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noun: heart

from: thump-bump


Yu tombom dula laud. Em na hod op taim ai sponj em au en drein yu song daun.
Yu tombom dula laud. Em na hod op taim ai sponj em au en drein yu song daun.
you heart do-like loud them gonna hold up time I sponge them out and drain you song down
2SG heart do laud 3SG FUT stop SAT when 1SG drain 3SG SAT and drink 2SG blood SAT
Your heart beats loud. It will stop when I drain it and drink your blood.

Bandrona-de don ge lok op stedaun disha sonop. Em tombom don wan daun.
Bandrona-de don ge lok op stedaun disha sonop. Em tombom don wan daun.
banner-?-the done get look up stay-down this sun-up them thump-bump done wind down
ambassador-EMPH PAST PASS find SAT dead this morning 3SG heart PAST stop SAT
The Ambassador was found dead this morning. His heart stopped.

Feva ona ai tombom.
Feva ona ai tombom.
forever on-a I (onamatopoeia)
forever in 1SG heart
Forever in my heart.

