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adverb: maybe

from: maybe


Em mebi na teik oso kongeda au.
Em mebi na teik oso kongeda au.
them maybe gonna take us-all come-gather out
3SG maybe FUT destroy 1PL.INCL coalition SAT
It could kill our coalition.

Mebi. Dison laik kofgeda, you. Hanch en's fleim yu au?
Mebi. Dison laik kofgeda, you. Hanch en's fleim yu au?
maybe this-one like cough-gather yo how-much them-stay flame you out
maybe this be trading-post EMPH how-much 3SG-be be-worth 2SG SAT
Maybe. This is a trading post. What's it worth to you?

Moka na strik swolnes-de daun mebi.
Moka na strik swolnes-de daun mebi.
mucker gonna streak swellness-the down maybe
mud FUT reduce swelling-EMPH SAT maybe
Mud may reduce the swelling.

