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verb: sound, as a horn; usu. preceded by "teik"

from: loud


Yu tombom dula laud. Em na hod op taim ai sponj em au en drein yu song daun.
Yu tombom dula laud. Em na hod op taim ai sponj em au en drein yu song daun.
you heart do-like loud them gonna hold up time I sponge them out and drain you song down
2SG heart do laud 3SG FUT stop SAT when 1SG drain 3SG SAT and drink 2SG blood SAT
Your heart beats loud. It will stop when I drain it and drink your blood.

Kru kom Tondisi... Raun faya, oso woda klin laudnes-de kom foutaim.
Kru kom Tondisi... Raun faya, oso woda klin laudnes-de kom foutaim.
crew come TonDC around fire us-all water clean loudness-the come before-time
people from TonDC in fire 1PL.INCL wash SAT pain-EMPH from past
People of Tondc... In fire, we cleanse the pain of the past.

Teik em laud, tromon-de.
Teik em laud, tromon-de.
take them loud trumpet-one-the
make 3SG sound horn-EMPH
Sound the horn.
