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noun: journey, travels

from: sojourn


Nou fir wamplei in; em bilaik stoda kom nes soujon noumou.
Nou fir wamplei in; em bilaik stoda kom nes soujon noumou.
no fear wind-play in them be-like starter come next sojourn no-more
NEG fear death SAT 3SG be start of next journey only
Do not fear death, for it is only the beginning of the next journey.

Nou fir wamplei in; em bilaik stoda kom nes soujon noumou.
Nou fir wamplei in; em bilaik stoda kom nes soujon noumou.
no fear wind-play in them be-like starter come next sojourn no-more
NEG fear death SAT 3SG be start of next journey only
Do not fear death, for it is only the beginning of the next journey.

Gouthru klir hashta yu soujon.
Gouthru klir hashta yu soujon.
go-through clear hashtag you sojourn
passage safe regarding 2SG journey
Safe passage on your travels.

