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adjective: fucking

from: jerking


Ai gaf jok yu joken swela au.
Ai gaf jok yu joken swela au.
I gotta-have jerk you jerking ? out
1SG want rip 2SG fucking throat SAT
I want to rip your fucking throat out.

Ai na rip of steiks-de kom yu joken klaka.
Ai na rip of steiks-de kom yu joken klaka.
I gonna rip off steaks-the come you jerking clacker
1SG FUT rip SAT meat-EMPH from 2SG fucking bones
I will tear the meat off your fucking bones.

Hit ai op raun joken gapa-de.
Hit ai op raun joken gapa-de.
hit I up around ? gapper-the
meet 1SG SAT at fucking pit-EM
Meet me at the fucking pit.

