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noun: shoe

from: stepper


Ai laik dulasei hef, you, ba taim yu strechplei ste odon, taim ai na gada yu stepa in.
Ai laik dulasei hef, you, ba taim yu strechplei ste odon, taim ai na gada yu stepa in.
I like do-like-say hefter yo but time you stretch-play stay all-done time I gonna got-a you stepper in
2SG be honest man EMPH but if 2SG walking be done then 1SG FUT have 2SG shoe SAT
I'm an honest man, but if you're done walking I'll have your shoes.

Ai lukot na kep em stepa in, mochof. Ba taim yu nou kok au, [taim osir] na teik yu kep yun in.
Ai lukot na kep em stepa in, mochof. Ba taim yu nou kok au, [taim osir] na teik yu kep yun in.
I lookout gonna keep them stepper in ? but time you no ? out time us-here gonna take you keep you-one in
1SG friend FUT keep 3SG shoe SAT thank-you but if 2SG NEG resist SAT then 1PL.EXCL FUT let 2SG keep 2SG.POSS SAT
My friend will keep his shoes, thank you. But if you don't resist we'll allow you to keep yours.
