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noun: (one's) life

from: sun-around


Yu don ge ouyon klin kom sonraun kom disha hef gon em fotones. Kom wamplei, osir kof em op gon yu.
Yu don ge ouyon klin kom sonraun kom disha hef gon em fotones. Kom wamplei, osir kof em op gon yu.
you done get owe-one clean come sun-around come this hefter gone them ?-ness come wind-play us-here cough them up gone you
2SG PAST PASS owe SAT from life from this man for 3SG wickedness from death 1PL.EXCL give 3SG SAT to 2SG
You were owed this man's life as payment for his crimes. In death we offer him to you.

Emo don trana teik yu sonraun au. Nou ste klir na set raun hir.
Emo don trana teik yu sonraun au. Nou ste klir na set raun hir.
them-all done trying-to take you sun-around out no stay clear gonna set around here
3PL PAST try end 2SG life SAT NEG be safe FUT stay SAT here
An attempt was made on your life. It isn't safe to remain here.

Skaikru ste gouthru ona ai bana nau. Du bilaik trana kot daun daun na kof em sonraun op.
Skaikru ste gouthru ona ai bana nau. Du bilaik trana kot daun daun na kof em sonraun op.
sky-crew stay go-through on I banner now dude be-like trying-to cut that-one down gonna cough them sun-around up
Sky-people PROG going under 1SG banner now 3 SUBORD try undermine that SAT FUT pay-with 3SG life SAT
The Sky People march with us now. Anyone else who tries to undermine that will pay with their life.

