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wan daun

verb: stop

from: wind down


Kep yo hodgeda in. Taim veida-de wan daun, taim oso frag 'mo op.
Kep yo hodgeda in. Taim veida-de wan daun, taim oso frag 'mo op.
keep you-all hold-gather in time elevator-the wind down time us-all ? them-all up
keep 2PL position SAT when elevator-EMPH stop SAT then 1PL.INCL kill 3PL SAT
Get in position. As soon as the elevator stops, we take them out.

Bandrona-de don ge lok op stedaun disha sonop. Em tombom don wan daun.
Bandrona-de don ge lok op stedaun disha sonop. Em tombom don wan daun.
banner-?-the done get look up stay-down this sun-up them thump-bump done wind down
ambassador-EMPH PAST PASS find SAT dead this morning 3SG heart PAST stop SAT
The Ambassador was found dead this morning. His heart stopped.

