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hos of

verb: go (quickly)

from: hustle off


Biyo laik em na hos of gon nout, ste mafta trei kom Idon op.
Biyo laik em na hos of gon nout, ste mafta trei kom Idon op.
be-all like them gonna hustle off gone north stay come-after trail come Eden up
say be 3SG FUT go SAT toward north PROG follow path from Eden SAT
Said she was going north, following Eden's path.

Mafta em op, ai op weron em hos of.
Mafta em op, ai op weron em hos of.
come-after them up eye up where-on them hustle off
follow 3SG SAT watch SAT where 3SG go SAT
Follow her, see where she goes.

Skaikru hos of! 's step au gon ponis! Hod emo klin!
Skaikru hos of! 's step au gon ponis! Hod emo klin!
Skaikru's moving! They're going for the farm! Stop them!
