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noun: next (one)

from: next-one


Den dula yu job op. Badan neson-de op kom we yu don badan ai op, Fleimkepa.
Den dula yu job op. Badan neson-de op kom we yu don badan ai op, Fleimkepa.
then do-like you job up bow-down next-one-the up come way you done bow-down I up Flame-keeper
then do 2SG job SAT serve next-EMPH SAT of way 2SG PAST serve 1SG SAT Flamekeeper
Then do your job. Serve the next as you have served me, Fleimkepa.

Kom hodnes yu na hon neson-de op.
Kom hodnes yu na hon neson-de op.
come hold-ness you gonna hunt next-one-the up
with love 2SG FUT find next-EMPH SAT
In love, may you find the next.
