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adjective: too much


Kru kom Tondisi... Raun faya, oso woda klin laudnes-de kom foutaim.
Kru kom Tondisi... Raun faya, oso woda klin laudnes-de kom foutaim.
crew come TonDC around fire us-all water clean loudness-the come before-time
people from TonDC in fire 1PL.INCL wash SAT pain-EMPH from past
People of Tondc... In fire, we cleanse the pain of the past.

Noumou. Branwoda seintaim get in taim na set yu daun.
Noumou. Branwoda seintaim get in taim na set yu daun.
no-more brown-water same-time get in time gonna sit you down
enough fool even know SAT when FUT stand-down 2SG SAT
Enough. Even a fool knows when to surrender.

Oso na sis choda au, nami?
Oso na sis choda au, nami?
us-all gonna assist each-other out know-mean
1PL.INCL FUT help each-other SAT you-know
We can help each other.

