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noun: war chief

from: war-manner


Kom skafa, you. Weron kamp raun yu wormana, gada?
Kom skafa, you. Weron kamp raun yu wormana, gada?
come ? yo where-on camp around you war-manner gatherer
of ? EMPH where be.LOC 2SG war-chief girl
Like hell it is. Where's your war chief, girl?

Osir wormana stedaun... Bandrona. Kos'a bilaik niron kom Haiplana Shilkru, hedplei gon fous-de laik ain kom taim Haihefa na stomba raun.
Osir wormana stedaun... Bandrona. Kos'a bilaik niron kom Haiplana Shilkru, hedplei gon fous-de laik ain kom taim Haihefa na stomba raun.
us-here war-manner stay-down banner-? because-I be-like near-one come high-planner shell-crew head-play gone force-the like I-one come time high-hefter gonna stomp around
1PL.EXCL war-chief dead ambassador as-1SG be member of Queen Guard rule toward army-EMPH be 1SG.POS come time king FUT wake SAT
Our war chief is dead... Ambassador. As a member of the Queen's Guard, command of the army is mine until the King awakens.

Wanheda, kom yu seiso, ai haihefa. Ai na konge'mo wormana?
Wanheda, kom yu seiso, ai haihefa. Ai na konge'mo wormana?
wind-header come you say-so I high-hefter I gonna come-get-them-all war-manner
Wanheda of 2SG request 1SG king 1SG FUT summon-3PL war-chiefs
Wanheda, as requested, my king. Shall I summon the war chiefs?
