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noun: wall

from: wall


Em laik won kom emo?
Em laik won kom emo?
them like one come them-all
3SG be one from 3PL
Is she one of them?

No, em-de laik fotowon!
No, em-de laik fotowon!
no them-there like ?-one
NEG 3SG-EMPH be bad-one
No, she's the bad one!

Kru kom Tondisi... Raun faya, oso woda klin laudnes-de kom foutaim.
Kru kom Tondisi... Raun faya, oso woda klin laudnes-de kom foutaim.
crew come TonDC around fire us-all water clean loudness-the come before-time
people from TonDC in fire 1PL.INCL wash SAT pain-EMPH from past
People of Tondc... In fire, we cleanse the pain of the past.
