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noun: alliance

from: hook-up


Disha hukop ste get ai daun.
Disha hukop ste get ai daun.
this hook-up stay get I down
this alliance PROG worry 1SG SAT
I'm concerned about this alliance.

Nou get yu daun, Gostos. Ogeda hukop ste ifi. Bilaik yu don tel ai op otaim, oso nou dula ogonzaun op gon oso lukot.
Nou get yu daun, Gostos. Ogeda hukop ste ifi. Bilaik yu don tel ai op otaim, oso nou dula ogonzaun op gon oso lukot.
no get you down Gustus all-gather hook-up stay iffy be-like you done tell I up all-time us-all no do-like all-guns-down up gone us-all look-out
NEG worry 2SG SAT Gustus all alliance be risky as 2SG PAST tell 1SG SAT always 1PL.INCL NEG do peace SAT with 1PL.INCL friend
Stop worrying, Gustus. All alliances are risky. Like you've always told me, we don't make peace with our friends.

Disha hukop na frag yu op, Heda. Ai nou don na teik em kom au.
Disha hukop na frag yu op, Heda. Ai nou don na teik em kom au.
this hook-up gonna frag you up header I no done gonna take them come out
this alliance FUT kill 2SG SAT commander 1SG NEG PAST FUT let 3SG happen SAT
This alliance will cost you your life, Commander. I couldn't let that happen.

