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adverb: now

from: now


Oso fous laik sou strik. Tomak don ge led op. Artigas nou laik gona kom nau.
Oso fous laik sou strik. Tomak don ge led op. Artigas nou laik gona kom nau.
us-all force like so streak Tomac don get laid up Artigas no like gunner come now
1PL.INCL force be EMPH small Tomac PAST PASS injure SAT Artigas NEG be warrior from now
Our numbers are too small. Tomac has been wounded. Artigas is not yet a warrior.

Heda, oso beda gon we kom nau. Ai na goch yu op.
Heda, oso beda gon we kom nau. Ai na goch yu op.
header us-all better gone away come now I gonna gotcha you up
commander 1PL.INCL should go SAT from now 1SG FUT escort 2SG SAT
Commander, we should leave at once. I'll escort you.

Ai don biyo nou. Pad emo daun. Nau.
Ai don biyo nou. Pad emo daun. Nau.
I done ? no pat them-all down now
1SG PAST say NEG search them-all SAT now
I said no. Search them all. Now.
