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noun: path, trail

from: trail


Biyo laik em na hos of gon nout, ste mafta trei kom Idon op.
Biyo laik em na hos of gon nout, ste mafta trei kom Idon op.
be-all like them gonna hustle off gone north stay come-after trail come Eden up
say be 3SG FUT go SAT toward north PROG follow path from Eden SAT
Said she was going north, following Eden's path.

Teik em in, ban disha treibloka we!
Teik em in, ban disha treibloka we!
take them in ban this-a trade-blocker away
take 3SG SAT remove this blockade SAT
Take him, lift this blockade!

Raun dei trei-de. Gonot kom stergeda ona lesad. Hosh, you.
Raun dei trei-de. Gonot kom stergeda ona lesad. Hosh, you.
around there trail-the gone-out come stair-gather on left-side hush yo
near that path-EMPH leave from stairs on left quietly EMPH
Down that way. Take the stairs on your left. Quietly.
