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noun: honor


Ai don kom op hir na koma yu op.
Ai don kom op hir na koma yu op.
I done come up here gonna ? you up
I PAST come SAT here FUT honor 2SG SAT
I came to honor you.

Nou bilaik koma hir.
Nou bilaik koma hir.
no be-like ? here
NEG be honor here
There's no honor here.

Osir koma op daun bilaik slip daun kom bleirona, ba mafta op Won bilaik hef em op mou beda.
Osir koma op daun bilaik slip daun kom bleirona, ba mafta op Won bilaik hef em op mou beda.
us-here ? up that-one be-like slip down come blade-runner but come-after up one be-like heft them up more better
1PL.EXCL honor SAT that-one who fall SAT from sword but follow SAT one who wield 3SG SAT more good
We honor those who fall by the sword, but follow the One who wields it best.
