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adjective: cool, okay, fine

from: cool


En's ku.
En's ku.
them-stay cool
3SG-be cool
It's fine.

En's ku. Ai keryon na komba raun na shil yu op.
En's ku. Ai keryon na komba raun na shil yu op.
them-stay cool I carry-on gonna come-back around gonna shell you up
3SG-be okay 1SG soul FUT return SAT FUT protect 2SG SAT
It's okay. My soul will return to protect you.

En's ku, you. Ai don tel yu op. En's kamp raun nontu ona Sonchgeda. Yu na hod em in ouder, ai swega yu klin. Nau teik yu spika slak.
En's ku, you. Ai don tel yu op. En's kamp raun nontu ona Sonchgeda. Yu na hod em in ouder, ai swega yu klin. Nau teik yu spika slak.
them-stay cool yo I done tell you up them-stay camp around number-two on sunshine-gather you gonna hold them in over-there I swear-god you clean now take you speaker slack
3SG-be okay EMPH 1SG PAST tell 2SG SAT 3SG-be be.LOC SAT father in City-of-Light 2SG FUT love 3SG SAT there 1SG swear 2SG SAT now allow 2SG mouth open
It's all right. I told you. He's with father in the City of Light. I promise you'll love it there. Now open your mouth.
