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noun: friend

from: look-out


Nou get yu daun, Gostos. Ogeda hukop ste ifi. Bilaik yu don tel ai op otaim, oso nou dula ogonzaun op gon oso lukot.
Nou get yu daun, Gostos. Ogeda hukop ste ifi. Bilaik yu don tel ai op otaim, oso nou dula ogonzaun op gon oso lukot.
no get you down Gustus all-gather hook-up stay iffy be-like you done tell I up all-time us-all no do-like all-guns-down up gone us-all look-out
NEG worry 2SG SAT Gustus all alliance be risky as 2SG PAST tell 1SG SAT always 1PL.INCL NEG do peace SAT with 1PL.INCL friend
Stop worrying, Gustus. All alliances are risky. Like you've always told me, we don't make peace with our friends.

Ai lukot na kep em stepa in, mochof. Ba taim yu nou kok au, [taim osir] na teik yu kep yun in.
Ai lukot na kep em stepa in, mochof. Ba taim yu nou kok au, [taim osir] na teik yu kep yun in.
I lookout gonna keep them stepper in ? but time you no ? out time us-here gonna take you keep you-one in
1SG friend FUT keep 3SG shoe SAT thank-you but if 2SG NEG resist SAT then 1PL.EXCL FUT let 2SG keep 2SG.POSS SAT
My friend will keep his shoes, thank you. But if you don't resist we'll allow you to keep yours.

Kos em laik emo stringboba, Ilion. Rattop, seim bilaik Skaikru Bliden Hayon don rak oso op. Ai don frag op oso Bandrona. Don slash em swela klin. Em don bilaik ai lukot. En du na shil op kru-de don dula dison daun ste hedsweden ogeda kom emo, nami?
Kos em laik emo stringboba, Ilion. Rattop, seim bilaik Skaikru Bliden Hayon don rak oso op. Ai don frag op oso Bandrona. Don slash em swela klin. Em don bilaik ai lukot. En du na shil op kru-de don dula dison daun ste hedsweden ogeda kom emo, nami?
because them like them-all string-bobber Ilian racked-up same be-like sky-crew bleeding high-one done rack us-all up I done frag up us-all banner-? done slash them ? clean them done be-like I look-out and dude gonna shell up crew-the done do-like this-one down stay head-sweating all-gather come them-all know-what-I-mean
because 3SG be 3PL puppet Ilian controlled same as Sky-People Red Goddess PAST control 1PL.INCL SAT 1SG PAST kill SAT 1PL.INCL ambassador PAST cut 3SG throat SAT 3SG PAST be 1SG friend and someone FUT protect SAT people-EMPH PAST do this SAT be guilty together with 3PL got-it
Because he is their puppet, Ilian. Controlled, just as Skaikru's Red Goddess controlled us all. I killed our Ambassador. Cut her throat. She was my friend. And anyone who protects the people who did this are as guilty as they are.

