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phrase: let's

from: let's-a


Tsa jos dula'm klin, Dakiva. Breik emo au!
Tsa jos dula'm klin, Dakiva. Breik emo au!
? just do-like-them clean Dakiva break them-all out
let-1PL.INCL just do-3SG SAT Dakiva free 3PL SAT
Let's just get this over with, Dakiva. Release them!

Ban emo shuda we en tsa shoun emo of gon Wormana.
Ban emo shuda we en tsa shoun emo of gon Wormana.
ban them-all shooter away and ? shown them-all off gone war-manner
ban 3PL weapon SAT and let's show 3PL SAT to war-chief
Take their weapons and let's introduce them to the General.

Yu en yu, ogeda kom ai. Tsa bants.
Yu en yu, ogeda kom ai. Tsa bants.
you and you all-gather come I let's-a bounce
2SG and 2SG together with 1SG let-us go
You and you, with me. Let's go.

