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komba raun

verb: come, approach

from: come-back around


En's ku. Ai keryon na komba raun na shil yu op.
En's ku. Ai keryon na komba raun na shil yu op.
them-stay cool I carry-on gonna come-back around gonna shell you up
3SG-be okay 1SG soul FUT return SAT FUT protect 2SG SAT
It's okay. My soul will return to protect you.

Hanch taim yu don's komba raun hir?
Hanch taim yu don's komba raun hir?
how-much time you done-stay come-by around here
how-much time 2SG PAST-PROG come SAT here
How long you been coming in here?

Ai get klin bilaik dei Azgeda nomajoka komba raun gon em.
Ai get klin bilaik dei Azgeda nomajoka komba raun gon em.
I get clean be-like there ice-gather number-one-jerker come-back around come them
1SG know SAT that that-near Ice-nation mother-fucker return SAT for 3SG
I know that Ice Nation motherfucker came back for her.

