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noun: (one's) land

from: turf


Ai na hos op hashta ostof.
Ai na hos op hashta ostof.
I gonna hustle up hashtag all-stuff
1SG FUT hurry SAT about remainder
I'll be quick with the rest.

Lid haihefa-de gon bangeda seintaim kom ostof kom oso stedaun. Dula'm op nau.
Lid haihefa-de gon bangeda seintaim kom ostof kom oso stedaun. Dula'm op nau.
lead high-hefter-the gone banner-gather same-time come all-stuff come us-all stay-down do-like-them up now
bring king-EMPH toward embassy also with rest of 1PL.INCL dead do-3SG SAT now
Take the king to the embassy with the rest of our dead. Do it now.

Shil Haihefa-de op. Ostof, ona ai. En lid em in seintaim.
Shil Haihefa-de op. Ostof, ona ai. En lid em in seintaim.
shell high-hefter-the up all-stuff on I and lead them in same-time
protect king-EMPH SAT rest on 1SG and bring 3SG SAT also
Guard the King. The rest, on me. And bring him too.

