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noun: saying, proverb, maxim, adage, meme

from sei


Noumou. Branwoda seintaim get in taim na set yu daun.
Noumou. Branwoda seintaim get in taim na set yu daun.
no-more brown-water same-time get in time gonna sit you down
enough fool even know SAT when FUT stand-down 2SG SAT
Enough. Even a fool knows when to surrender.

Seintaim em seimbeda sleng kom baga.
Seintaim em seimbeda sleng kom baga.
same-time them same-better slang come bad-guy
even 3SG prefer language from enemy
She even prefers the enemy's language.

Gon ai nontu. Gon ai nomon. Gon ai bro. Gon ai seingeda.
Gon ai nontu. Gon ai nomon. Gon ai bro. Gon ai seingeda.
gone I number-two gone I number-one gone I bro gone I same-gather
for 1SG father for 1SG mother for 1SG brother for 1SG family
For my father. For my mother. For my brother. For my kin.

