laik ai kru.
Yu laik ai kru.
you like I crew
2SG be 1SG people
You are my people.
Yu don komba lowe, Skairipa. Bali ai souda frag yu op deyon, nami?
Yu don komba lowe, Skairipa. Bali ai souda frag yu op deyon, nami?
you done come-back long-way sky-ripper ? I so-done frag you up day-one know-what-I-mean
2SG PAST come long-way Skairipa a-shame 1SG must kill 2SG SAT today right
You've come a long way, Skairipa. Shame I'll have to kill you today.
Taim na fig au hanch yu don dig au.
Taim na fig au hanch yu don dig au.
time gonna figure out how-much you done dig out
time FUT find-out SAT how-much 2SG PAST learn SAT
Time to see how much you've learned.
Thank you.
Yu gonplei ste odon.
Yu gonplei ste odon.
you gun-play stay all-done
2SG fight be over
Your fight is over.
Trikru don slip daun!
Trikru don slip daun!
tree-crew done slip down
Trikru PAST fall SAT
Trikru has fallen!
Bilaik Skairipa!
Bilaik Skairipa!
be-like sky-ripper
be Skairipa
It's Skairipa!
Nou fir wamplei in; em bilaik stoda kom nes soujon noumou.
Nou fir wamplei in; em bilaik stoda kom nes soujon noumou.
no fear wind-play in them be-like starter come next sojourn no-more
NEG fear death SAT 3SG be start of next journey only
Do not fear death, for it is only the beginning of the next journey.
Kom woda 'so gyon op, gon woda 'so kom daun.
Kom woda 'so gyon op, gon woda 'so kom daun.
come water us-all go-on up gone water us-all come down
from water 1PL.INCL rise SAT to water 1PL.INCL return SAT
From water we are born, to water we return.
'Mo'n sak medgeda daun... Skaikru don sak medgeda daun.
'Mo'n sak medgeda daun... Skaikru don sak medgeda daun.
them-all-done sack ?-gather down sky-crew done sack ?-gather down
3PL-PAST take crypt SAT Skaikru PAST take crypt SAT
They took the crypt... Skaikru took the crypt.

S4E11: The Other Side

Moba, seda.
Moba, seda.
my-bad said-er
sorry teacher
I'm sorry, teacher.
Rein-de don wan op. Emo kru's komba raun. Osir na hod emo klin, Heda?
Rein-de don wan op. Emo kru's komba raun. Osir na hod emo klin, Heda?
rain-the done wind up them-all crew-stay come-back around us-here gonna hold them-all clean header
rain-EMPH PAST die SAT 3PL clan-be return SAT 1PL.EXCL FUT stop 3PL SAT commander
The rain has stopped. The clans are coming. Should we stop them, Heda?
Oso laik won kru. En dison laik oso hou.
Oso laik won kru. En dison laik oso hou.
us-all like one crew and this-one like us-all home
1PL.INCL be one clan and this be 1PL.INCL home
We are one clan. And this is our home.
Monin hou.
Monin hou.
come-on-in home
welcome home
Welcome home.

S4E12: The Chosen

Kom of, you! Ai laik Trikru.
Kom of, you! Ai laik Trikru.
come off yo I like tree-crew
get-off SAT EMPH 1SG be Trikru
Get off me! I'm Trikru.
Natrona. Shak op gon Skaikru, wan op gon Skaikru.
Natrona. Shak op gon Skaikru, wan op gon Skaikru.
night-runner shack up gone sky-crew wind up gone sky-crew
traitor live SAT with Skaikru die SAT with Skaikru
Traitor. Live with Skaikru, die with Skaikru.
Non na min op, non na kom au. Fis treibloka op ona dei howe de. Raunkova-de gada in bosh dou en oso nou na chants non in nowe.
Non na min op, non na kom au. Fis treibloka op ona dei howe de. Raunkova-de gada in bosh dou en oso nou na chants non in nowe.
none gonna come-in up none gonna come out fix trail-blocker up on there hallway there round-cover-the gather in bunch door and us-all no gonna chance none in no-way
nobody FUT enter SAT nobody FUT leave SAT make barricade SAT in that hallway EMPH rotunda-EMPH have SAT many door and 1PL.INCL NEG FUT chance nothing SAT never
No one goes in, no one comes out. Form a barricade down that hallway. The rotunda has many doors and we take no chances.
Ha yu na komba raun hir? Trikru wogeda ste ona der.
Ha yu na komba raun hir? Trikru wogeda ste ona der.
how you gonna come-back around here tree-crew wall-gather stay in there
how 2SG FUT return SAT here Trikru room be in there
What are you doing up here? Trikru's rooms are below.
Beja... Kep ai klin...
Beja... Kep ai klin...
beg-you keep I clean
please save 1SG SAT
Please... Save me...
Presh memon?
Presh memon?
precious memory-one
sacred symbol
The sacred symbol?
Gona kom Wonkru: Teik em hot!
Gona kom Wonkru: Teik em hot!
gunner come one-crew take them hot
warrior of Wonkru let 3SG armed
Warriors of Wonkru: Arm up!

S4E13: Praimfaya

Gon koma... Gon jova... Gon ai niron... Gon ai Haihefa... Gon ai kru.
Gon koma... Gon jova... Gon ai niron... Gon ai Haihefa... Gon ai kru.
gone ? gone ? gone I near-one gone I high-hefter gone I crew
for honor for courage for 1SG loved-one for 1SG king for 1SG people
For honor... For courage... For my kin... For my King... For my clan.
Nou wochop deyon. Beja.
Nou wochop deyon. Beja.
no watch-up day-one beg-you
NEG lesson today please
No lessons today. Please.
Snap kom dalop, nami?
Snap kom dalop, nami?
snap come dial-up know-what-I-mean
fast like slow-thing right
Took you long enough.

S5E01: Eden

Beja. Ai jos gaf in chich yu op. Yu laik Natblida, sha?
Beja. Ai jos gaf in chich yu op. Yu laik Natblida, sha?
Please. I just want to talk to you. You're a Nightblood, right?
Slip daun, Fleimkepa!
Slip daun, Fleimkepa!
Die, Fleimkepa!
Yu na tich ai op hashta daun?
Yu na tich ai op hashta daun?
Can you teach me that?
Hod op! Kof ai op ai leron! Ledon-de ste promada! Beja!
Hod op! Kof ai op ai leron! Ledon-de ste promada! Beja!
Wait! Give me back my things! The wound is infected! Please!
Ha yu na vout in em nou na win au?
Ha yu na vout in em nou na win au?
How could you not think she would win?

S5E02: Red Queen

Cabur of Delphi clan stole blankets from Sangeda quarters!
Cabur of Delphi clan stole blankets from Sangeda quarters!
Keibor kom Delfikru don jak tronkova op kom Sangeda ridon!
A brazen lie!
A brazen lie!
Bilaik trompen loud!
Bilaik vaucha, you; em hedsweden nou ste ifi nowe. Hashta Sangeda koud em bes teik rokshawa in en em seingeda bes ge ban au.
Bilaik vaucha, you; em hedsweden nou ste ifi nowe. Hashta Sangeda koud em bes teik rokshawa in en em seingeda bes ge ban au.
There are witnesses; his guilt is not in question. By Sangedakru law he should be stoned and his family cast out.
Kripon-de ona osir; en osir raitnes beda win au.
Kripon-de ona osir; en osir raitnes beda win au.
The crime was against us; and our justice should prevail.
Goch em op gon Skaikru baggeda. Lan fous op ona dou-de. Bants.
Goch em op gon Skaikru baggeda. Lan fous op ona dou-de. Bants.
Escort him to Skaikru's bunkroom. Post a team on the door. Go.
Chek au du bilaik ste hir na glong em lukot op.
Chek au du bilaik ste hir na glong em lukot op.
Look who's here to join her friends.
Yo kru ban yo au na wan op. Osir ste sis emo au.
Yo kru ban yo au na wan op. Osir ste sis emo au.
Your people left you out to die. We're obliging them.
Yu sou na wan op ona dison. Ron op moun ogeda en-
Yu sou na wan op ona dison. Ron op moun ogeda en-
You will die for this. Round up the others and-
Tel yu lukot bilaik ai na fig au ha ai na kleim ponis-de in.
Tel yu lukot bilaik ai na fig au ha ai na kleim ponis-de in.
Tell your friends that I will find a way to take the farm back.
Skaikru hos of! 's step au gon ponis! Hod emo klin!
Skaikru hos of! 's step au gon ponis! Hod emo klin!
Skaikru's moving! They're going for the farm! Stop them!
Nou. Beja. 'Sir ste hir na sis au na kleim ponis-de in kom-
Nou. Beja. 'Sir ste hir na sis au na kleim ponis-de in kom-
Don't. Please. We're here to help get the farm back from-
Jos emo hedsweda! Ai gaf emo in kiken!
Jos emo hedsweda! Ai gaf emo in kiken!
Only the guilty! I want them alive!

S5E03: Sleeping Giants

S5E04: Pandora's Box

Gyon op las!
Gyon op las!
Be the last!
Stedaun kik raun on' oso.
Stedaun kik raun on' oso.
The dead live within us.
Omon gon oson.
Omon gon oson.
All of me for all of us.
Monin gon chanchip, kapa. Fou swison ge lif op, hef-de ona disha steim, kom oso, giv em op gon gedanes.
Monin gon chanchip, kapa. Fou swison ge lif op, hef-de ona disha steim, kom oso, giv em op gon gedanes.
Welcome to the finals, gentlemen. Before blades are raised, the men in this arena, like us all, give praise to unity.
Klir steim-de au!
Klir steim-de au!
Clear the arena!
Gyon au!
Gyon au!
Get out!
Raitnes! Raitnes! Raitnes!
Raitnes! Raitnes! Raitnes!
Justice! Justice! Justice!
En, bak op! Teik emo honon gon we.
En, bak op! Teik emo honon gon we.
Everyone, stand back! Get the prisoners out of here.
Du ste kom op!
Du ste kom op!
Someone's coming!
Las sis yiron-de nou don ste slak.
Las sis yiron-de nou don ste slak.
The last six years have not been easy.
Ba ai don swega klin taim oso set raun ogeda, taim kom oso na gyon op ogeda. Deyon hir laik dei sintaim. Wonkru na gyon op kom won.
Ba ai don swega klin taim oso set raun ogeda, taim kom oso na gyon op ogeda. Deyon hir laik dei sintaim. Wonkru na gyon op kom won.
But I promised if we stood together, one day we would rise together. Today is that day. Wonkru will rise as one.
Ogeda oso don sof daun en ogeda oso na gyon op.
Ogeda oso don sof daun en ogeda oso na gyon op.
Together we have struggled and together we will rise.
Kom folau oso na gyon op.
Kom folau oso na gyon op.
From the ashes we will rise.
Ha em don bants? Chon don dula dison daun?
Ha em don bants? Chon don dula dison daun?
How did he get out? Who did this?
Wonkru, chil yo daun!
Wonkru, chil yo daun!
Wonkru, stand down!

S5E05: Shifting Sands

Omon gon oson.
Omon gon oson.
All of me for all of us.
Ai laik swison. Hama kom Wonkru. Non mou nowe.
Ai laik swison. Hama kom Wonkru. Non mou nowe.
I am the blade. The instrument of Wonkru. Nothing more.
Put ai daun... beja...
Put ai daun... beja...
Kill me... please...
Som's kom op!
Som's kom op!
Someone's coming!

S5E06: Exit Wounds

Kom folau oso na gyon op.
Kom folau oso na gyon op.
From the ashes we will rise.
EN OGEDA gyon au gon trap!
EN OGEDA gyon au gon trap!
EVERYONE get to the bunker!
Eintheing. Loda dina weron ai's soujon daun, you.
Eintheing. Loda dina weron ai's soujon daun, you.
Doesn't matter. Plenty of food where I'm going.
Wamplei ste wei pyo seintaim gon yu.
Wamplei ste wei pyo seintaim gon yu.
Death is too good for you.
Beja. Osir gaf chich yu op noumou. Ai laik Torik. Dison laik ai houmon, Korina.
Beja. Osir gaf chich yu op noumou. Ai laik Torik. Dison laik ai houmon, Korina.
Please. We just want to talk. I am Tarik. This is my wife, Karina.
Osir don sin in ha Blodreina don flish yu klin... Weron yu na gyon au?
Osir don sin in ha Blodreina don flish yu klin... Weron yu na gyon au?
We saw Blodreina cast you out... Where will you go?
Weron yo vout in–? Em don ron ai op nou sadon sef Louwoda Kliron.
Weron yo vout in–? Em don ron ai op nou sadon sef Louwoda Kliron.
Where do you think-? She's given me no choice but Shallow Valley.
Yo's soujon ouder seintaim...
Yo's soujon ouder seintaim...
You're going, too...
Taim osir don gada jova in, taim osir don bants ogeda kom Kein... Ba nau osir don hon op seken sadon na soujon hou.
Taim osir don gada jova in, taim osir don bants ogeda kom Kein... Ba nau osir don hon op seken sadon na soujon hou.
If we had the courage, we would have left with Kane... But now we have a second chance to go home.
Yo laik Louwoda Kliron Kru...
Yo laik Louwoda Kliron Kru...
You're Shallow Valley Clan...
Ai nou na swega klin bilaik oso na ste klir ouder-mebi Diyouza ste tromp raun, nami? En taim Okteivia dig yo au, taim e'na rip yo klin ogeda. (beat) Yo bes kamp hir raun Polis.
Ai nou na swega klin bilaik oso na ste klir ouder-mebi Diyouza ste tromp raun, nami? En taim Okteivia dig yo au, taim e'na rip yo klin ogeda. (beat) Yo bes kamp hir raun Polis.
I can't promise we'll be safe there-Diyoza could be lying. And if Octavia catches you, she'll kill you both. (beat) You're better off here in Polis.
Yu nou get in chit em don teik osir du daun...
Yu nou get in chit em don teik osir du daun...
You don't know what she made us do...
...tel ai op.
...tel ai op.
...tell me.
Osir souda bants kom hir, komblayoda. Mou beda na wan op ogeda kom keryon, na kik raun thau em.
Osir souda bants kom hir, komblayoda. Mou beda na wan op ogeda kom keryon, na kik raun thau em.
We must leave this place, whatever the risk. Better to die with a soul, than live without it.
Bilaik moun na glong oso op: Trikru, Azgeda, oso na stot klin ogeda... Ba taim osir na mwon kom Blodreina noumou.
Bilaik moun na glong oso op: Trikru, Azgeda, oso na stot klin ogeda... Ba taim osir na mwon kom Blodreina noumou.
There are others who will join us: Trikru, Azgeda, all of us can start over together... But only if we can get past Blodreina.
...sen daunde daun gon ai.
...sen daunde daun gon ai.
Leave that to me.
...yu nou don hos of kom ai kom nau.
...yu nou don hos of kom ai kom nau.
...you haven't left me yet.
Skaifloudon-de ste kom op... Oso ste mous prad.
Skaifloudon-de ste kom op... Oso ste mous prad.
The ship is coming... We're almost free.
Taim kom op. Oso gaf gyon au gon trashsaka-nau.
Taim kom op. Oso gaf gyon au gon trashsaka-nau.
It's time. We need to head for the wasteland-now.
Em nou ste komba raun... Yumi souda bants. 'So ste mous prad.
Em nou ste komba raun... Yumi souda bants. 'So ste mous prad.
She's not coming... We have to go. We're almost free.
Gon oso yongon.
Gon oso yongon.
For our child.
En's odon?
En's odon?
Is it done?
Oso jus ste seim.
Oso jus ste seim.
Our blood is the same.
Oso jus laik won jus.
Oso jus laik won jus.
Our blood is one blood.
Nau oso tai so op kom won jus.
Nau oso tai so op kom won jus.
Now we bind ourselves in one blood.
Yo laik Wonkru.
Yo laik Wonkru.
You are Wonkru

S5E07: Acceptable Losses

Ban au.
Ban au.
Get out.
Ithon, chomouda yu don dula daun?
Ithon, chomouda yu don dula daun?
Ethan, why did you do that?
Kos em don shoun ai op kliron, Seda... en em nou laik Wonkru.
Kos em don shoun ai op kliron, Seda... en em nou laik Wonkru.
Because she gave me the opening, Teacher... and she's not Wonkru.
Wochas ona riskiwe, Okteivia... Krei nopro na drop yu trei klin, nami.
Wochas ona riskiwe, Okteivia... Krei nopro na drop yu trei klin, nami.
Be careful in the dark, Octavia... Too easy to lose your way.

S5E08: How We Get to Peace

ai Haiplana
ai Haiplana
my Queen
Omon gon oson.
Omon gon oson.
All of me for all of us.

S5E09: Sic Semper Tyrannis

Emo krusada beda kongeda op na sad in brana heda!
Emo krusada beda kongeda op na sad in brana heda!
The clan delegates should reassemble to choose a new leader!
Bandragen! Milo ste radon! Nou bilaik bosh kru noumou! Jos Wonkru!
Bandragen! Milo ste radon! Nou bilaik bosh kru noumou! Jos Wonkru!
Blasphemy! Miller is right! There are no more clans! Only Wonkru!
Jus-de kom emo Heda laik yu jus.
Jus-de kom emo Heda laik yu jus.
The blood of the Commanders is your blood.
Teik Heda gyon op.
Teik Heda gyon op.
Let the Commander ascend.
Yu laik Joroum kom Sangedakru, nomfa kom Lizbeth kom Sangedakru.
Yu laik Joroum kom Sangedakru, nomfa kom Lizbeth kom Sangedakru.
You are Joroum kom Sangedakru, son of Lisbeth kom Sangedkru.

S5E10: The Warriors Will

Omon gon oson.
Omon gon oson.
All of me for all of us.
Keryon kom Heda: shoun ai meika op.
Keryon kom Heda: shoun ai meika op.
Spirit of the Commanders guide my hand.
Nou Blodreina nowe!
Nou Blodreina nowe!
Blodreina no more!

S5E11: The Dark Year

Belomi, hola. Taim yu sen ai in, yo don drop nishiv of. Yemi.
Belomi, hola. Taim yu sen ai in, yo don drop nishiv of. Yemi.
Bellamy, come in. If you read me, you have lost the element of surprise. Over.
Belomi, yu na sen ai in nau?
Belomi, yu na sen ai in nau?
Bellamy, can you hear me now?
Sha. Daun's mou beda. Hakom Trig? Chit's skechi?
Sha. Daun's mou beda. Hakom Trig? Chit's skechi?
Yes. That's better. Why Trig? What's wrong?
Emo get in bilaik yo's komba raun. Yo don drop nishiv of.
Emo get in bilaik yo's komba raun. Yo don drop nishiv of.
They know you're coming. You've lost the element of surprise.
Ekou, sen ai op...
Ekou, sen ai op...
Echo, listen to me...
Belomi, yo gaf bak yo klin. Osir don hon daun 'mo mavrik, den yo's klir, komonou. Ba yo nou na komba hir nowe.
Belomi, yo gaf bak yo klin. Osir don hon daun 'mo mavrik, den yo's klir, komonou. Ba yo nou na komba hir nowe.
Bellamy, you have to go back. We have their pilot, so you're safe, for now. But you can't come here.
Nou na kom au. Chilja: osir nou na bak op, en osir nou na hod op. Kom fai sintaim osir kamp ouder. Yo gada daun in na lok osir op klir trei. Pas daun, nou mori noumou.
Nou na kom au. Chilja: osir nou na bak op, en osir nou na hod op. Kom fai sintaim osir kamp ouder. Yo gada daun in na lok osir op klir trei. Pas daun, nou mori noumou.
Not possible. It's a long story, but we can't go back, and we can't stop. We're five days out. You have that long to find us a safe way in. After that, we run out of rations.
Las mori! 'So na hon kliron-de op kom sheidgeda - den 'so na jomp in.
Las mori! 'So na hon kliron-de op kom sheidgeda - den 'so na jomp in.
Final rations! We'll reach the valley at nightfall - then we attack.
Omon gon oson.
Omon gon oson.
All of me for all of us.
Sofon, beja. En's ku.
Sofon, beja. En's ku.
Baby, please. It's okay.

S5E12: Damocles – Part One

Belomi, skai drag em, hola! Yu sen ai in?
Belomi, skai drag em, hola! Yu sen ai in?
Bellamy, goddamn it, come in! Do you read me?
Yu laik ridiyo Heda-de?
Yu laik ridiyo Heda-de?
Are you the true Commander?
Ekou, daun's pleni.
Ekou, daun's pleni.
Echo, that's enough.
Ai kamp hir, ai goufa.
Ai kamp hir, ai goufa.
I'm here, my child.
Yu souda klir ai of.
Yu souda klir ai of.
You have to let me go.
No. Wonkru na komba raun gon yumi. 'Mo na throu daun. Jos ste gonen kom liwa mou, en-
No. Wonkru na komba raun gon yumi. 'Mo na throu daun. Jos ste gonen kom liwa mou, en-
No. Wonkru will come for us. They'll fight. Just hold on a little longer, and-
'Mo nou na komba hir. Wonkru ste shada... Ai gonplei ste odon.
'Mo nou na komba hir. Wonkru ste shada... Ai gonplei ste odon.
They won't come. Wonkru is broken... My fight is over.
Wonkru ste shada.
Wonkru ste shada.
Wonkru is broken.
Omon gon oson.
Omon gon oson.
All of me, for all of us.

S5E13: Damocles – Part Two

Heda don komba raun!
Heda don komba raun!
The Commander has come!
Mens mea fiat mens tua.
Mens mea fiat mens tua.
My mind is your mind.
Ste radon.
Ste radon.
Be true.
Teik emo au.
Teik emo au.
Kill them all.

S6E01: Sanctum

S6E02: Red Sun Rising

S6E03: The Children of Gabriel

S6E04: The Face Behind the Glass

S6E05: The Gospel of Josephine

En em bilaik mouda Madi gaf in kigon em levo ogeda kom ai.
En em bilaik mouda Madi gaf in kigon em levo ogeda kom ai.
Which is why Madi needs to continue her training with me
Wof em teik em nila reya? O, em'ilaik, ge jok op kom fayaslais?
Wof em teik em nila reya? O, em'ilaik, ge jok op kom fayaslais?
What if she skins her knee? Or, I don't know, gets a paper cut?
Ai hod yu in, Klok.
Ai hod yu in, Klok.
I love you, Clarke.
Flish em of. Ai gaf in chich yu op soulou. Kom nau.
Flish em of. Ai gaf in chich yu op soulou. Kom nau.
Get rid of her. I need to talk to you alone. Now.
Ai sin in feis-de kom keryon ai don rip klin ona flashpa, nou ona fleta.
Ai sin in feis-de kom keryon ai don rip klin ona flashpa, nou ona fleta.
I see the faces of the people I've killed when I dream, not in the mirror.

S6E06: Memento Mori

Badan yu Heda op o wan op!
Badan yu Heda op o wan op!
Heed your Commander, or die!
Bida airein nou na kep yu klin!
Bida airein nou na kep yu klin!
Tears will not save you!
Nat ai drein yu jus daun!
Nat ai drein yu jus daun!
Tonight I drink your blood!
The Separation Ritual.
Nou fiya ai op nodotaim nowe!
Nou fiya ai op nodotaim nowe!
Don't ever lay hands on me again!
Yu nou ste kamp raun hir, you. Wof emo don sin in yu jus?
Yu nou ste kamp raun hir, you. Wof emo don sin in yu jus?
You’re not supposed to be here. What if they had seen your blood?
Yu gonplei ste odon.
Yu gonplei ste odon.
Your fight is over.
Fleimon-de laik ai shouna... En ai laik Fleimon-de.
Fleimon-de laik ai shouna... En ai laik Fleimon-de.
The Flame is my guide... And I am the Flame.
Weron emo noda Heda?
Weron emo noda Heda?
Where are the other Commanders?
Em bilaik yumi soulou nau.
Em bilaik yumi soulou nau.
It’s just you and me now.
Foshou yu Seda don tel yu na fig op shanen voudon. Yu dula’m op?
Foshou yu Seda don tel yu na fig op shanen voudon. Yu dula’m op?
I’m sure your Seda told you to think good thoughts. Are you?
Yu Seda get in non nowe. Ain seintaim. Em don trana hod ai daun. Yu laik Heda. Yu don hed fous op. Yu don kep Wonkru klin.
Yu Seda get in non nowe. Ain seintaim. Em don trana hod ai daun. Yu laik Heda. Yu don hed fous op. Yu don kep Wonkru klin.
Your teacher knows nothing. Neither did mine. He tried to hold me back. You’re the Commander. You led an army. You saved Wonkru.
Em fir in yu uf. Em gaf in hod yu daun. Ai Seda don’s trana hod ai daun, den ai don frag em op. Yu souda frag yun op.
Em fir in yu uf. Em gaf in hod yu daun. Ai Seda don’s trana hod ai daun, den ai don frag em op. Yu souda frag yun op.
She fears your power. She wants to control you. My teacher was trying to control me, so I killed him. You must kill her.
Yu fir raun bilaik yu na ste soulou nodotaim. Kom we em don lok yu op.
Yu fir raun bilaik yu na ste soulou nodotaim. Kom we em don lok yu op.
You’re scared that you’ll be alone again. Like before she found you.
Ba yu nou na ste soulou. Teik ai gouba raun yu soncha ona sheid...
Ba yu nou na ste soulou. Teik ai gouba raun yu soncha ona sheid...
But you won’t be. Let me be your light in the darkness...
Sis ai meika op... En ogeda yumi na teik daun disha houd, seim bilaik lason.
Sis ai meika op... En ogeda yumi na teik daun disha houd, seim bilaik lason.
Take my hand... And together we will conquer this world, like we did the last.
Dula’m daun.
Dula’m daun.
Do it.
Frag em op. Em laik won we noumou na hon yu baman in.
Frag em op. Em laik won we noumou na hon yu baman in.
Kill her. It’s the only way to get your revenge.
Daun’s kwelen. Heda nou beda—
Daun’s kwelen. Heda nou beda—
That was weak. A Commander should never—
Tel ai hana frag emo op ogeda.
Tel ai hana frag emo op ogeda.
Tell me how to kill them all.
Ai fos seda.
Ai fos seda.
My first teacher.
Sou thosti na bos ai in em don teik ai gon bonij.
Sou thosti na bos ai in em don teik ai gon bonij.
So desperate for me to conform that he kept me in chains.
Fou em frag yu op, kos em sou na dula’m daun.
Fou em frag yu op, kos em sou na dula’m daun.
Before she kills you, because she will.

S6E07: Nevermind

S6E08: The Old Man and the Anomaly

S6E09: What You Take With You

S6E10: Matryoshka

S6E11: Ashes to Ashes

S6E12: Adjustment Protocol

S6E13: The Blood of Sanctum

S7E01: From the Ashes

S7E02: The Garden

S7E03: False Gods

S7E04: Hesperides

S7E05: Welcome to Bardo

S7E06: Nakara

S7E07: The Queen's Gambit

S7E08: Anaconda

S7E09: The Flock








Other Translations

Oso gonplei nou ste odon nowe.
Oso gonplei nou ste odon nowe.
us-all gunplay no stay all-done no-way
1PL.EXCL fight NEG be over never
Our fight is never over.
Ai don breik em au.
Ai don breik em au.
I done break them out
I freed him.
Ai fis em op. Ai don fis em op. Ai na fis em op. Ai ste fis em op.
Ai fis em op. Ai don fis em op. Ai na fis em op. Ai ste fis em op.
I fix him up I done fix him up I gonna fix him up I stay fix him up
1SG heal 3SG SAT 1SG PAST heal 3SG SAT 1SG FUT heal 3SG SAT 1SG PROG heal 3SG SAT
I cure him. I cured him. I will cure him. I am curing him.
Gona ai don fis op ste klir.
Gona ai don fis op ste klir.
gunner I done fix up stay clear
warrior 1SG PAST cure SAT be safe
The warrior I cured is safe.
Gona bilaik ai don fis op ste klir.
Gona bilaik ai don fis op ste klir.
gunner be-like I done fix up stay clear
warrior REL 1SG PAST cure SAT be safe
The warrior I cured is safe.
Gona bilaik don fis ai op ste klir.
Gona bilaik don fis ai op ste klir.
gunner be-like done fix I up stay clear
warrior REL PAST cure 1SG SAT be safe
The warrior who cured me is safe.
Ai don tel em bilaik oso ste klir.
Ai don tel em bilaik oso ste klir.
I done tell him be-like us-all stay clear.
1SG PAST tell 3SG SUBORD 1PL.EXCL be safe
I told him we were safe.
Yo ste krei badas!
Yo ste krei badas!
you-all stay crazy badass
2PL be very wonderful
Y'all are so wonderful!
Gon we o wan op.
Gon we o wan op.
gon away or wind up
leave SAT or die SAT
Leave or die.
Ai na sen yu in.
Ai na sen yu in.
I gonna send you in
1SG FUT hear 2SG SAT
I can hear you.
Daun ste pleni.
Daun ste pleni.
that-one stay plenty
that be enough
That is enough.
Mebi oso na hit choda op nodotaim.
Mebi oso na hit choda op nodotaim.
maybe us-all gonna hit each-other up another-time
maybe 1PL.INCL FUT meet each-other SAT again
May we meet again.
Ai don ge fis op.
Ai don ge fis op.
I done get fix up
I was cured.
Ai don fis em op.
Ai don fis em op.
I done fix him up
I cured him.
Ai don fis gona op.
Ai don fis gona op.
I done fix gunner up
1SG PAST heal warrior SAT
I cured the warrior.
Ai don fis disha gona op.
Ai don fis disha gona op.
I done fix this-one gunner up
1SG PAST cure this warrior SAT
I cured this warrior.
Ai don fis disha spichen gona op.
Ai don fis disha spichen gona op.
I done fix this-one speeching gunner up
1SG PAST cure this lying warrior SAT
I cured this lying warrior.
Ai don fis em op gon heda.
Ai don fis em op gon heda.
I done fix him up gone header
1SG PAST cure 3SG SAT for leader
I cured him for the commander.
Yu gonplei ste odon.
Yu gonplei ste odon.
you gunplay stay all-done
2SG fight be done
Your fight is over.
Jus drein jus daun.
Jus drein jus daun.
juice drain juice down
blood drink blood SAT
Blood must have blood.
Sis em au.
Sis em au.
assist him out
help 3SG SAT
Help him.
Sis em op.
Sis em op.
? him up
grab 3SG SAT
Grab him.
Yu laik Trigedakru o yu laik non, nami?
Yu laik Trigedakru o yu laik non, nami?
you like tree-gather-crew or you like none know-what-I-mean
2SG be Forest-Person or 2SG be NEG feel-me?
You're Trigedakru or you're not, right?
Ai laik heda kom Skaikru.
Ai laik heda kom Skaikru.
I like header come sky-crew
1SG be leader from Sky-People
I'm the leader of the Sky People.
Osir kom Maun-de.
Osir kom Maun-de.
us-here come mountain-the
1PL.EXCL from Mount-Weather
We are from Mt. Weather.
Yu don jak ai sanch op, nau yu na wan op.
Yu don jak ai sanch op, nau yu na wan op.
you done jack I sandwich up now you gonna wind up
2SG PAST steal 1SG lunch SAT now 2SG FUT die SAT
You took my lunch, and now you're gonna die.
Ai laik heda Leksa kom Trigedakru, en jus drein jus daun.
Ai laik heda Leksa kom Trigedakru, en jus drein jus daun.
I like header Lexa come tree-gather-crew and juice drain juice down
1SG be leader Lexa from Forest-People and blood drink blood SAT
I am commander Lexa of the Tree People and blood must have blood.
Hodnes laik kwelnes.
Hodnes laik kwelnes.
holdness like quailness
love be weakness
Love is weakness.
Ai hod yu in.
Ai hod yu in.
I hold you in
1SG love 2SG SAT
I love you.
Ai sonraun laik yu sonraun.
Ai sonraun laik yu sonraun.
I sun-around like you sun-around
1SG life be 2SG life
My life is your life.
Osir keryon ste teina.
Osir keryon ste teina.
us-here carry-on stay ?
1PL.EXCL soul be entwined
Our souls are entwined.
Beja, yu kot em op fostaim.
Beja, yu kot em op fostaim.
beg-you you cut him up first-time
please 2SG cut 3SG SAT first
Please, you cut him first.
Mochof, Naikou, ba yu beda kot em op fos, beja.
Mochof, Naikou, ba yu beda kot em op fos, beja.
? Nyko but you better cut him up first beg-you
thank-you Nyko but 2SG should cut 3SG SAT first please
Thank you, Nyko, but you should cut him first, please.
No, no, no, Heda, YU beda kot em op fos. Yu laik Heda! Beja!
No, no, no, Heda, YU beda kot em op fos. Yu laik Heda! Beja!
no no no header you better cut him up first you like header beg-you
no no no Commander 2SG should cut 3SG SAT first 2SG be leader please
No, no, no, Commander, YOU should cut him first. You are the commander! Please!
Chof, Naikou, ba em laik yu baga: yu SOUDA kot em op fos!
Chof, Naikou, ba em laik yu baga: yu SOUDA kot em op fos!
? Nyko but him like you bad-guy you shoulda cut him up first
thanks Nyko but 3SG be 2SG enemy 2SG must cut 3SG SAT first
Thanks, Nyko, but he is your enemy: you MUST cut him first!
Sha, em laik ai baga, ba YU laik ai Heda! Beja, YU souda kot em op fos!
Sha, em laik ai baga, ba YU laik ai Heda! Beja, YU souda kot em op fos!
yeah him like I bad-guy but you like I header beg-you you shoulda cut him up first
yes 3SG be 1SG enemy but 2SG be 1SG commander please 2SG must cut 3SG SAT first
Yes, he is my enemy, but YOU are my commander! Please, YOU must cut him first!
Ai kik raun. Ai ste kik raun.
Ai kik raun. Ai ste kik raun.
I kick around I stay kick around
1SG live SAT 1SG PROG live SAT
I'm well.
Stedaunon don gon we en kikon ste enti.
Stedaunon don gon we en kikon ste enti.
stay-down-one done gone away and kick-one stay empty
dead-one PAST leave SAT and living-one be hungry
The dead are gone and the living are hungry.
'Sir gada uf in, 'Sir laik kom skai
'Sir gada uf in, 'Sir laik kom skai
us-here got-a oof in us-here like come sky
1PL.EXCL have power SAT 1PL.EXCL be from sky
We've got the power, we are divine.
Nou wan op, Leksa!
Nou wan op, Leksa!
no wind up Lexa
NEG die SAT Lexa
Don't die, Lexa!
Ai laik (NAME) kom graun.
Ai laik (NAME) kom graun.
I like (NAME) come ground
1SG be (NAME) from earth
I am (NAME) from the ground.
Ai na sin em in. Em na ge sin in.
Ai na sin em in. Em na ge sin in.
I gonna seen him in him gonna get seen in
1SG FUT witness 3SG SAT 3SG FUT PASS witness SAT
I will witness it. It will be witnessed.
Ai don led em op. Ai don led raun.
Ai don led em op. Ai don led raun.
I done laid him up I done laid around
1SG PAST wound 3SG SAT 1SG PAST wound SAT
I wounded him. I went around causing injuries.
Ai don kof em op. Ai don kof raun.
Ai don kof em op. Ai don kof raun.
I done cough him up I done cough around
I paid it (a price). I paid.
Ai don glong emo op. Ai don glong raun.
Ai don glong emo op. Ai don glong raun.
I done go-along them-all up I done go-along around
I joined them. I joined.
Disha hukop ste get ai daun.
Disha hukop ste get ai daun.
this-one hook-up stay get I down
this alliance PROG worry 1SG SAT
This alliance worries me. / I'm concerned about this alliance.
Taim osir fleim au, taim yu na fleim au gon osir ogeda.
Taim osir fleim au, taim yu na fleim au gon osir ogeda.
time us-here flame out time you gonna flame out gone us-here all-gather
COND 1PL.EXCL burn SAT COND 2SG FUT burn SAT with 1PL.EXCL together
If we burn, you burn with us.
Chek ai au, Gostos. Ron ai ridiyo op.
Chek ai au, Gostos. Ron ai ridiyo op.
check I out Gustus ? I real-deal up
look-at 1SG SAT Gustus give 1SG truth SAT
Look at me, Gustus. Speak true.
Ha yu?
Ha yu?
how you
how 2SG
How are you?
What's up?
Ai ste os.
Ai ste os.
I stay ?
1SG be good
I'm good.
Nou foto.
Nou foto.
no ?
NEG bad
Not bad.
Teik ai gon trigeda.
Teik ai gon trigeda.
take I gone tree-gather
take 1SG toward forest
Take me to the forest.
Gon we, ai na tich Klark op.
Gon we, ai na tich Klark op.
gone away I gonna teach Clarke up
leave SAT 1SG FUT teach Clarke SAT
Leave, I will teach Clarke.
Wamplei kom thauz kodon.
Wamplei kom thauz kodon.
wind-play come thousand cut-on
death from thousand cut
Death by a thousand cuts.
Osir na bants.
Osir na bants.
us-here gonna bounce
1PL.EXCL FUT leave
We're going to leave.
Ai don konge osir heda.
Ai don konge osir heda.
I done come-get us-here header
1SG PAST summon 1PL.EXCL leader
I summoned our commander.
Ai laik (NAME) kom Trigedakru.
Ai laik (NAME) kom Trigedakru.
I like (NAME) come tree-gather-crew
1SG be (NAME) from Forest-People
I'm (NAME) of the grounders.
Hodnes laik uf.
Hodnes laik uf.
holdness like oof
love be power
Love is strength.
Em laik pauna.
Em laik pauna.
him like pounder
3SG be gorilla
He's a gorilla.
Daun laik ai teisa.
Daun laik ai teisa.
that-one like I taster
that be 1SG tongue
That's my tongue.
Heda ste pis.
Heda ste pis.
header stay pissed
commander be angry
The commander is angry.
Dei tri-de ste biga.
Dei tri-de ste biga.
? tree-the stay bigger
that tree-EM be large
That tree over there is large.
Disha hukop souda win au!
Disha hukop souda win au!
this-one hookup shoulda win out
this alliance must win SAT
This alliance must win!
Ai gaf wich em in.
Ai gaf wich em in.
I ? ? him in
1SG want believe 3SG SAT
I want to believe (it).
Jomp emo op! Frag emo op!
Jomp emo op! Frag emo op!
jump them-all up ? them-all up
attack 3PL SAT kill 3PL SAT
Attack them all! Kill them all!
Ai don ste enti, den ai choj op.
Ai don ste enti, den ai choj op.
I done stay empty then I charge up
1SG PAST be hungry so 1SG eat SAT
I was hungry, so I ate.
Jomp em op en yu jomp ai op.
Jomp em op en yu jomp ai op.
jump him up and you jump I up
attack 3SG SAT and 2SG attack 1SG SAT
Attack her and you attack me.
Chit yu gaf, Gostos?
Chit yu gaf, Gostos?
? you ? Gustus
what 2SG want Gustus
What do you want, Gustus?
Taim yu dula daun op, taim yu son swima op ona rein.
Taim yu dula daun op, taim yu son swima op ona rein.
time you ? that-one up time you sun swimmer up on-the rain
COND 2SG do that SAT COND 2SG dry fish SAT in rain
If you do that, you'll be wasting your time.
Ai badan yu op en nou moun.
Ai badan yu op en nou moun.
I bow-down you up and no more-one
1SG serve 2SG SAT and NEG another
I serve you and no other.
Daun nou ste foto.
Daun nou ste foto.
that-one no stay ?
that NEG be bad
That's not bad.
Dei gona de nou ste krei biga.
Dei gona de nou ste krei biga.
? gunner the no stay crazy bigger
that warrior there NEG be very large
That warrior over yonder isn't very big.
En daun laik daun.
En daun laik daun.
and that-one like that-one
and that be that
And that's that.
Ai nou na teik yu bants nowe.
Ai nou na teik yu bants nowe.
I no gonna take you bounce no-way
1SG NEG FUT let 2SG leave never
I'm never going to let you go.
Oso gonplei nou ste odon kos oso gonplei don jos stot au.
Oso gonplei nou ste odon kos oso gonplei don jos stot au.
us-all gunplay no stay all-done cause us-all gunplay done just start out
1PL.INCL fight NEG be done because 1PL.INCL fight PAST just begin SAT
Our fight is not over because our fight has (only) just begun.
Ai hod you in seintaim.
Ai hod you in seintaim.
I hold you in same-time
1SG love 2SG SAT also
I love you, too.
Ge yo ogud! Osir ste komba raun nodotaim!
Ge yo ogud! Osir ste komba raun nodotaim!
get you-all all-good us-here stay come around another-time
PASS 2PL ready 1PL.EXCL PROG return SAT again
Be ready! We're coming back again!
Em get daun-de in.
Em get daun-de in.
him get that-one-the in
3SG know that-EM SAT
He knows that.
Em get in chon bilaik don dula dison op.
Em get in chon bilaik don dula dison op.
him get in which-one be-like done ? this-one up
3SG know SAT who SUBORD PAST do this SAT
He knows who did this.
Din yu don frag em op?
Din yu don frag em op?
didn't you done ? him up
Didn't you kill him?
Din yu na frag em op?
Din yu na frag em op?
didn't you gonna ? him up
Won't you kill him?
En's ridiyo!
En's ridiyo!
him's real-deal
3SG-be truth
It's true!
Ai hod yu in, ba yu nou laik skrish.
Ai hod yu in, ba yu nou laik skrish.
I hold you in but you no like ?
1SG love 2SG SAT but 2SG NEG be shit
I love you, but you ain't shit.
Chit bilaik "dounot"?
Chit bilaik "dounot"?
? be-like donut
what be donut
What's a "donut"?
Yu laik ailonon kom Gwam.
Yu laik ailonon kom Gwam.
you like island-one come Guam
2SG be islander from Guam
You are an islander from Guam.
Ste ku, bro!
Ste ku, bro!
stay cool bro
be cool brother
Be cool, brother!
Ai don rid ai op kom taim em don komba raun.
Ai don rid ai op kom taim em don komba raun.
I done ? I up come time him done come around
1SG PAST sleep 1SG SAT until when he PAST return SAT
I slept until he came back.
Osir na set raun (na) kom sheidgeda.
Osir na set raun (na) kom sheidgeda.
us-here gonna sit around (gonna) come shade-gather
1PL.EXCL FUT wait SAT (FUT) until night
We will wait until nightfall.
Nou en, nou yu.
Nou en, nou yu.
no everyone no you
NEG everyone NEG 2SG
Not everyone, not you.
Sheidgeda ste komba raun.
Sheidgeda ste komba raun.
shade-gather stay come around
night PROG return SAT
Night is coming.
Ai don ban em au.
Ai don ban em au.
I done abandon them out
1SG PAST banish 3SG SAT
I banished him.
Ai don ge ban au.
Ai don ge ban au.
I done get abandon out
I was banished.
Ai gonplei nou ste odon nowe.
Ai gonplei nou ste odon nowe.
I gunplay no stay all-done no-way
1SG fight NEG be over never
My fight is never over.
Yu dula yu na dula.
Yu dula yu na dula.
you ? you gonna ?
2SG do 2SG FUT do
You do what you can.
Beja nou bants.
Beja nou bants.
beg-you no bounce
please NEG leave
Please don't leave.
Ai don frag em op hir.
Ai don frag em op hir.
I done ? him up here
1SG PAST kill 3SG SAT here
I killed him here.
Ai na ai em op. Ai na ai raun.
Ai na ai em op. Ai na ai raun.
I gonna eye him up I gonna eye around
1SG FUT watch 3SG SAT 1SG FUT watch SAT
I'll watch him. I'll watch.
Ai gou.
Ai gou.
I'm in.
Chon yu bilaik en chon yu gaf in bilaik na kik thru, emo laik tu krei noseim diyo.
Chon yu bilaik en chon yu gaf in bilaik na kik thru, emo laik tu krei noseim diyo.
which-one you be-like and which-one you ? in be-like gonna kick through them-all like two crazy no-same deal
who 2SG be and who 2SG need SAT be FUT live SAT 3PL be two very different thing
Who you are and who you need to be to survive are two very different things.
No. Ai laik Skaikru. Ai nou bilaik fousen Trigedakru chicha, nami? Mochof hashta yu prom!
No. Ai laik Skaikru. Ai nou bilaik fousen Trigedakru chicha, nami? Mochof hashta yu prom!
no I like sky-crew I no be-like ? tree-gather-crew ? know-what-I-mean ? hashtag you prompt
no 1SG be Sky-People 1SG NEG be-FIG real Tree-People speaker feel-me thank-you about 2SG question
No. I am a Sky Person. I'm not a real Forest-People speaker, feel me? Thank you for your question!
Em ste tofon. Em laik tofon.
Em ste tofon. Em laik tofon.
him stay tough-one him like tough-one
3SG be difficult 3SG be difficult
It is difficult. It is a difficult thing.
Yu teik au chon bilaik yu teik au.
Yu teik au chon bilaik yu teik au.
you take out which-one be-like you take out
2SG take SAT which SUBORD 2SG destroy SAT
You seize what you eliminate.
Ai laik ticha?
Ai laik ticha?
I like teacher
1SG be teacher
Am I a teacher?
Chon yu bilaik?
Chon yu bilaik?
which-one you be-like
who 2SG be
Who are you?
Ai laik ticha bilaik don lok yu yongon op.
Ai laik ticha bilaik don lok yu yongon op.
I like teacher be-like done look you young-one up
1SG be teacher SUBORD PAST find 2SG child SAT
I'm the teacher that found your child.
Ai don tel em op bilaik ai nou na hit emo op.
Ai don tel em op bilaik ai nou na hit emo op.
I done tell him up be-like I no gonna hit them-all up
1SG PAST tell 3SG SAT that 1SG NEG FUT meet 3PL SAT
I told him that I won't meet with them.
Ai laik ticha. Ai bilaik ticha.
Ai laik ticha. Ai bilaik ticha.
I like teacher I be-like teacher
1SG be teacher 1SG be-FIG teacher
I'm a teacher. I'm a "teacher."
Yu laik ai lukot. Em laik ai lukot.
Yu laik ai lukot. Em laik ai lukot.
you like I lookout him like I lookout
2SG be 1SG friend 3SG be 1SG friend
You are my friend. She is my friend.
Chon emo hef bilaik ai beda wich em in?
Chon emo hef bilaik ai beda wich em in?
which-one them-all ? be-like I better ? him in
which of-them man that 1SG should trust 3SG SAT
Which man should I trust?
Ai gaf chich yu (yo) heda op.
Ai gaf chich yu (yo) heda op.
I ? ? you (y'all) header up
1SG need talk-to 2SG (2PL) leader SAT
I need to talk to your commander.
Yu beda hit ai op, nami?
Yu beda hit ai op, nami?
you better hit I up know-what-I-mean
2SG should meet 1SG SAT feel-me
You should meet me, okay?
Jus giv jus op.
Jus giv jus op.
juice give juice up
blood give blood SAT
Blood must give blood.
Ai don laik splita otaim.
Ai don laik splita otaim.
I done like splitter all-time
1SG PAST be outcast always
I have always been an outsider.
Ai na ste yuj kos ai gonplei nou ste odon kom nau.
Ai na ste yuj kos ai gonplei nou ste odon kom nau.
I gonna stay huge because I gunplay no stay all-done come now
1SG FUT be strong because 1SG fight NEG be done from now
I will be strong for my fight is not yet over.
Chit nou frag yu op na teik yu ste mou yuj.
Chit nou frag yu op na teik yu ste mou yuj.
? no ? you up gonna take you stay more huge
what NEG kill 2SG SAT FUT cause 2SG be more strong
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
Yu ste laksen.
Yu ste laksen.
you stay ?
2SG be hurt
You are hurt.
Chit yu don chich op?
Chit yu don chich op?
? you done ? up
what 2SG PAST talk-to SAT
What did you talk to?
Osir ste komba raun houm.
Osir ste komba raun houm.
us-here stay come around home
1PL.EXCL PROG return SAT home
We are coming home.
Winnes set raun bakon kom givnes.
Winnes set raun bakon kom givnes.
win-ness sit around back-one come give-ness
victory stand-on SAT back of sacrifice
Victory stands on the back of sacrifice.
Daunde laik ai java.
Daunde laik ai java.
that-one-there like I javelin
that-FAR be 1SG.SG spear
That's my javelin.
Daunde laik oma java.
Daunde laik oma java.
that-one-there like all-my javelin
that-FAR be 1SG.PL javelin
Those are my javelins.
Daunde laik oson.
Daunde laik oson.
that-one-there like us-one
that-FAR be 1PL.(INCL/EXCL).(SG/PL)
That's ours (and not yours). That's ours (and yours, too). Those are ours (and not yours). Those are ours (and yours, too).
Daunde laik yun.
Daunde laik yun.
that-one-there like you-one
that-FAR be 2SG.SG
That's yours.
Daunde laik oyun.
Daunde laik oyun.
that-one-there like all-you-one
that-FAR be 2SG.PL
Those are yours.
Daunde laik yon.
Daunde laik yon.
that-one-there like y'all-one
that-FAR be 2PL.SG
That's y'all's.
Daunde laik oyon.
Daunde laik oyon.
that-one-there like all-y'all-one
that-FAR be 2PL.PL
Those are y'all's.
Ai laik Okteivia Bleik en ai na gon raun gon chit ai wich in.
Ai laik Okteivia Bleik en ai na gon raun gon chit ai wich in.
I like Octavia Blake and I gonna gun around gone ? I ? in
1SG be Octavia Blake and 1SG FUT fight SAT for what 1SG believe SAT
I am Octavia Blake and I will fight for what I believe in.
Nou get yu daun. Nou trip raun. Chil au.
Nou get yu daun. Nou trip raun. Chil au.
no get you down no trip around chill out
NEG worry 2SG SAT NEG freak-out SAT calm SAT
Don't worry. Don't freak out. Calm down.
Hit yo bag op en hod yo chichnes op! Ai trana rid ai op!
Hit yo bag op en hod yo chichnes op! Ai trana rid ai op!
hit y'all bag up and hold y'all ? up I trying-to ? I up
go-to 2PL bed SAT and stop 2PL talking SAT 1SG try-to sleep 1SG SAT
Go to bed and stop talking! I'm trying to sleep!
Ai don gon wamplei.
Ai don gon wamplei.
I done gone wind-play
1SG PAST ? death
I am become death.
Ai badannes ste kamp raun ai Heda.
Ai badannes ste kamp raun ai Heda.
I bow-down-ness stay camp around I header
1SG loyalty PROG stay-near SAT 1SG leader
My allegiance is to my commander.
Ogeda hef souda wan op.
Ogeda hef souda wan op.
all-gather ? shoulda wind up
all man must die SAT
All men must die.
Ba oso nou laik hef.
Ba oso nou laik hef.
but us-all no like ?
but 1PL.INCL NEG be man
But we are not men.
Ai nou get in chon emo sleng ai na lan op, nami.
Ai nou get in chon emo sleng ai na lan op, nami.
I no get in which-one them-all slang I gonna line up know-what-I-mean
1SG NEG know SAT which 3PL language 1SG FUT use SAT feel-me
I don't know which language I'm going to use, though.
Hit ai op raun joken gapa-de.
Hit ai op raun joken gapa-de.
hit I up around ? gapper-the
meet 1SG SAT at fucking pit-EM
Meet me at the fucking pit.
En's joken radon.
En's joken radon.
him-stay ? right-on
3SG-be fucking right
It's fucking right.
Daunde laik seken bana.
Daunde laik seken bana.
that-one-there like second banner
that-FAR be second flag
That's the second flag.
Ai gaf seimon in.
Ai gaf seimon in.
I ? same-one in
1SG need same-one SAT
I need the same one.
Slip yu kripa daun taim yu stomba raun.
Slip yu kripa daun taim yu stomba raun.
slip you creeper down time you stomp around
slay 2SG demon SAT when 2SG be-awake SAT
Slay your demons while you're awake.
Teik yo ogud na wan op.
Teik yo ogud na wan op.
take you-all all-good gonna wind up
let 2PL ready FUT die SAT
Prepare to die.
Beja, nou dula dison.
Beja, nou dula dison.
beg-you no ? this-one
please NEG do this
Please don't do this.
Ai ste shoun of Wanheda.
Ai ste shoun of Wanheda.
I stay shown off Wanheda
1SG PROG present SAT Wanheda
May I present Wanheda.
Ai don lid yu Wanheda in.
Ai don lid yu Wanheda in.
I done lead you Wanheda in
1SG PAST bring 2SG Wanheda SAT
I brought you Wanheda.
Ai don dula ai don biyo. Dison laik Wanheda.
Ai don dula ai don biyo. Dison laik Wanheda.
I done ? I done ? this-one like Wanheda
1SG PAST do 1SG PAST say this be Wanheda
I've done as promised. Behold Wanheda.
Yumi na teik won sonraun au?
Yumi na teik won sonraun au?
you-me gonna take one sun-around out?
1PL FUT take one life SAT
Will you take a life with me?
Medo ste thonken, medo drein au.
Medo ste thonken, medo drein au.
? stay thunking ? drain out
body be hollow body bleed SAT
A body's hollow, a body bleeds.
Oso kik raun ogeda soulou.
Oso kik raun ogeda soulou.
us-all kick around all-gather solo
1PL.INCL live SAT together alone
We live as one, we live alone.
Ai laik yu gona. Ai na get raun, you.
Ai laik yu gona. Ai na get raun, you.
I like you gunner I gonna get around yo
1SG be 2SG warrior 1SG FUT atone SAT EMPH
I am your soldier. I will atone.
Ai keryon gyon op, ai keryon g' breik au.
Ai keryon gyon op, ai keryon g' breik au.
I carry-on get-on up I carry-on get break out
1SG soul rise SAT 1SG soul PASS free SAT
My soul moves on, my soul is freed.
Pas skaikrasha, klin tristraka.
Pas skaikrasha, klin tristraka.
past sky-crasher clean tree-striker
after storm flash lightning
After the storm, a lightning flash.
En houd don gon hosh trashsaka.
En houd don gon hosh trashsaka.
and whole-world done gone hush trash-sacker
and world PAST go quiet wasteland
With all the world reduced to ash.
Sha, oso sou du. Hashta, hakom Wanheda ste kik raun? Seintaim dison laik yu kwelnes, Azgeda na step op foshou.
Sha, oso sou du. Hashta, hakom Wanheda ste kik raun? Seintaim dison laik yu kwelnes, Azgeda na step op foshou.
yeah us-all so do hashtag how-come Wanheda stay kick around same-time this-one like you quail-ness Ice-gather gonna step up for-sure
yes 1PL.INCL EMPH do about why Wanheda PROG live SAT if this be 2SG weakness Azgeda FUT interfere SAT gladly
Yes, we do. For example, why is Wanheda still alive? If this is your weakness again, Azgeda will happily step in.
Houd na fleim daun. Bed' ge jok au.
Houd na fleim daun. Bed' ge jok au.
whole-world gonna flame down better get jerk out
world FUT burn SAT should PASS extract SAT
This world will burn. Save what you need.
Ai nou fir raun. Ai mana jomp in. Ai mana wan op. Ai don sin y' in.
Ai nou fir raun. Ai mana jomp in. Ai mana wan op. Ai don sin y' in.
I no fear around I mean-to jump in I mean-to wind up I done seen you in
1SG NEG fear SAT 1SG intend fight SAT 1SG intend die SAT 1SG PAST see 2SG SAT
I am fearless. I mean to fight. I mean to die. You're in my sight.
Ai medo blid au. Ai medo drein au.
Ai medo blid au. Ai medo drein au.
I ? bleed out I ? drain out
1SG body bleed SAT 1SG body bleed SAT
My body bleeds. My body bleeds.
Hashta Klark?
Hashta Klark?
hashtag Clarke
about Clarke
What about Clarke?
Ai gaf seigeda klin hashta nou wichnes.
Ai gaf seigeda klin hashta nou wichnes.
I gotta-have say-gather clean hashtag no ?-ness
1SG want vote SAT about NEG confidence
I call for a vote of no confidence.
Chon ge sad op gon Heda?
Chon ge sad op gon Heda?
which-one get said up gone header
who PASS choose SAT for Commander
Who is chosen to be a Commander?
Natblida bilaik keryon sad em op. Non sef keryon noumou na shoun raun. Non sef em ge sad in kom keryon na hed op.
Natblida bilaik keryon sad em op. Non sef keryon noumou na shoun raun. Non sef em ge sad in kom keryon na hed op.
night-bleeder be-like carry-on said them up none except-for carry-on no-more gonna shown around none except-for them get said in come carry-on gonna head up
Nightblood SUBORD spirit choose 3SG SAT none except spirit only FUT guide SAT none except 3SG PASS choose SAT by spirit FUT lead SAT
A Blackblood whom the spirit selects. None but the spirit can guide. None but the one chosen by the spirit can rule.
Ha oso na hed op mou os gon Heda?
Ha oso na hed op mou os gon Heda?
how us-all gonna head up more awesome gone header
how 1PL.INCL FUT lead SAT more good as Commander
How do we best lead as Commanders?
Oso badan oso kru op. Ogeda sonraun ste fleimen, en oso teik ogeda wamplei in kom oson.
Oso badan oso kru op. Ogeda sonraun ste fleimen, en oso teik ogeda wamplei in kom oson.
us-all bow-down us-all crew up all-gather sun-around stay flaming and us-all take all-gather wind-play in come us-one
1PL.INCL serve 1PL.INCL people SAT all life be valuable and 1PL.INCL take all death SAT as 1PL.POSS
By serving our people. Each life is valuable, and we suffer every loss as our own.
Taim Heda na ban em geda op?
Taim Heda na ban em geda op?
time header gonna abandon them gather up
when Commander FUT abandon 3SG post SAT
When does a Commander leave their post?
Taim kom bilaik em keryon ste odon kom graun-de en ste ogud na gyon klin.
Taim kom bilaik em keryon ste odon kom graun-de en ste ogud na gyon klin.
time come be-like them carry-on stay all-done come ground-the and stay all-good gonna get-on clean
when as SUBORD 3SG spirit be done with earth-EMPH and be ready FUT pass-on SAT
Only when their spirit is done upon the earth and ready to be passed on.
Ai sou na breik yu au kom hir, you.
Ai sou na breik yu au kom hir, you.
I so gonna break you out come here yo
1SG EMPH FUT free 2SG SAT from here EMPH
I swear I'll get you out of here.
Breik YU au, you.
Breik YU au, you.
break you out yo
Get yourself out.
Ai don chich Kein op...
Ai don chich Kein op...
I done chit-chat Kane up
1SG PAST speak Kane SAT
I talked to Kane...
Kom skai gon graun nodotaim.
Kom skai gon graun nodotaim.
come sky gone ground another-time
from sky to ground again
From the sky to the ground again.
Kom chilnes yu na ban sishou-de au.
Kom chilnes yu na ban sishou-de au.
come chillness you gonna abandon seashore-the out
with peace 2SG FUT leave shore-EMPH SAT
In peace may you leave the shore.
Kom hodnes yu na hon neson-de op.
Kom hodnes yu na hon neson-de op.
come hold-ness you gonna hunt next-one-the up
with love 2SG FUT find next-EMPH SAT
In love, may you find the next.
Gouthru klir hashta yu soujon.
Gouthru klir hashta yu soujon.
go-through clear hashtag you sojourn
passage safe regarding 2SG journey
Safe passage on your travels.
Kom taim oso fali kom daun gon graun-de.
Kom taim oso fali kom daun gon graun-de.
come time us-all finally come down gone ground-the
until time 1PL.INCL finally come-down to ground-EMPH
Until our final journey to the ground.
Hodnes teik ething daun.
Hodnes teik ething daun.
holdness take everything down
love conquer everything SAT
Love conquers all.
Feva ona ai tombom.
Feva ona ai tombom.
forever on-a I (onamatopoeia)
forever in 1SG heart
Forever in my heart.
Wamplei nou laik eno.
Wamplei nou laik eno.
wind-play no like end-all
death NEG be end
Death is not the end.
Wamplei nou laik eno-de.
Wamplei nou laik eno-de.
wind-play no like end-all-the
death NEG be end-EMPH
Death is not the end.
Kom oso las soujon ona graun-de.
Kom oso las soujon ona graun-de.
come us-all last sojourn on-a ground-the
until 1PL.INCL last journey on ground-EMPH
Until our final journey on the ground.
Heda kik raun ona ai.
Heda kik raun ona ai.
heda kick around on-a I
Heda live SAT in 1SG
Heda lives in me.
Hodnes nou laik kwelnes.
Hodnes nou laik kwelnes.
holdness no like quailness
love NEG be weakness
Love is not weakness.
Kiken raun bilaik mou kom (jos) kiken thru.
Kiken raun bilaik mou kom (jos) kiken thru.
kicking around be-like more come just kicking through
live SAT be more from just survive SAT
Life is about more than (just) surviving.
Ai trana rid ai op ba ai nou na rid op.
Ai trana rid ai op ba ai nou na rid op.
I trying-to ? I up but I no gonna ? up
1SG try sleep 1SG SAT but 1SG NEG FUT sleep SAT
I'm trying to sleep but I cannot sleep.
Yu don win au. Yu don kep klin mous en.
Yu don win au. Yu don kep klin mous en.
you done win out you done keep clean most everyone
2SG PAST win SAT 2SG PAST save SAT almost everyone
You did it, you saved almost everyone.
Ai na huk yu op kom deimeika, natshana, en skaifaya.
Ai na huk yu op kom deimeika, natshana, en skaifaya.
I gonna hook you up come daymaker nightshiner and skyfire
1SG FUT give 2SG SAT with sun moon and star
I would give you the sun, moon, and stars.
Ai sis, ai job.
Ai sis, ai job.
I sister I job
1SG sister 1SG job
My sister, my responsibility.
Ai gonplei don jos stot au.
Ai gonplei don jos stot au.
I gunplay done just start out
1SG fight PAST just start SAT
My fight has just begun.
Ai ste mou biga kom ai kripa.
Ai ste mou biga kom ai kripa.
I stay more bigger come I creeper
1SG be more big than 1SG demon
I'm bigger than my demons.
Ai ste mou biga kom disha klaka.
Ai ste mou biga kom disha klaka.
I stay more bigger come this-a clacker
1SG be more big than this bone
I'm bigger than these bones.
Kigon yo gonplei.
Kigon yo gonplei.
keep-going you-all gunplay
continue 2PL fight
Keep fighting.
Yu na gon figa.
Yu na gon figa.
you gonna gone ?
2SG FUT become healthy
You'll become healthy. / You will heal.
Yu na ge fis op.
Yu na ge fis op.
you gonna get fix up
You'll be healed. / You will heal.
Nainon Natblida laik las Heda.
Nainon Natblida laik las Heda.
nine-one nightbleeder like last header
ninth Nightblood be last Commander.
The 9th Nightblood is the last Commander.
Ste yuj, strikon.
Ste yuj, strikon.
stay huge streak-one
be strong little-one
Be strong, little one.
En Hedakru get klin ai bilaik won kom emo, nami? Oma hodnes gon emo.
En Hedakru get klin ai bilaik won kom emo, nami? Oma hodnes gon emo.
and header-crew get clean I be-like one come them-all know-what-I-mean all-my holdness gone them-all
and Hedakru know SAT 1SG be one with 3PL INT PL.1SG love with 3PL
And Hedakru knows I'm one of them, yeah? All my love to them.
Ai na spun yu op. Ai na spun yu in.
Ai na spun yu op. Ai na spun yu in.
I gonna spoon you up I gonna spoon you in
1SG FUT front-spoon 2SG SAT 1SG FUT back-spoon 2SG SAT
I'll be front spoon to you. I'll be back spoon to you.
Ai spun ai op. Ai spun ai in.
Ai spun ai op. Ai spun ai in.
I spoon I up I spoon I in
1SG front-spoon 1SG SAT 1SG back-spoon 1SG SAT
I am the front spoon. I am the back spoon.
Ai nou fir raun kom sheidgeda-de, kos ai sou don hod skaifaya in
Ai nou fir raun kom sheidgeda-de, kos ai sou don hod skaifaya in
I no fear around come shadegather-the cause I so done hold skyfire in
1SG NEG fear SAT come night-EMPH because 1SG EMPH PAST love star SAT
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.
Ai don hod skaifaya in krei bitam na fir sheidgeda in.
Ai don hod skaifaya in krei bitam na fir sheidgeda in.
I done hold skyfire in crazy ? gonna fear shadegather in
1SG PAST love star SAT too enough FUT fear night SAT
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.
Yu strech yu au en throu daun kom wor.
Yu strech yu au en throu daun kom wor.
you stretch you out and throw down come war
2SG walk 2SG SAT and fight SAT to war
You walk and fight wars.
Em don ge drop of.
Em don ge drop of.
them done get drop off
It is lost.
Ai don ste kamp raun hir, don kik raun, don hod raun.
Ai don ste kamp raun hir, don kik raun, don hod raun.
I was here, I lived, I loved.
Oso kik thru ogeda.
Oso kik thru ogeda.
We survive together
Yu gada uf, jova, en hodnes in.
Yu gada uf, jova, en hodnes in.
You have strength, courage, and love.
Yu bro laik bos haka, you!
Yu bro laik bos haka, you!
Your brother is a great artist, yo!
Em ste daun kom nau.
Em ste daun kom nau.
them stay down come now
3SG be dead by now
He's already dead.
Ai nou don sad krunes in; krunes don sad ai in.
Ai nou don sad krunes in; krunes don sad ai in.
I no done said crew-ness in crew-ness done said I in
1SG NEG PAST choose Kru-life SAT Kru-life PAST choose 1SG SAT
I didn't choose the 'Kru life; the 'Kru life chose me.
Taim na rid yu op, you!
Taim na rid yu op, you!
time gonna read you up yo
time FUT read 2SG SAT EMPH
Time to read, yo!
Hani gou ona yu?
Hani gou ona yu?
how-many go on you
how-many life in 2SG
How many lives do you have?
Chich ai op gon Trigedasleng.
Chich ai op gon Trigedasleng.
chit-chat I up gone Tree-gather-slang
talk-to 1SG SAT by Trigedasleng
Talk Trigedasleng to me.
Ai na ste kamp raun yu otaim.
Ai na ste kamp raun yu otaim.
I gonna stay camp around you all-time
1SG FUT be be.LOC SAT 2SG always
I will always be with you.
Ai laik Klasheda. Non na sak ai au.
Ai laik Klasheda. Non na sak ai au.
I like class-header none gonna psych I out
1SG be valedictorian none FUT outsmart 1SG SAT
I am the valedictorian. None outsmart me.
Ai nou fir raun. Ai don kom au gon dison.
Ai nou fir raun. Ai don kom au gon dison.
I no fear around I done come out gone this-one
1SG NEG fear SAT 1SG PAST become SAT for this
I am not afraid. I was born for this.
Hodnes (ste) mou yuj kom wamplei.
Hodnes (ste) mou yuj kom wamplei.
holdness (stay) more huge come wind-play
love (be) more strong than death
Love (is) stronger than death.
Chit ste daun nou na wan op nowe.
Chit ste daun nou na wan op nowe.
? stay down no gonna wind up no-way
what be dead NEG FUT die SAT never
What is dead may never die.
Ai laik Heda kom Twel Kru.
Ai laik Heda kom Twel Kru.
I like header come twelve crew
1SG be commander from twelve people
I'm the Commander of the Twelve Clans.
Oso laik sontaim kom eno.
Oso laik sontaim kom eno.
us-all like sun-time come end-all
1PL.EXCL be story come end
We're all stories in the end.
Trikru nou set daun, osir throu daun.
Trikru nou set daun, osir throu daun.
tree-crew no set down us-here throw down
grounders NEG give-up SAT 1PL.EXCL fight SAT
Grounders don't give up, we fight.
Osir lukot wan raun, sis osir au, beja.
Osir lukot wan raun, sis osir au, beja.
us-here look-out wind around assist us-here out beg-you
1PL.EXCL friend die SAT help 1PL.EXCL SAT please
Our friend is dying, please help.
Hofli ai biga sis na reshwe.
Hofli ai biga sis na reshwe.
hopefully I bigger sister gonna rest-away
hopefully 1SG big sister FUT rest-in-peace
May my big sister rest in peace.
Hofli yu na hon bida chilnes op ona yu brana sonraun. Yu na ge mema we.
Hofli yu na hon bida chilnes op ona yu brana sonraun. Yu na ge mema we.
hopefully you gonna hunt bit-of chill-ness up on you brand-new sun-around you gonna get remember away
hopefully 2SG FUT find some peace SAT in 2SG new life 2SG FUT PASS miss SAT
May you find peace in your new life. You will be missed.
Ai laik Omiheda.
Ai laik Omiheda.
I like ?-header
1SG be chicken-commander
I am commander of the chickens.
Ai kyon choj op.
Ai kyon choj op.
I keep-on charge up
I keep eating.
Ai don kyon choj op.
Ai don kyon choj op.
I done keep-on charge up
I kept eating.
En's mou beda taim ai don komba raun.
En's mou beda taim ai don komba raun.
them-stay more better time I done come-back around
3SG-PROG more better if 1SG PAST come SAT
I should have come.
Gyon op, Heda!
Gyon op, Heda!
go-on up header
rise SAT Commander
Long live the Commander!
Ste kiken, Heda!
Ste kiken, Heda!
stay kicking header
be living Commander
Long live the Commander!
Trikru kamp raun ai tombom.
Trikru kamp raun ai tombom.
tree-crew camp around I heart
Trikru be.LOC SAT 1SG heart
Trikru is in my heart.
Trikru kik raun ona ai tombom.
Trikru kik raun ona ai tombom.
tree-crew kick around on I heart
Trikru live SAT in 1SG heart
Trikru lives in my heart.
Du ste krei foto, you.
Du ste krei foto, you.
dude stay crazy ? yo
3SG be very bad EMPH
S/he/it is really bad.
Du don jak ai tronkova op!
Du don jak ai tronkova op!
dude done jack I trunk-cover up
3SG PAST steal 1SG blanket SAT
Someone stole my blanket!
Ai don sin in du kamp raun klinrona.
Ai don sin in du kamp raun klinrona.
I done seen in dude camp around clean-runner
1SG PAST see SAT 3SG be.LOC SAT river
I saw someone near the river.
Kom skai gon graun nodotaim.
Kom skai gon graun nodotaim.
come sky gone ground another-time
from sky to ground again
From the sky to the ground again.
Klok nou laik, en nou na bilaik nowe, Wanheda, kom taim ai ste kiken.
Klok nou laik, en nou na bilaik nowe, Wanheda, kom taim ai ste kiken.
Clarke no like and no gonna be-like no-way wind-header come time I stay kicking
Clarke NEG be and NEG FUT be NEG Commander-of-Death from time 1SG be alive
Clark isn't, and never will be, the Commander of Death, as long as I'm alive.
Ha yu na drag ai Snachheda klin dawe, you?
Ha yu na drag ai Snachheda klin dawe, you?
how you gonna drag I snatch-header clean that-way yo
why 2SG FUT disrespect 1SG Raccoon-commander SAT that-way EMPH
Whyever are you disrespecting my Raccoon-commander?
Leksa laik oso yontsleya.
Leksa laik oso yontsleya.
Lexa like us-all ?-slayer
Lexa be 1PL.INCL hero
Lexa is our hero.
Meika's slak.
Meika's slak.
maker-stay slack
hand-be open
Nice to meet you.
Yumi ste klir. Yumi's klir. Oso ste klir.
Yumi ste klir. Yumi's klir. Oso ste klir.
you-me stay clear you-me stay clear us-all stay clear
1DU be safe 1DU be safe 1PL.INCL be safe
We're safe (from each other.)
En's gon Heda. En's kom Heda.
En's gon Heda. En's kom Heda.
them-stay gone header them-stay come header
3SG-be for Commander 3SG-be from Commander
It's for the Commander. It belongs to the Commander
Reshop, snogon. Ai hod yu in. Hofli yu na rid yu op os, you.
Reshop, snogon. Ai hod yu in. Hofli yu na rid yu op os, you.
rest-up snog-one I hold you in hopefully you gonna ? you up awesome yo
goodnight loved-one 1SG love 2SG SAT may 2SG FUT sleep 2SG SAT well EMPH
Goodnight, love. I love you. I hope you sleep well.
Kom folau, ai na gyon op.
Kom folau, ai na gyon op.
come fallout I gonna go-on up
from ash 1SG FUT rise SAT
From the ashes, I will rise.