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noun: coat, jacket

from: overcoat


Heda. Dison don kamp raun em oukou.
Heda. Dison don kamp raun em oukou.
header this-one done camp around them overcoat
commander this PAST be-in SAT 3SG coat
Commander. This was in her coat.

Os oukou.
Os oukou.
awesome overcoat
good jacket
Nice jacket.

Yu na pudon emo oukou op, ba yu nou na bilaik won kom emo nowe.
Yu na pudon emo oukou op, ba yu nou na bilaik won kom emo nowe.
you gonna put-on them-all overcoat up but you no gonna be-like one come them-all no-way
2SG FUT wear 3PL jacket SAT but 2SG NEG FUT be one from 3PL never
You can wear their jacket, but you'll never be one of them.
