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noun: power, strength

from: oof


Skaikru don ron emo seiso op. Du bilaik yo ste kwelen. Teik ai tich emo kaina uf yo gada in.
Skaikru don ron emo seiso op. Du bilaik yo ste kwelen. Teik ai tich emo kaina uf yo gada in.
sky-crew done run them-all say-so up dude be-like you-all stay qualiing take I teach them-all kind-of oof you-all gather in
Sky-people PAST give 3SG answer SAT 3 think 2PL be weak let 1SG teach them-all what-kind-of strength 2PL have SAT
The Sky People have given their answer. They think you are weak. Let me show them how strong you are.

Noumou. Yo beda don kep bida ufnes na ron op gon homplei. Ai ge tel op bilaik nou dina kamp raun oso luson.
Noumou. Yo beda don kep bida ufnes na ron op gon homplei. Ai ge tel op bilaik nou dina kamp raun oso luson.
no-more you-all better done kept bit-of oof-ness gonna run up gone hunt-play I get tell up be-like no dinner kamp around us-all ?
enough 2PL should save some energy FUT give SAT toward hunt 1SG PASS tell SAT SUBORD NEG food be.LOC SAT 1PL.INCL host
That's enough. I hope you've saved some energy for the hunt. I'm told our hosts have no food.

Skaikru. Ste lufa osir kru au.
Skaikru. Ste lufa osir kru au.
sky-crew stay look-for us-here crew out
Sky-people PROG search 1PL.EXCL people SAT
Skaikru. Looking for our people.

