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noun: child; esp. one's own child

from: young-one


Skaikru don jak ething op kom ai: ai houmon, ai yongon--
Skaikru don jak ething op kom ai: ai houmon, ai yongon--
Sky-crew done jack everything up come I I home-one I young-one
Sky-people PAST take everything SAT from 1SG 1SG spouse 1SG child
Sky People took everything from me: my wife, my child-

Kefa yu nou pul yu-de op. Oso nou fish raun gon yongon.
Kefa yu nou pul yu-de op. Oso nou fish raun gon yongon.
careful you no pull you-the up us-all no fish around gone young-one
careful you NEG pull you-EMPH SAT 1PL.INCL NEG fish SAT for child
Careful not to catch yourself. We don't fish for children.

Ai laik ticha bilaik don lok yu yongon op.
Ai laik ticha bilaik don lok yu yongon op.
I like teacher be-like done look you young-one up
1SG be teacher SUBORD PAST find 2SG child SAT
I'm the teacher that found your child.

