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hed op

verb: rule, lead

from: head up


Mema oso du bilaik hed op thauz gona kamp raun trigeda.
Mema oso du bilaik hed op thauz gona kamp raun trigeda.
remember us-all ? be-like head up thousand gunner camp around tree-gather
remember 1PL.INCL ? be lead SAT thousand warrior be.LOC SAT forest
Remember, we're the ones with a thousand warriors in the trees.

Kom taim em na stomba raun... Kom taim brana Heda na gyon op, Polis na ge hed op kom emo Bandrona kom Kongeda. Taim Azgeda mana teik em op, taim Azgeda mana teik em daun.
Kom taim em na stomba raun... Kom taim brana Heda na gyon op, Polis na ge hed op kom emo Bandrona kom Kongeda. Taim Azgeda mana teik em op, taim Azgeda mana teik em daun.
come time them gonna stomp around come time brand-new header gonna get-on up Polis gonna get head up come them-all banner-? come come-gather time ice-gather mean-to take them up time ice-gather mean-to take them down
come time 3SG FUT wake SAT come time new commander FUT ascend SAT Polis FUT PASS lead SAT of 3PL ambassador of coalition if Ice-Nation intend take 3SG SAT then Ice-Nation intend capture 3SG SAT
If he awakens... Until a new Commander can ascend, Polis is to be ruled by the Ambassadors of the Coalition. If Azgeda intends to take it, then they must take it by force.

Natblida bilaik keryon sad em op. Non sef keryon noumou na shoun raun. Non sef em ge sad in kom keryon na hed op.
Natblida bilaik keryon sad em op. Non sef keryon noumou na shoun raun. Non sef em ge sad in kom keryon na hed op.
night-bleeder be-like carry-on said them up none except-for carry-on no-more gonna shown around none except-for them get said in come carry-on gonna head up
Nightblood SUBORD spirit choose 3SG SAT none except spirit only FUT guide SAT none except 3SG PASS choose SAT by spirit FUT lead SAT
A Blackblood whom the spirit selects. None but the spirit can guide. None but the one chosen by the spirit can rule.

