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lok op

verb: locate, find

from: look up


Bandrona-de don ge lok op stedaun disha sonop. Em tombom don wan daun.
Bandrona-de don ge lok op stedaun disha sonop. Em tombom don wan daun.
banner-?-the done get look up stay-down this sun-up them thump-bump done wind down
ambassador-EMPH PAST PASS find SAT dead this morning 3SG heart PAST stop SAT
The Ambassador was found dead this morning. His heart stopped.

Gon wamplei, hofli yu na lok op chit bilaik yu nou don lok up gon yu sonraun. Teik dison sheid yu klin kom friznes.
Gon wamplei, hofli yu na lok op chit bilaik yu nou don lok up gon yu sonraun. Teik dison sheid yu klin kom friznes.
gone wind-play hopefully you gonna look up ? be-like you no done look up gone you sun-around take this-one shade you clean come freeze-ness
in death may 2SG FUT find SAT what that 2SG NEG PAST find SAT in 2SG life let this shelter 2SG SAT from cold
In death, may you find what you couldn't in life. Let this shelter you from the cold.

Hofli Keryon kom Heda na shoun 'so op en shil 'so klin. Hofli oso na mafta op sampada kom Beka Pramheda na lok op oso fousen geda ona graun. Kom graun, oso na groun op. Kom folau, oso na gyon op.
Hofli Keryon kom Heda na shoun 'so op en shil 'so klin. Hofli oso na mafta op sampada kom Beka Pramheda na lok op oso fousen geda ona graun. Kom graun, oso na groun op. Kom folau, oso na gyon op.
hopefully carry-on come header gonna shown us-all up and shell us-all clean hopefully us-all gonna come-after up sand-padder come Bekka Pramheda gonna look up us-all ? gather on ground come ground us-all gonna grown up come fallout us-all gonna go-on up
may spirit from Commander FUT guide 1PL.INCL SAT and protect 1PL.INCL SAT may 1PL.INCL FUT follow SAT footstep from Bekka Pramheda FUT find SAT 1PL.INCL rightful place on earth from earth 1PL.INCL FUT grow SAT from ash 1PL.INCL FUT rise SAT
May the Spirit of the Commanders guide and protect us. May we follow in the footsteps of Bekka Pramheda to find our rightful place on this Earth. From the Earth, we will grow. From the Ashes, we will rise.

