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gada in

verb: have, own

from: gather in


Skaikru don ron emo seiso op. Du bilaik yo ste kwelen. Teik ai tich emo kaina uf yo gada in.
Skaikru don ron emo seiso op. Du bilaik yo ste kwelen. Teik ai tich emo kaina uf yo gada in.
sky-crew done run them-all say-so up dude be-like you-all stay qualiing take I teach them-all kind-of oof you-all gather in
Sky-people PAST give 3SG answer SAT 3 think 2PL be weak let 1SG teach them-all what-kind-of strength 2PL have SAT
The Sky People have given their answer. They think you are weak. Let me show them how strong you are.

Yo souda bants kom disha geda. Teik au chit bilaik yo na gada in en gonot. O yo na wan op kom seim fayogon don frag oyo bro en sis op.
Yo souda bants kom disha geda. Teik au chit bilaik yo na gada in en gonot. O yo na wan op kom seim fayogon don frag oyo bro en sis op.
you-all so-done bounce come this gather take out ? be-like you-all gonna gather in and gone-out or you-all gonna wind up come same fire-gun done frag all-you-all bro and sis up
2PL must leave from this place take SAT what SUBORD 2PL FUT carry SAT and leave or 2PL FUT die SAT from same gun PAST kill PL-2PL brother and sister SAT
You all must leave this place. Take what you can carry and go. Or you'll die by the same guns that killed your brothers and sisters.

Hosh op! Emo kripon kom Maun nou na ge gada in kom won hef.
Hosh op! Emo kripon kom Maun nou na ge gada in kom won hef.
hush up them-all creep-one come mountain no gonna get got-a in come one hefter
be-silent SAT 3PL crime of Mountain NEG FUT PASS answer SAT by one man
Silence! The crimes of the Mountain cannot be answered by one man.
