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set raun

verb: wait, stand in place; make to wait or stand in place; (reflexive) study, apply oneself to

from: sit around


No! Set raun weron yu ste kamp!
No! Set raun weron yu ste kamp!
no sit around where-on you stay camp
no stay SAT where 2SG PROG be
No! Stay where you are!

Ai get em in. Em hakom ai teik yu set raun.
Ai get em in. Em hakom ai teik yu set raun.
I get them in them how-come I take you set around
1SG know 3SG SAT 3SG why 1SG have 2SG stay SAT
I know. That's why I have you.

Emo don trana teik yu sonraun au. Nou ste klir na set raun hir.
Emo don trana teik yu sonraun au. Nou ste klir na set raun hir.
them-all done trying-to take you sun-around out no stay clear gonna set around here
3PL PAST try end 2SG life SAT NEG be safe FUT stay SAT here
An attempt was made on your life. It isn't safe to remain here.
