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kik raun

verb: live

from: kick around


Teik em kik raun.
Teik em kik raun.
take them kick around
let 3SG live SAT
Let him live.

Yu kik raun kom kongeda, yu wan op kom kongeda.
Yu kik raun kom kongeda, yu wan op kom kongeda.
you kick around come come-gather you wind up come come-gather
2SG live SAT with coalition 2SG die SAT with coalition
Live by the coalition, die by the coalition.

Bida gonplei ste kik raun ona yu, Indra. Jus drein jus daun.
Bida gonplei ste kik raun ona yu, Indra. Jus drein jus daun.
bit-of gun-play stay kick around on you Indra juice drain juice down
some fight PROG live SAT in 2SG Indra blood drink blood SAT
There's fight in you still, Indra. Blood must have blood.

