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kom op

verb: come, arrive

from: come up


Otaim yu kom op jos pas taim ai nontu gonot. Os manaplei
Otaim yu kom op jos pas taim ai nontu gonot. Os manaplei
all-time you come up just pass time I number-two gone-out awesome manner-play
always 2SG arrive SAT just after time 1SG father leave good timing
You always come right after my father leaves. Good timing.

Heda. Taim don kom op.
Heda. Taim don kom op.
header time done come up
Heda time PAST arrive SAT
Heda. It's time.

Ai laik Semet kom Trikru. Wocha kom Rendon, en ai kom op hashta raitnes.
Ai laik Semet kom Trikru. Wocha kom Rendon, en ai kom op hashta raitnes.
I like Semet come Tree-crew Watcher come Rendon and I come up hashtag rightness
1SG be Semet from Trikru chieftain from Rendon and 1SG come SAT about justice
I am Semet kom Trikru chieftain of Rendon and I come seeking justice.
