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adverb: happily, gladly

from: for-sure


Sha, oso sou du. Hashta, hakom Wanheda ste kik raun? Seintaim dison laik yu kwelnes, Azgeda na step op foshou.
Sha, oso sou du. Hashta, hakom Wanheda ste kik raun? Seintaim dison laik yu kwelnes, Azgeda na step op foshou.
yeah us-all so do hashtag how-come Wanheda stay kick around same-time this-one like you quail-ness Ice-gather gonna step up for-sure
yes 1PL.INCL EMPH do about why Wanheda PROG live SAT if this be 2SG weakness Azgeda FUT interfere SAT gladly
Yes, we do. For example, why is Wanheda still alive? If this is your weakness again, Azgeda will happily step in.

Foshou yu Seda don tel yu na fig op shanen voudon. Yu dula’m op?
Foshou yu Seda don tel yu na fig op shanen voudon. Yu dula’m op?
I’m sure your Seda told you to think good thoughts. Are you?
