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adjective: small, little

from: streak


Oso fous laik sou strik. Tomak don ge led op. Artigas nou laik gona kom nau.
Oso fous laik sou strik. Tomak don ge led op. Artigas nou laik gona kom nau.
us-all force like so streak Tomac don get laid up Artigas no like gunner come now
1PL.INCL force be EMPH small Tomac PAST PASS injure SAT Artigas NEG be warrior from now
Our numbers are too small. Tomac has been wounded. Artigas is not yet a warrior.

Moka na strik swolnes-de daun mebi.
Moka na strik swolnes-de daun mebi.
mucker gonna streak swellness-the down maybe
mud FUT reduce swelling-EMPH SAT maybe
Mud may reduce the swelling.

Ste yuj, strikon.
Ste yuj, strikon.
stay huge streak-one
be strong little-one
Be strong, little one.

