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noun: command; rule, law

from: head-one


Du nou laik osir kru. Chomouda osir na hon hedon in kom em?
Du nou laik osir kru. Chomouda osir na hon hedon in kom em?
dude no like us-here crew ? us-here gonna hunt head-one in come them
3 NEG be 1PL.EXCL people why 1PL.EXCL FUT take order SAT from 3SG
She's not one of us. Why should we take orders from her?

Hashta soulou gonplei, bilaik won hedon noumou: du souda wan op deyon!
Hashta soulou gonplei, bilaik won hedon noumou: du souda wan op deyon!
hashtag solo gun-play be-like one head-one no-more ? shoulda wind up day-one
about alone fight be one rule only 3SG must die SAT today
In single combat, there is but one rule: Someone must die today!

Chil yu daun. Daun laik hedon.
Chil yu daun. Daun laik hedon.
chill you down that-one like head-one
stand-down 2SG SAT that be order
Stand down. That's an order.
