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adjective: confused

from: lost


Yu sou don set raun der en ai em op taim ai stegeda don ge flosh klin.
Yu sou don set raun der en ai em op taim ai stegeda don ge flosh klin.
you so done sit around there and eye them up time I stay-gather done get flush clean
2SG EMPH PAST stand SAT there and watch 3SG SAT when 1SG village PAST PASS massacre SAT
You stood there watching while my village was massacred.

Oso nou gaf nou gonen in. Won telon kom Roun na flosh klin ething oso don gran op hir.
Oso nou gaf nou gonen in. Won telon kom Roun na flosh klin ething oso don gran op hir.
us-all no gotta-have no gunning in one tell-one come Roan gonna flush clean everything us-all done grind up here
1PL.INCL NEG need NEG trouble SAT one word from Roan FUT destroy SAT everything 1PL.INCL PAST work SAT here
We don't need any trouble. One word from Roan could destroy everything we've worked for here.

