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noun: falsehood; weight

from: load


Flag floudon-de daun.
Flag floudon-de daun.
flag float-one-the down
signal boat-EMPH SAT
Signal the boat.

Ai bilaik woda op, floudon daun raun hir. Yu nomon na get em in.
Ai bilaik woda op, floudon daun raun hir. Yu nomon na get em in.
I be-like water up float-one down around here you number-one gonna get them in
1SG be water up boat down around here 2SG mother FUT understand 3SG SAT
I've got my hands full here. Your mother will understand.

Skaifloudon-de ste kom op... Oso ste mous prad.
Skaifloudon-de ste kom op... Oso ste mous prad.
The ship is coming... We're almost free.

