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stot au

verb: start, begin

from: start out


Oso don hod op feva. Stot au.
Oso don hod op feva. Stot au.
us-all done hold up forever start out
1PL.INCL PAST wait SAT long-time begin SAT
We've waited long enough. Begin.

Teik Sadgeda stot au. Heda stedaun.
Teik Sadgeda stot au. Heda stedaun.
take said-gather start out header stay-down
let Conclave begin SAT Commander dead
Let the Conclave begin. The Commander is dead.

Oso gonplei nou ste odon kos oso gonplei don jos stot au.
Oso gonplei nou ste odon kos oso gonplei don jos stot au.
us-all gunplay no stay all-done cause us-all gunplay done just start out
1PL.INCL fight NEG be done because 1PL.INCL fight PAST just begin SAT
Our fight is not over because our fight has (only) just begun.
