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noun: (also swison) knife, blade

from: Swiss


Sen yu swis daun, gada.
Sen yu swis daun, gada.
send you Swiss down gatherer
set-down 2SG knife SAT girl
Put your knife down, girl.

Em don kof raun gon biskova en swison.
Em don kof raun gon biskova en swison.
them done cough around gone beast-cover and swiss-one
3SG PAST trade SAT for fur and blade
She traded for fur and a blade.

Nowe bilaik Okteivia don kik thru ai swison. O dei slipen-de.
Nowe bilaik Okteivia don kik thru ai swison. O dei slipen-de.
no-way be-like Octavia done kick through I swiss-one or there slipping-the
NEG that Octavia PAST survive SAT 1SG knife or that fall-EMPH
There's no way Octavia survived my blade. Or that fall.
