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adjective: thirsty, needing, hungry

from: thirsty


Roun, yu kru ste thosti kom yu na hed emo op. Dula'm op nau bilaik yu nomon na don. Teik Wanheda au. Sis em uf op. En hed yu op ona ething.
Roun, yu kru ste thosti kom yu na hed emo op. Dula'm op nau bilaik yu nomon na don. Teik Wanheda au. Sis em uf op. En hed yu op ona ething.
Roan you crew stay thirsty come you gonna head them-all up do-like-them up now be-like you number-one gonna done take wind-header out assist them oof up and head you up on everything
Roan 2SG people be needing for 2SG FUT lead 3PL SAT do-3SG SAT now as 2SG mother FUT PAST kill Wanheda SAT take 3SG power SAT and lead 2SG SAT on everything
Roan, your people are hungry for you to lead them. Do so now as your mother would have. Kill Wanheda. Take her power. And rule over everything.

Sou thosti na bos ai in em don teik ai gon bonij.
Sou thosti na bos ai in em don teik ai gon bonij.
So desperate for me to conform that he kept me in chains.
