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teik in

verb: accept; (no satellite) let, allow

from: take in


Ripa nou ge teik in hir.
Ripa nou ge teik in hir.
reaper no get take in here
murderer NEG PASS accept SAT here
Murderers are not welcome here.

Kom natronanes gon yu Heda en yu kru, yu nau na teik in Wamplei kom Thauz Kodon.
Kom natronanes gon yu Heda en yu kru, yu nau na teik in Wamplei kom Thauz Kodon.
come night-runner-ness gone you header and you crew you now gonna take in wind-play come thousand cut-one
from treason against 2SG Commander and 2SG people 2SG now FUT accept SAT death from thousand cut
For treason against your Commander and your people, you will now suffer Death by a Thousand Cuts.
