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fis op

verb: heal, cure

from: fix up


Fop don ge fis op snap, yo sou get em in.
Fop don ge fis op snap, yo sou get em in.
faux-pas done get fix up snap you-all so get them in
mistake PAST PASS fix SAT quick 2PL EMPH know 3SG SAT
A mistake that was quickly rectified, as you well know.

Heda-de beda spek em daun gon Azgeda, you. Osir get in ha osir nou na fis op nou ginteik gon osir baga.
Heda-de beda spek em daun gon Azgeda, you. Osir get in ha osir nou na fis op nou ginteik gon osir baga.
Header-the better respect them down gone Ice-gather yo us-here get in how us-here no gonna fix up no give-and-take gone us-here bad-guy
Commander-EMPH should bow 3SG SAT for Azgeda EMPH 1PL.EXCL know SAT how 1PL.EXCL NEG FUT make SAT NEG treaty with 1PL.EXCL enemy
The Commander should bow before Azgeda. We know not to make treaties with our enemies.

Gona ai don fis op ste klir.
Gona ai don fis op ste klir.
gunner I done fix up stay clear
warrior 1SG PAST cure SAT be safe
The warrior I cured is safe.

