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noun: miracle

from: ?-one


Ai giv ai op... Gon nemiyon... Kom lanik-de...
Ai giv ai op... Gon nemiyon... Kom lanik-de...
I give I up gone ?-one come Atlantic-the
1SG give 1SG sat to miracle from sea-EMPH
I give myself... to the miracle... of the sea...

Ai skiv ai op... Gon nemiyon kom... Manik deya.
Ai skiv ai op... Gon nemiyon kom... Manik deya.
I skeeve I up gone ?-one come manic ?
1SG creep 1SG SAT for miracle of horny mistake
I creep on myself... For the miracle of... A horny mistake.

Wichen gon nemiyon...
Wichen gon nemiyon...
?-ing gone ?-one
devoted to miracle
Devoted to the miracle...

