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pronoun: you and I, you and me

from: you-me


Hod op. Den, oso na zog raun kom trikova. Yo tu: kamp raun emo tri. Artigas, yumi na ste stelt kom taim Ripa ge pul we kom emo honon. Den, oso na breik oso kru au.
Hod op. Den, oso na zog raun kom trikova. Yo tu: kamp raun emo tri. Artigas, yumi na ste stelt kom taim Ripa ge pul we kom emo honon. Den, oso na breik oso kru au.
hold up then us-all gonna Zerg around come tree-cover you-all two camp around them-all tree Artigas you-me gonna stay stealth come time Reaper get pull away come them-all hunt-one then us-all gonna break us-all crew out
stop SAT then 1PL.INCL FUT strike SAT from shadow 2PL two be.LOC SAT 3PL tree Artigas 1PL FUT be hidden until time Reaper PASS draw-away SAT from 3PL prisoner then 1PL.INCL FUT free 1PL.INCL people SAT
Stop. Then, we strike from the shadows. You two: take the trees. Artigas, you and I will remain hidden until the Reapers are drawn away from their prisoners. Then, we free our people.

Spin yu raun ona krasha-de, ai snogon. Yu na sen em in? Ste poda sof ona yumi, ste hosh yumi daun, ste shil yumi op. Yumi na kamp raun 'mo krasha snap, you. E'na ste meizen. Krei meizen.
Spin yu raun ona krasha-de, ai snogon. Yu na sen em in? Ste poda sof ona yumi, ste hosh yumi daun, ste shil yumi op. Yumi na kamp raun 'mo krasha snap, you. E'na ste meizen. Krei meizen.
spin you around on crasher-the I snog-one you gonna ? them in stay ? soft on you-me stay hush you-me down stay shell you-me up you-me gonna camp around them-all crasher snap yo them-gonna stay amazing crazy amazing
think 2SG SAT on wave-EMPH 1SG loved-one 2SG FUT hear 3SG SAT PROG padding softly under 1PL PROG quiet 1PL SAT PROG protect 1PL 1PL FUT be.LOC SAT 3PL wave quick EMPH 3SG-FUT be beautiful very beautiful
Think about the waves, my love. Can you hear them? Lapping gently beneath us, lulling us to sleep, protecting us... We'll be with the waves soon. It'll be beautiful. So beautiful.

Yumi na teik won sonraun au?
Yumi na teik won sonraun au?
you-me gonna take one sun-around out?
1PL FUT take one life SAT
Will you take a life with me?

