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noun: leader, commander, chief

from: header


Sha, Heda.
Sha, Heda.
sure header
yes commander
Yes, Commander.

Disha sontaim nou na ge wich in, Heda. Frag em op en dison laik odon.
Disha sontaim nou na ge wich in, Heda. Frag em op en dison laik odon.
this ? no gonna get ? in header frag them up and this-one like all-done
this story NEG FUT PASS believe SAT commander kill 3SG SAT and this be done
This story cannot be believe, Commander. Kill her and be done with it.

Heda gaf get em in taim bilaik em seiso laik ridiyo.
Heda gaf get em in taim bilaik em seiso laik ridiyo.
header gotta-have them in time be-like them say-so like real-deal
Commander want know 3SG SAT if that 3SG claim be true
The Commander wants to see if her claims are true.

