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subordinating conjunction: how to

from: ha + na


Nou tel ai op ha ai na teik ai hana ogud!
Nou tel ai op ha ai na teik ai hana ogud!
no tell I up how I gonna take I ? all-good
NEG tell 1SG SAT how 1SG FUT make 1SG job done
Don't tell me how to do my job!

En tich em op ha Azgeda na skwed hana op gon Klikalida.
En tich em op ha Azgeda na skwed hana op gon Klikalida.
and teach them up how ice-gather gonna squared ? up gone clicker-leader
and teach 3SG SAT how Ice-nation FUT repay favor SAT toward Key-Bringer
And show him how Azgeda repays a favor to the bringer of the Key.

Radon. Den taim Trishanakru rak Polis op, taim yu na hon em in.
Radon. Den taim Trishanakru rak Polis op, taim yu na hon em in.
right-on then time tree-shiner-crew rack Polis up time you gonna hunt them in
good then when Trishanakru control Polis SAT then 2SG FUT find 3SG SAT
Good. Then when Trishanakru controls Polis, you will have it.

