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kom au

verb: become, be, happen

from: come out


Disha hukop na frag yu op, Heda. Ai nou don na teik em kom au.
Disha hukop na frag yu op, Heda. Ai nou don na teik em kom au.
this hook-up gonna frag you up header I no done gonna take them come out
this alliance FUT kill 2SG SAT commander 1SG NEG PAST FUT let 3SG happen SAT
This alliance will cost you your life, Commander. I couldn't let that happen.

Nou kom au nou mou!
Nou kom au nou mou!
no come out no more
NEG come SAT NEG more
That's far enough!

Dison sou laik Polis raitnes, skat. Chit yu wich in na kom au? Jus drein jus daun.
Dison sou laik Polis raitnes, skat. Chit yu wich in na kom au? Jus drein jus daun.
this-one so like Polis rightness ? ? you ? in gonna come out juice drain juice down
this EMPH be Polis justice boy what 2SG believe SAT FUT happen SAT blood drink blood SAT
This is Polis justice, boy. What did you think would happen? Blood must have blood.

