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noun: chamber

from: wall-gather


Yu na spek daun ona disha wogeda!
Yu na spek daun ona disha wogeda!
you gonna respect down on-a this-a war-gather
2SG FUT respect SAT in this chamber
You will show respect in this chamber!

Teik wogeda-de klir.
Teik wogeda-de klir.
take war-gather-the clear
make room-EMPH empty
Clear the room.

Ha yu na komba raun hir? Trikru wogeda ste ona der.
Ha yu na komba raun hir? Trikru wogeda ste ona der.
how you gonna come-back around here tree-crew wall-gather stay in there
how 2SG FUT return SAT here Trikru room be in there
What are you doing up here? Trikru's rooms are below.
