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noun: wheel

from: turner


Oso hit choda op nat, kom tona gou fou nau, hashta ai op hef na wan op.
Oso hit choda op nat, kom tona gou fou nau, hashta ai op hef na wan op.
us-all hit each-other up night come ton-of go before now hashtag eye up hefter gonna wind up
1PL.INCL meet each-other SAT tonight come many time before now about watch SAT man FUT die SAT
We come together tonight, as we have countless times before, to watch a man die.

Kom hir. Emo kamp raun tona-de.
Kom hir. Emo kamp raun tona-de.
come here them-all camp around turner-the
from here 3PL be.LOC SAT wheel-EMPH
Over here. They're at the wheel.

Tona laudnes, you...
Tona laudnes, you...
ton-of loudness yo
much pain EMPH
Too much pain...
